Official visit of Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit to Canada

On the third day of the official visit to Canada, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visited the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto. MaRS Discovery District is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 2000. The Crown Prince and Princess visited centre for Social Innovation, and attended a business luncheon in Toronto, Canada. 09 November 2016.
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag
Christian Louboutin Shoes, Booties, Pumps winter collection 2017, gold diamond earring, Prada Coat, dress, Prada clutch bag

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  1. That dress is to tight for her
    Please try Natan Plus. Or find fashion consultant

    1. @ Maria, dress is not too tight for her,it is Mette who is too fat for that dress!

    2. Sorry, but you choice of words is not kind. Her slightly fuller figure is totally ok for a woman in her forties. A few pounds less would be better, but in no way is she 'fat'. We are so used to size zero models, that we forget, the average woman does not look like that, nor should she starve herself to skin and bones.Thats not healthy. What she needs are clothes that fit to her body, she needs another cut, another line.
      What I simply don't understand is, that she gets no counseling when bying these clothes. Like any of us, she would try on, before she buys, or doesn't she try them on? I start to think, she orders online and rejects any advice.

    3. Hahaaa Kristina

      That is a truth. Again a tight belted dress that is not good for her body type. Also she needs some color. The bottom of her Louies doesn't count 🙄

    4. Not a very nice comment Kristina.

    5. @ Beth and all the others who like fat looking women, " slightly fuller figure" is not okay for any woman any age. Look her stomach, belly her out of shape breast, it looks awful... for any woman. It is still something between being fat and just skin and bones, between size zero and size 22. Besides that we are here to right our comments whether they are nice or not.

    6. Of course Diane it is true. I can't even imagine to be that fat as she is. It is the most awful look for a woman... any age!

    7. Kristina Wagner; MM is nowhere near size 22 as you too very well know.

      I cannot understand this culture where it is OK to be sick with anorexia and get then all the praises when everybody can see it is sickness and anything but healthy, just normal figure woman gets that kind of spite like MM gets here. I think MM gives very good message to every normal girl and woman to be just what you are.

  2. Pooh on the black clutch & belt, the dress is nice but she needs a better bra, and the hair leaves a lot to be desired.

  3. First of all she needs badly to go on the strict diet. Her dresses would look much better on slimmer body.
    PS. She should contact Maxima !

    1. That's very unkind. While Maxima is very stylish, she's not exactly slim either. Most of the flowing-style skirts she wears make her hips look quite large. With her hips, she would do better to stick with straight lines.

    2. Yes you are right,Kristina. Maxima is very helpful person. She can help Mette.

    3. She is heathy woman, she does not be anorectic like some of our ladies.

    4. @ Reilly F., Maxima obviously went on diet and is slim, so much slimmer than before. Skirts, some style of skirts makes her hips look bigger but not vice versa.
      Unkind would be if I was laughing at her and I am absolutely not.

      @ Blondiini, not any royalties are suffering from anorexia, some are slim or very slim simply because they care how they look.

    5. Kristina Wagner; we all know that Victoria had anorexia some years ago, it was diagnosed and told us public. It took some years her to recover. Also anybody with eyes can see that Letizia lately, when we have seen pictures of her without sleeves, is suffering very serious eating problems. All the bones and musckles are just sticking out when there is no normal body fat left. Her face is so much operated and stuffed that her face does not tell the truth, but other body parts do.

    6. Well then we might as well go the extra mile and say that Kate obviously has eating issues as well. It's been far too long that people are so ok with calling someone fat but being too afraid to call someone too skinny. Anyone with eyes can plainly see that those two women do not have healthy eating habits. Call it like it is a duck is a duck, a bird is a bird, and fat is just fat!

    7. Penelope; for certain reasons I have seen quite a lot anorexia in my life. After that knollage I would say Catherine is thin but is not ill. Letizia is totally different case.

