Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit visit Marine Simulation Centre

On the last day of visit to Canada, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visited Marine Simulation Centre at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland on November 10, 2016 in St. John's.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit at Marine Simulation Centre, Princess wore Christian Louboutin beige shoes, Valentino cost, and valentino dress, Mayla clutch bag
Crown Princess Mette-Marit at Marine Simulation Centre, Princess wore Christian Louboutin beige shoes, Valentino cost, and valentino dress, Mayla clutch bag
Crown Princess Mette-Marit at Marine Simulation Centre, Princess wore Christian Louboutin beige shoes, Valentino cost, and valentino dress, Mayla clutch bag
Crown Princess Mette-Marit at Marine Simulation Centre, Princess wore Christian Louboutin beige shoes, Valentino cost, and valentino dress, Mayla clutch bag
Crown Princess Mette-Marit at Marine Simulation Centre, Princess wore Christian Louboutin beige shoes, Valentino cost, and valentino dress, Mayla clutch bag
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway visited the Hall of Memorial University in St. John's.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway visited the Hall of Memorial University in St. John's.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway visited the Hall of Memorial University in St. John's.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway visited the Hall of Memorial University in St. John's.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway visited the Hall of Memorial University in St. John's.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway attended a business reception in St. John's, Newfoundland.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway attended a business reception in St. John's
Self-Portrait Multicolour Flower Garden Contrast Panel Guipure Lace Dress
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway attended a business reception in St. John's
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway attended a business reception in St. John's
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway attended a business reception in St. John's

Self-Portrait Multicolour Flower Garden Contrast Panel Guipure Lace Dress

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  1. Ze mag die ceinture niet in de jas doen. In feite is die jas helemaal niet mooi.

  2. I really dont like it;the color, the belt...looks cheap to me

  3. Ça pourrait être bien si c'était à sa taille et avec une coiffure de femme .Pas d'écolière !

  4. Total fail of colour, cut and material, horrible tailor work, look at the hemline. I am shocked! Who on earth sells this to her?? I mean any honest salesman on this world, would have to say, honestly, Madam, I can't sell this to you. And I won't even start to talk about the mismatching accessoires, blouse, clutch, the belt again, the shoes, the ridiculous can't get any worse!! The hair!! no make-up, who let's her leave the house like this?? this is beyond me! And again, no bra!! Honestly, I know international business a little, would she turn up like this on a business meeting her boss would ask her for a report and ask her, Madam, are you sure, everything is okay with you at the moment? Shocking!

    1. Wow! You have great vision, if you can "see" that Mette Marit isn't wearing a bra, can you see what colour her knickers are?

    2. Beth i totally agree with you; bra or not is just a mess!

  5. I think the problem with Princess Mette-Marit's wardrobe is tailoring.

    She is criticized for not wearing makeup (when it can be aging and artificial) and for not wearing a supportive bra (when bras can be uncomfortable and breast immobilization is inherently unhealthy).

    If Princess Mette-Marit chooses to be herself - a natural woman who values health and is proud enough of her natural body to go on public engagements without trussing and painting herself - then she is a much better role model than many royal ladies.

    Maybe she understands royal duties better than most if she is open to present herself AS HERSELF (which is modestly dressed, smiling, dignified, and kind) to the people she meets.

    If Princess Mette-Marit had a better tailor there would be better-fitting clothing without the need for a push-up bra, the lines of the clothing would be smooth and flattering, and the colors she enjoys wearing would be trimmed or accessorized to flatter her more.

    Princess Mette-Marit has never flashed her bottom on international engagements, she is not startlingly thin, has not had plastic surgery, is informed and warm in her royal duties, and has a good eye for fabrics. She is creative with her wardrobe and doesn't overwhelm the people she is visiting with startling colors, sky-high heels, distracting hairstyles, big jewels, heavy makeup, or unnatural postures.

    I agree that her clothes should fit her better. I find the rest of the criticisms against her to be outdated, frankly. She is a working person and generally no one should be concerned about a woman's natural breasts or girth or the color of her suit in the workplace.

    1. Mostly agree with what you say about her, the person. She should however have clothes that fit better and are more colorful, and change her hairstyle.

    2. I agree about a lot of things. I especially respect in her that she had no plastic surgery (probably QEII and Mathilde are the only high profile ones who haven't had either) and that she has a very transparent, humble attitude from the very beginning of her princess-in-waiting days.
      This is however a fashion blog so no wonder people comment on her looks :)
      About this particular one, the belt is such an obviously unnecessary addition I don't even get why she put it on to begin with. The pockets on the coat are drab, also unnecessary, to be honest I think any pocket this big looks clumsy on any piece of clothing and any wearer. And I don't know if the frills are part of the coat or just peeking out of it, whichever it is, it doesn't look good.
      Her clutch is gorgeous however, colour and all.
      I think the coat's colour isn't bad either. What I'd do to make it look ok: remove the belt, the pockets, instead of the blighted, pale brooch put on a showy-blingy red piece (costume jewellry would perfectly do) and put on a tiny bit of red lipstick. I'm generally not a fan of lots of makeup but this is the exact situation when it would look perfect. Also, I'm not a big fan of scarves or shawls on royal ladies but this would even look more chic with a smaller deep red silk pashmina around her neck.

