Swedish Royals attend Victoria's Day 2016

King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and her husband Christopher O'Neill, Henrik Lundqvist attend a concert to celebrate the 39th birthday of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden at Borgholm Stadium on July 14, 2016 in Borgholm, Sweden. ( VIDEO )
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Estelle, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attend Victoria Day Celebrations 2016. Style royal
Princess Madeleine wears Alice and Olivia Catrina Embellished Skirt
Alice and Olivia Catrina Embellished Skirt
Princess Madeleine wears Marchesa Stella HeelsPrincess Madeleine CHLOÉ Drew shoulder bag
                             MARCHESA Stella Heels                              CHLOÉ Drew Shoulder Bag
Princess Sofia wore SELF-PORTRAIT Ruffled Broderie Anglaise Organza Mini Dress

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  1. Whose that guy next to Daniel?

  2. Henrik Lundqvist, goal keeper in New York Rangers and this years Viktoriastipendiat.

    And yummi yummi handsome :)

  3. Why do they look like nuns?

    1. It is traditional Swedish national costume and is worn by royalty on official occasions.

    2. I think.this is the folk costume for the island they're on. Folklore stuff but looks oldish for sure. It's a tradition

    3. I wondered that myself, is it the national Swedish dress maybe?

    4. That's a swedish national (folk) costume. Don't get me wrong but... I gather you aren't from Europe. Here in Europe basically all the nations have their national costume or even a lot of kinds of folk attires, every bigger or smaller region. In Hungary, for example, there were 4 very big regions where folk costumes had slightly similar features within each region and within each region there were smaller areas (a couple of dozens altogether) where the main costume features were quite the same (type and length of the skirt, type of headdress, type and number of underskirts, cut, sleeves, and other characteristics of the top part - the blouse - etc. and the kind of embroidery used). Within a smaller area typically every village had it's own kind of embroidery and other smaller variations. The clothing pieces varied even with the age and the different phases of the marital status. And that is only one country in Europe, though the documented folk heritage is extremely vast there compared to any other country of Europe (or of other continents for that matter).
      These costumes in Europe have a tradition going back 1000+, 2000+ years, as far as we currently know it. And for a lot of people still mean quite something. And then there is Japan and China where some forms of folk attires date as back as 1000, 2000 years BC. I guess you would never ask why the japanese emperor wears a bath robe and a flip-flop at a new year's day event :)

    5. Very informative reply. I am European but haven't lived there for 60 years. I am 80 years old now, my parents were working-class poor, we never had a camera, never travelled anywhere, were not aware of other countries' customs, etc. I am not aware that/if there is a national, or even regional, costume in my own country.

    6. ...and that's exactly why I started with "don't get me wrong", 'cause we know nothing about each other neither are supposed to know beforehand any of the kind of things you just told me about your life. I never intended to be patronizing, I just wished to be what you say: informative. With some witty tone mixed in. My apologies if I hurt you.

    7. ZL, You did not hurt me in the least. I hope I wasn't offensive with my question, I could have phrased it otherwise.

  4. Thanks, I was dying to know more about Maddie's heels!

  5. hnn I love Maddie heels and I love the outfit of princess sofia

  6. I love Madeleine's skirt and I also want to know more about her heels. I. Want. Those. Shoes.

  7. Madeleine's sandals should be by MARCHESA.

  8. lizzie: They don't look like nuns. It's the costume for the landscape of Oland and when you are married you have that kerchief on your head. Crown Princess Victoria and Queen Silvia always wear them on Victoria Day.

    1. Madeleine is married, so how come she's not wearing the headdress?

  9. As for the ladies' fashion, I love when they wear national costumes. Princess Madeleine's shirt is not very flattering, I think this skirt asks for a more fitted blouse but she looks beautiful, as she does normally :) Isn't her hair lighter than before, like with blonde hues or is it just the lights on the photos...?
    Sofia Hellquist's dress is too short, a very bad fit for her, the ruffles on the hem just make the whole thing even messier and her shoes are plain ugly. Also, the shoelaces or whatever those are called are too tight around her ankles. Apparently she doesn't have too much style (so far) and even less her OWN style but she did so much better than this, not once but many times. I have no clue what happened here, the whole look is a big NO.

  10. Madeleine always beutiful and Sofia alwayas the opposite.Sofias dress to short for that event,but the girl have no style at all so what else to expect.Victorias day,but these dresses they are wearing looks like sound of music team.

    1. "but the girl have no style at all so what else to expect" You are rude Karen.

  11. I love the traditional clothes ! Interesting fact that it's only the married ladies who wear the white headscarf, having seen photos of Sofia in the traditional dress without the headscarf prior to her wedding.
    Not too keen on the straps on Sofia's shoes, they seem to cut her ankles off. Princess Estelle is just adorable ! Everyone looks like they're having an enjoyable day!

  12. I have national dress myself, it has "horns" http://i696.photobucket.com/albums/vv321/blondiini/Antreanpuku_zpsda404a8a.jpg

  13. Princess Madeleine looks beautiful, soft and very famine with her loose hair - adds to her softness

  14. Anonymous16/7/16 11:56

    sofia always looks good, infact you wouldnt know she just gave birth a few months ago, she get attacked for her past, while it was not the right choice, she was a teenage, but most importantly is that her husband adores her and she does her work very well!!

    1. Dear Sue, please don't feel offended but your comment contains a series of plain factual errors. First, she doesn't always look good. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't, just like any human being on this planet called Earth. Second, no one mentioned anything related to her (post baby) body. Really, I just went through the comments and there is not a word about her being fat or chubby or whatever. Third, she does not get "attacked" for her past, most of the people here just told that her dress and the shoes just aren't flattering - so did I. Fourth, yes, she indeed did things in her past that are more than questionable and she did those things BEGINNING FROM the time when she was a teenager AND she continued doing those things during most of her time up until the moment she wound up with her now husband. Fifth, why exactly is "most important", fashionwise (since this is a fashion blog) that her husband adores her? As for the work she does, I'd rather refrain from any comment, since we have no proof whatsoever either to confirm or disprove that, other than a couple of photos taken at the few engagements she had since her wedding and I have expressed here several times my argument on how it is the silliest thing to draw conclusions based on photos.
      Lastly, I agree some opinions just shouldn't be expressed here (what you call "attacking"), because it's just not the place to do that. Please remember however everyone here is entitled to his/her own opinions, hopefully formed based on facts, consideration and common sense - even if those opinions doesn't necessarily match yours. Your unconditional love for the swedish royal family and Sofia is just one of those opinions, not the absolute and irrefutable truth.
      With my kindest wishes, ZL

  15. Anonymous16/7/16 12:04

    i love the SRF, all soo beautiful, I love sofia too shes just beautiful happy new mom!!


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