    8. Blondiini, I as well an very very familiar with eating disorders and can say that just because she doesn't look ill, doesn't mean she isn't. When she was suffering from HG in her pregnancies, one of the main causes of it is women with below normal BMI. I have seen someone who looks perfectly healthy by normal standards who have died from eating disorders. Kate is not well, now that is just my opinion but someone who had a naturally curvy body (Google pics of her from university) then looking shockingly thin in a very small amount of time is alarming. I try not to say too much about Kate's weight but it's clear that she has unhealthy eating and exercise habits. Go on an anorexia support site and see their opinions on Kate. All think she's secretly suffering, I honestly feel sorry for her because she had a perfectly fine body before she started starving herself. Because of what Diana went through everyone is too afraid to say something but honesty she needs help.

    9. Blondinii siempre atacando a Letizia, se trate de lo que se trate. ¿CĂłmo se atreve a decir que la Reina Letizia está enferma o tiene mala alimentaciĂłn? ¿Acaso es usted su mĂ©dico? ¿Tiene acceso a sus analĂ­ticas? Usted sĂłlo juzga por fotos y la insulta porque no le cae bien. ¿Acaso ella le debe dinero? Es increĂ­ble el odio que desprende cada una de sus palabras.
      Kate está tan delgada como Letizia y Rania y Beatrice Borromeo y Carlotte Cashiragi y Marie de Dinamarca... pero usted lo niega, bah.

    10. Angie; ¿Estoy cada vez attacing contra Letizia cuando digo la primera vez en este blog que mantener su apariencia no es saludable. Pero su respuesta fue por supuesto muy esperada, no se puede ver nada más que su muy alabada reina en Letizia. Su condiciĂłn no tiene que ir mucho peor y usted está sin reina allĂ­ en España.

      En realidad, mi punto de vista no eran los problemas de Letizia, sino tratar de decirle a Kristina lo desagradable que son sus comentarios aquĂ­ ahora con intentar hacerle pensar que ella podrĂ­a decir esas cosas para las que son delgadas. Nunca podrĂ­a reĂ­rme de la condiciĂłn de Letizia o usar tales signos de exclamaciĂłn sobre ella o el peso de nadie.

      Same in English: Am I every time attacing against Letizia when I say the very first time ever in this blog that I keep her appearance not healthy. But your answer was of course very much expected, you can not see anything but your highly praised queen in Letizia. Her condition does not need to go much worse and you are without queen there in Spain.

      Actually my point even was not Letizia´s problems but to try to tell Kristina how unpolite her comments here now are with trying to make her think could she ever say those things for thin ones. I could never laugh at Letizia´s condition or use such a amouth exclamation marks about her or anybody´s weight.

    11. @ Blondiini
      Do not exaggerate about my comments.You don't like the word "fat" then do not use it.
      You are not here to teach the others, understood?

  4. I don´t like the colour of the dress (nude dresses shouldn´t exist), but I like her streak of solid-colour choices on this tour. Less patterns, less frilly bits, less details, less embellishment. Less is more. Looking more sophisticated, more elegant. Now, just get matching accessories and you´re good. (why she combined nude shoes, brown belt and black purse is beyond me.)
    This dress (made 5cm shorter) in a stronger colour (navy? burgundy? teal?), with accessories all matching, would have looked fabulous.
    Hair? Oh well.

  5. She needs dresses cut in a different way, she also needs a change in hayr style...and some jewels, some sparkle.

  6. I am not a fan of strict diets, because they often end up in a backlash, gaining even more weight. People are different and for some women over forty it is not easy to loose weight. But I agree, it would do her good to loose a few pounds, this can be achieved quite easily with a good nutrition plan according to her needs and a light workout. Why not hire a personal trainer who can cover both topics? I would think there is enough money for that. And with a better posture her clothes would fall better. I think she can't really walk on these heels, she always seems to lean forward and shrugs the shoulders forward. Either buy shoes you can really walk in or do a little catwalk training - this is fun ;-)) And most important, buy clothes in your size and wear a good shapewear underneath.
    Regarding these advices, the dress would have been ok (without the belt)I always like the soft colours on MM, but I wish she would go for a more modern hairstyle.

    1. @ Beth, it is well known that to loose weight you have to eat much less. Personal trainer and workout alone will not help.

