Prince Albert and Princess Charlene attended annual Red Cross charity events

Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco currently attends various events before celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016. At the Redcross charity event which is one of the events held before national day celebrations, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Monaco Red Cross headquarters on November 17 and presented various gifts to the residents of the Monaco. Celebrations of Monaco National Day will take place on November 19.
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco met with refugees after a gift-giving event to Monaco's resident at the headquarters of the Monaco Red Cross in Monaco.
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Celebrations of Monaco National Day 2016 ceremony on November 19. Princess Charlene, Charlotte Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie
Princess Charlene wore JIMMY CHOO Red Suede Pointy Toe PumpsPrincess Charlene Jewellery DIOR Tribales Earrings
              JIMMY CHOO Suede Pointy Toe Pumps                      DIOR Tribales Earrings

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  1. Perfect outfit for Red Cross charity event. It looks like white hospital gown.

    1. Ha ha ha! You are right!

    2. Swallowed up in that coat.

    3. Jealous and spiteful.!!!!?? Charlene is riding high while the aging uk one is already forgotten. !!!

    4. Shut up Susan. Your are looking for a fight. However I do not talk with planks.

  2. she is not able to smile, is she? she always looks as if she has a bad headache...

  3. she is not able to smile, is she...that´s a pity. She always looks as if she has a bad headache

    1. Birgit, I do not think she has a headache. I think she has a heartache. Look at the expression of her eyes.

  4. Stunning and chic Princess Charlene!!

  5. As a matter of fact that shade of red lipstick doesn't suit Princess Charlene.

  6. Bitte weniger Botox, bitte, bitte. Ihr Gesicht wird immer kĂĽnstlicher, schade.

    1. I agree and said so but the admin did not post my comment.

    2. I totally agree TLL she in no way resembles the person who first set foot in Monaco. Her face has changed year upon year and it doesn't matter how you try to 'sweeten' the comments, she just does not look in any way natural because she isn't ( face I'm talking about)

  7. Ich glaube ihre Berater meinen es einfach nicht gut mit ihr.

  8. It really hurts me to see how she is changing ...

  9. I like Charlene but she is really becoming too plastic if i may use that term. Her face is like a mask. She usually gets her outfits absolutely on mark, but this big white coat just eats her up. She probably has a nice dress on underneath but we can't see it. I am not a big fan of red lipstick so I don't think I would like it on anyone. I am probably one of the only people who think her hair is too short but I do agree she can pull it of like no other. She has lost some of her softness lately.

    1. Picture 6. Zoom in and she has no lines along her forehead, jawline, mouth ....there is no definition. She is TIGHT. No room to really smile big or expression. She needs to slow down with this. She is beautiful. Enough.

    2. Yes,she was/ is quite good looking woman so why to have Botox injections being 38 years old I can not understand.
      Sure, I agree it is good idea to do all this things with the face but not when you are still young.

    3. I agree Kristina!

      A dear friend whos younger (30) has been using Botox since she was 19. This is ridiculous! I say the esthestician and MD should be ashamed to allow such a young girl who had NO issues to use Botox. She is now beginning to look 'plastic'. When she is my age it will not be pretty to see. Her face is so porcelain looking like marble on a statute in Roma.

      Makes me very angry.

    4. Oh Diane that is very sad to hear! I just don't get the whole Botox plastic surgery thing at all. I'm not a fan in any way shape or form. Give me a natural look any day. There is something lovely about an ageing woman with lines. It shows her life right there. What on earth are we turning into as a society if people think this is the way to go??


  10. Botox botox. Is she asking Diane or kristiana to pay!! So zip it!!!

    1. Crawl back under your rock Susan. No one cares what you say dear. Bless Your Heart


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