    3. @ C onlyC, Did you ever hear about Chantelle or Simone Perele or La Perla bras.
      So exceptionally good and so nice you will never want to take them off. Try and you will agree with me.
      I am pretty sure Mette-Marit has enough money to buy them and look ...nicer.

    4. I like the color but not the style of the dress. I think pale colors suits her better when you look at her face, color of hair and her pale lipstick.

    5. ZL, precisely because this is a fashion blog I posted my comment. Is fashion supposed to ignore breast health, function, preference, realistic physique, and tailoring?

      If so, what is fashion? If it is an ideal then the working royal persons whose activities are covered in this blog should probably not be included. If a person is working then they must feel comfortable and well-represented in their attire.

      If this a purely fashion blog then unwearable runway fantasies should be reviewed instead of working persons who perform engagements in wind, cold, humidity, close quarters, in grand halls and soft lawns.

    6. @ C OnlyC "If a person is working then they must feel comfortable and well-represented in their attire."
      I agree, but both is not the case here. Clothes that are at least one size too small and too tight are not comfortable. Considering the occasion - they were visiting a fishery! - and the weather, she would have been much more comfortable in let's say a wool midi length skirt, a long turtleneck jumper with a low broad belt and a pair of suede boots with moderate high block heels instead of these slippery pumps, the outfit completed with a cape and a matching clutch, a hint of colour on the lips just to freshen up the look. Nobody wants her to wear heavy make-up during the day, as she represents the more natural type, which is totally ok.
      You are pointing out that going braless is good for the breasthealth - I do know these arguments, regarding the lymphstream and more. But it is not true for a woman with heavier breasts. She will benefit from a good bra to prevent neck and back pain, apart from the fact that most clothes look better with good underwear.

    7. Many points I can agree totally. Her biggest problem is tailoring. This coat is very bad choice in every aspect. Although pale colors are good to MM, they should be cold colors, this color is not becoming at all, it washes her face tones away. But the color is not as bad as tailoring. I think the fabric is silk and still it looks like hundred times recyclet crimplene.

    8. She needs a better bra. Especially for someone who has bad back problems, the worst possible thing she can do is go braless or with less support walking around with them drooping practically to her waist. Like Kristina said, there are plenty of amazing supportive bras that she could and should buy. She's a CROWN PRINCESS, there is no excuse for her to be walking around looking as horrible as she does. I'm sorry but it's inexcusable in my opinion, she has one job when she's out on official engagements and that's to represent her country. Half of that is appearance, no one is saying she should starve herself down to 90lbs, but for gods sake she needs to lose some weight, buy a better wardrobe (not like she can't afford it) and do something about that hair!

  6. Wishy-washy, to say the least. She's getting bashed all over the place, her fault really.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Less-than-ideal fit, drab non-colour, unflattering neckline, the thin belt is totally lost on the coat, and both disproportionate to the large purse and mis-matching with shoes. Hair uninspiring.
    At least though, it´s not a hippie dress. And I have no issues with the coat´s material, her make-up, minimalist jewellery or her overall poise. And as for the bra-debate - she´s clearly wearing one, you can see it in the last photo.

  9. I hate to add one more unfavorable comment, but she looks dull and boring.
    The color was a terrible choice, the belt cheapened the look,the fit is all wrong, and she needed a little makeup.

    She needed to put forth a better effort.

  10. Outfit (and thoughts on it) aside, I adore this clutch!

  11. I think she does care how she looks , it is just not the best taste in clothes.

  12. Pour Mette Marit...she is beautuful. But many problems with her perfomance. I don't understand why her personal assistant or royal family said nothing

  13. Mette Marit, you have to go on strick diet. If you are thin, it's easier find a dress appropriate

    1. Maria, shame on you! No one should have to go on a diet just because they are Royal and in the public eye. I realize this is a Fashion Blog; so I have to ask myself -- how well are some of you dressed when you appear, tour and speak in public? Trust me, it's not that easy to put yourself out there for the world to criticize when you are trying to represent a country, or an elected official and carry out a goodwill mission. Interest and sincerity beat out fashion any day or the week!

  14. @ Maria, I was condemned for saying that about Mette- M yesterday. For some people on this blog talking about weight it is "Achilles Heel".

  15. I really hope MM didn't pay a lot of money for that coat because it's awful. The color, fabric, and tailoring on it is hohorrendous. Does she not have a stylist? Who is advising her? Her style is wrong.

  16. For several days I have been reading what I consider mean spirited, cruel comments about Mette Marit.

    Mette Marit is a “normal” woman albeit a Crown Princess leading a life most of us cannot imagine. My point however is that Mette Marit is a woman with a perfectly natural, normal figure for a woman of her age, weight and height, and like QE2 she is well endowed.

