Queen Mathilde and King Filip visit the police station in Charleroi

On August 9, 2016, King Filip (Philippe) and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center. On Saturday August 6th 2016 two policewomen were stabbed. The attacker screamed 'Allahu Akbar' ((God is greatest)). He was hit by a police bullet. One of the officers suffered severe injuries to the face, the other one is lightly injured.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the police station in the Charleroi city center.

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  1. World is so full of hate today, Isis there in Middle East, Putin in Russia, populists won elections in western countries. I am worried where this leads us all. I hope so very much Americans are wise enough not to wote Trump with his wish to use nuclear weapon to president.

  2. Blondiini, Russia never started a war and Putin just banned all genetically modified seeds, plants and foods all over the Russian federation. The USA started more than 250 wars in its short history and Obama just signed an agreement to allow genetically modified seeds, plants and foods in the states of the American East cost. So get informed and start thinking before you write.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind advices. I very much doubt can you find from this blog anybody who reads more than I do. I do my reading also with six lanquages, so maybe that gives me enough vision to make my own oppinions.

      I cannot understand what genetically modified food has to do with this matter.

      Im my comment I did not say Putin started a war, just generally that hate in today´s world has increased. But when you mention war, in my lanquage it is a war when some country goes to foreign country with military forces and changes borders, that was exactly what Putin did with Ukraine.

  3. That comment "Russia never started a war" is just so absurd. I cannot believe anybody writes that seriously. Is that what people are told in Russia really?


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