2nd Day - Danish Crown Princess Mary visit Moldova

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute on November 24, 2016, Thursday and attend a meeting with specialists who are specialized in mother and child health and antimicrobial resistance. Afterwards, the Crown Princess visited UN Country Office, Mother and Child Institute, Medicine and Pharmacy State University. ( VIDEO )
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary together with Moldovian Minister of Health, Ruxanda Glavan visited Public Health Institute in Moldova. Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary wore Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Sirup Stine Goya Blouse
Crown Princess Mary wore JOSEPH Double Cashmere Oslo Coat
JOSEPH Double Cashmere Oslo Coat

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  1. Elle n'avait pas encore ce style de chapeau !

  2. I don't like the top. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't see it truly flatters Mary. But I love her coat and the brooch she wore on it.

  3. Als Hose eine leichte Marlene (?) dazu das schöne irgendwie asiatisch anmutende Oberteil, der kuschelige Kaschmirmantel, tolle Heels, edler Schmuck und ein gutes Make-up. Besser geht Business Style nicht. Am besten gefällt mir hier der Mantel: ich finde es toll, dass Länge sich durchzusetzen beginnt! Die Ärmel haben auch die exakte Länge, da beweist KP Mary meist Augenmaß. Sie sieht so jung aus, mag vielleicht am Talar und Hut liegen?! Gratulation jedenfalls für die Ehrung.


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