  7. Hate to say it but MM is too full figured to wear dresses that fit her body. Especially with a belt, she looks at least 8 months pregnant. MM needs to get a good nutritionist and a personal trainer so she can drop some weight. She doesn't need to be stick thin but it wouldn't hurt if her she lost about 20-30lbs. Her clothes would look so much better on her. Also the platinum blonde hair needs to go, she needs a darker shade.

  8. Heel of shoe damage. Don't look good

  9. She does not need to go on a diet. They don't all need to be skinny. She can be a model for other women as she is. She just needs clothes that fit her particular body structure and highlight her best features.

    1. @ A.G. You must be joking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      When you are fat you do not have "best features", you are just FAT

    2. Kristina, you have some serious issues with weight youself, it does not need to be your weight it can be in your head. That spite of weight issues is not normal.

    3. Ha ha...Kristina you are absutely right ! I totaly agree with everything you said.

    4. @ Blondiini, I am perfectly normal and SLIM. Usually fat people do not want to hear about "weight issue".

    5. Why on earth someone has to be skinny? have you ever concidered that she could have a thyrod problems and gets truly hard for her to.loose some extra pounds? is not the end of the world if she has a full figure and untill is ok for herself and her husband thats all that matters!! All she needs is to find the right type of clothes for her bodylicious figure. Thats what this blog is about,to talk about fashion not to call someone fat no matter who this person is.

    6. I did not write you are over weight, I wrote you have weight issue in your head. Your react here to Mette Marit is not normal, it gets so much over.

    7. Stephania you write just what I mean. People could be accepted with different weights, hights, colors, age etc. With clothes there are certain things what can be done to make person look good. Certain cuts, hem lenght, colors what are becoming to person. Same cloth does not look good for everybody.

  10. I just want to say last thing , we are here to make comments. I do not expect everyone to agree with my comments and so you should not expect me to agree with your comments.
    Everybody likes different fashion, different styles and different colors or... different body shapes.

    1. Read you comments here again Kristina, please. All those exclamation marks, laugh and insults. Turn the table around and try to put the same writing to let us say commenting of Letizia and her thinness and minimal weight. Then think again are all your comments correct.

    2. First of all I did not laugh and.people here made many times comments about Letizia"s and Kate and others also. . I do understand everybody likes something different. Why should I get angry, far from it.

  11. Hm, this conversation went away a bit on a rough road...
    I think MM could lose some weight. I wouldn't call her fat, that is a different level for me but she certainly has put on some weight. Then again, Kristina, please don't forget that some women have such significant and definitive hormonal changes during and after pregnancy and giving birth that although they can lose weight, it is almost impossible for them to go back to their "before" shape. My mum went back to her normal size after her third child everywhere (legs, arms, back parts etc.) except her tummy where she could never really regain her original "flatness". And I think there are far worst cases than hers.
    Then again, in my opinion Letizia's overdieted stick thin figure is a much more unpleasant sight to behold (especially when her arms are on display and not covered) and a thousand times more alarming medically than MM's.
    Generally speaking I agree with you it is a total madness that you are not allowed to say so when someone is clearly fat or too skinny. It's a plainly stupid, irrealistic, unreasonable PC-thing. Any person with a common sense understands that it's not when someone says "you're fat" is the issue but when someone says "you're ugly fat".

    1. @ Zl. you are right "conversation went away a bit on a rough road" But I still think if we are allowed to say that others are too slim why are we not allowed to say some are too fat? It is simply silly .

    2. As a matter of fact, some commenters here attacked me quite hardly when I said that "I think Letizia is overdoing a bit the dieting". I was called a body shamer and that wasn't the worst. So I don't see "we are allowed to say that others are too slim" either.
      My point is, I agree MM could lose some weight but I don't agree with you when you use the word fat. I too sigh and shake my head when I sense that political correctness is overflowing but you might consider other commenters' opinions in regards to the selection of your words, their tone, their hardness. Of course nobody expects you to just change your opinion however you are clearly an intelligent woman, so selecting your words with some cleverness and politeness certainly wouldn't be that big effort.
      Also, there might be some non public reason behind MM's wee bit fuller figure, other than laziness or lack of trying. She has back issues, even had some surgical intervention on it, she might be on some kind of medication. I had serious back issues a couple of years ago, I got steroids for months and Lord, I was bloated EVERYWHERE, even my fingers and tongue! It was awful, really :(

    3. Agree with you to some point . I simply don't see anything wrong with using word "fat" Doctors use that word quite openly. As they say " People are getting too fat and many of them to the state of being obese. Just few kilos extra and it is not good for their health.If we won't talk about that people will get fatter and fatter and fatter".THERE ARE THE WORDS OF DOCTORS NOT MINE. In every medical journal they write about that. But obviously some people as I see got angry about my comments here. So in that case of course it is better not to mention the weight at all.
      Thank you for your advice.