    Unfortunately we now live in a society where we are so used to seeing images of women and girls whose weight is below what is considered healthy that we now cannot tell what is normal, what is healthy. Women whose body weight is normal are now considered “plus sized” which is ridiculous and scary.

    Most women do not look like Letizia, and if you think they do, strip down, turn on the lights, and have a really good look in the mirror. Are you as toned and muscular as Letizia, as boyish as Kate, as athletic as Mary, as curvy in all the right places as Maxima, as pear shaped as Mathilde, as plump as the lovely Maria Teresa or average like Mathilde? Once you are dressed, go outside and have a good look at the women around you. Women come in all shapes and sizes and no one should dictate what size we should be, except Medical Practitioners for health reasons.

    Mette Marit isn’t a fashion plate like Letizia, Mary or Maxima. Mette Marit has an “interesting” style, she can look amazing at special events such as weddings and christenings, but on a day to day basis not so much, however that is her prerogative. Some women take great care in their appearance and some women don’t and often this has no correlation at all to their occupations. A CEO might spend less time and money on her appearance than the woman who works at your local grocery store; it all comes down to a matter of choice and interest, which is how it should be.

    As women we shouldn’t knock women who aren’t interested in fashion and their personal appearance just because we are interested in fashion and style, its okay to say we don’t like an outfit or a pair of shoes or a hairstyle, but belittling a woman because of her weight or because we don’t think she is “stylish” enough is wrong. What a woman does with her life is more important than what she wears and as women we should know that.

    1. @it's me. Firstly I would like to compliment you,on your well thought-out and well worded comment. Yours words, I hope will resonate with many, and if they don't, they should !

    2. Are you saying that it's impossible to have a nice looking body? I beg to differ. My body looks better then Letizia and Kate's not bragging in the least just speaking the truth. I'm getting so tired of women going around saying things like "fat is beautiful" "real women have curves" because it's a bs! Yes women come in all different shapes and sizes but don't sit there and pretend like that it's rare if not impossible to have a slim great looking body. Because it's just not true. When out shopping I see more thin women than I do fat. We live in a culture now where everyone is so concerned about being politically correct and scared about hurting everyone's sensitive feelings, people need to get over themselves.

    3. Completely agree with you!

    4. Hear hear! đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź Must say this blog gets nastier and nastier by the day. This is not a good choice by Mette, but take a chill pill people! No reason to go overboard with ugliness. Take Mettes pink frock, on other royal blogs that dress get a lot of great feedback. ĂŽn here slaughtered because she has boobs and a belly! As most of the women on the planet. Even in the royal houses. Everybody know Mette have back problems, big boobs and her posture is not like Letizias ruler or boobs on display. That doesn't mean she can't go in pencil dress. She can and so do everybody else with a belly and big boobs. Would like to see what these perfect lady judges look like. Even her silver Erdem was trashed by the usually gang in here and everybody else in other blogs and magazines praised her choice and her looks in that. So what does that tell us?

    5. Ok, I agree there is nothing terrible going on with MM, just a couple of not the luckiest dress/dress size choices and maybe a couple of extra pounds - I actually liked that pink dress and this pale blue coat, without the belt and the pockets is a piece I like too. But for your question "what does that tell us" there is just one answer: that tastes differ, opinions move on a wide and never objective range.

    6. Neither is Letizia "toned and muscular" nor is Kate "boyish". Kate is too thin (especially for a mother-or-two), that is true, but she is not "boyish". Every woman has her own bone structure. Both Letizia and Kate are elegant.

  17. I can remember a year or two ago this princess was standing on a beach with small waves breaking round her ankles kissing Prince Haakom. She looked tremendous and seems very romantic but something happened. Wearing the bikini top her boobs were two/three sizes smaller than at the moment. There can be many reasons why her body changed for example hormones, hysterectomy etc. I do feel sorry for her, but any woman fat or slender can still dress that suites their posture or built whether it is peer, apple shape, tall, short big or small breast. The comments on plastic surgery of royal ladies, good for them.

  18. I would like to make a positive comment. Mettle Marit is wearing a small forget-me-not pin that we Newfoundlanders wear at Remembrance Day (November 11) and on Canada Day (July 1) in honour of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment whose ranks were decimated on July 1, 1916, at the Battle of Beaumont Hamel in World War 1. We also wear the traditional poppies, but this is our particular act of remembrance. I found it very touching that she should join us in this gesture of sympathy. Nothing else she wore mattered after that for me.

    1. This is really nice. I didn't know that and made a not-so-kind comment about the brooch, I'm sorry for that, really.

  19. Oh my we have new photos of the Self Portrait dress. I wish you had put this in a new post because most will not see this new dress.

    No no no no! I really hate the dress. Omg it is awful. Is she going for the school marm look? It is completely not a look for her! It is too young too bland and it is UGLY!

    OH MM who is dressing you ??

    The collar, the mid section black, the weird print flower? The belted look. It is all a mess.

    Disappointing ....again

    1. Agree with you Diane, I like her hair color and earrings on new photos only.


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