  12. Sorry but MM is absolutely not fat she is very feminine and is sexy. You cannot compare her with Kate, Letizia of Mary, they have a completely different view on their body. I realy admire MM for being herself and not caring about a few kilo's more. This dress is not too tight it fits perfectly.

    1. Ok I'm going to jump in here and say that MM is definitely not sexy! I'm sorry but I just have to disagree with you, she possibly could be sexy if she wanted to, but she'd need to lose about 30lbs, dye her hair another color from that God awful platinum blonde and stop dressing like a mix of a little girl from little house on the prairie/frumpy 60 year old grandmother.

    2. @Iris, no, this dress does obviously not fit perfectly, it is too tight on the chest, on the hips and on the upper arms, you can clearly see that with the wrinkles of the fabric in the armpit, inner side of the upper arm. And the belt is totally wrong.
      From what I see, and I have sold fashion long enough to have an eye for this, she buys her clothes still size 16, but has gained some weight and would need 18, and a better cut for her bodyshape (and better underwear ;-))...and a better posture) If MM would have bought this dress in my shop, I would not have sold it to her.
      60% of all women through all ages wear something between size 12 and 16, this means MM is only slightly overweight, but by no means 'fat', a good nutrition plan(doesn't even need a super strict diet) and medium workout would help her to loose these 20 extra pounds and she would look much better.
      Only about 10% of all women wear a small size between 6-10, quite a number of them are not naturally that slim but have anorexia.

    3. @Beth, sure it really is possible that the dress doesn't fit perfectly and you can definitely have an eye for it if you have worked in fashion. I must withdrawn myself from that because i am not a tailor and I just made my opinion based on a look at first glance.

    4. @ Iris, you are right in one way, from the first glance, it did not look so bad, maybe we are over critical here and get lost in details, but after all I personally like to look at details and like to discuss them fashionwise, but in the end we should not take things too seriously and even more should not judge these royal ladies personally.
      They all do a great job in the public eye and from what I see in photos people always seem to enjoy meeting Haakon and Mette, they seem to be warm and friendly with erveryone and this counts much more. I am sure nobody on this event started judging the princess about her belt, or shoes, or few extra pounds or whatsoever. They enjoyed meeting her.

    5. Iris how do you know that.

    6. @Anna-Marie how do i know what?

  13. I agree with Iris. I thought the purpose of this site was to critique fashion. I find some of the comments very cruel and immature and disturbing. I do hope that MM does not read this site. Can you imagine how she would feel to read comments about her body that are so negative and the worse of it is they are written by women! Some of you should be ashamed.

    1. Well said Elaine ! This page reads like a free for all, on blatant bodyshaming and demeaning the poor woman ! All under the guise of fashion !

  14. I totally agree with you Elaine!

  15. I'm quite sure this comment will get lost in the mix, but I actually like this dress - I think the color complement's CP Mette-Marit's hair very well, and I don't think it's ill-fitting. I don't think the photographs are doing it any favors. Regarding her weight (which is really and truly none of our business), I think that a large part of what we are seeing is less-than-stellar posture, which I am willing to believe is secondary to her back problems recently. She seems like a lovely woman inside and out; I can't even imagine how hurtful these comments would be if she were to see them.

  16. Such a lovely couple. MM has a beautiful face.

  17. Wow, some of you are being really mean! Such poor examples for young girls when it comes to a normal body. I don't understand why the writer of the blog approves of constant bullying of a woman who is beautiful, and doing a great job.

    1. I totally agree with you Sandra. Many mean comments here. MM is doing a good job, and they are such a handsome couple. I do not like all her outfits though, but I think that this dress is OK.


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