Stephanie and Guillaume Opens a New Youth Center

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal in Luxembourg. The centre aims to educate young people about well-being, teamwork and physical activity. Marienthal monastery has existed 1232. The former monastery, whose foundations date back to the 16th century, underwent substantial renovations to bring it up to modern safety standards for the children and adults who will use it.
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended the inauguration of the new youth center at the Centre de jeunesse Marienthal

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  1. So... the first pic I thought well the color blocking helps shape her more. But the subsequent pics are again ....shapeless.. too short... too tight across the chest... just looks cheap?

    It's a little better but she really needs a stylist and a good tailor to have her clothes bespoke. I think she just buys off the rack. A good tailor could fix all the problems and she would look much more together.

    And those shoes are not good either. Sorry all I just want her to embrace a little fashion?


    1. She obviously refuses to accept that she has gained about two sizes since her wedding. It looks as if she'd pop the seams any second.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with you. Dress is too short as always, upper part shoud be much better if wider like small sleeves. This outfit makes her look much shorter and plumper she is. Granny shoes. Hair no good either.

  3. Annnnnndddd she needs sone sleeves of some kind. Sleeveless with her shorter arms bare they kind of jut out like she is wearing padding for sport.

    I am not bashing her as a person. Just for the fashion faux-pas

    1. I agree, Diane.
      But it seems some people don't care for fashion and I doubt she will change her fashion habits.
      Her stylings are appropriate but not pretty. Maybe she's ok with that..
      We'll never know.

    2. I do not care at all about fashion in my comments, I write what I just keep would be more becoming to her. Clothes do not need to "fashion" at all to look good.

    3. Well that is what I meant Blondini regarding fashion. I am not implying fashion as in what is the current style. I meant as in what they wear. It could be from the 30's and I would not care as long as it looked good on them. I am not one who has all the magazines etc. I buy what I like and not necessarily what's on trend. If it fits me well I am happy. At my age I cannot wear some of the things today. But I could sure go for some of the clothes we see these women wearing. LOL

  4. They look great! Stephanie even managed to pull off a youthful appearance.

  5. This dress works for her. It is not fashion forward or particularly pretty, but I am thrilled to see her looking appropriate.

  6. This is the best I have seen her. Something about her posture isn't right.

  7. She looks great and thank god for her not starving herself as the Spanish Quen

  8. nice dress, good choice for her shape.
    she seems very natural and kind, i like her

  9. Give her a break - let's talk about her intelligence and capabilities, and not her clothes or appearance. It can't be helping her to have negativity and criticism leveled at her that would never be directed toward a man. It shouldn't matter what she wears or how she looks. It should matter greatly that she is making the most of her position to bring about positive change and advocate for young women aspiring to transcend the destructive obsession with appearance and to do more with their lives.

    1. This is fashion blog, clothes and appearance is what we comment about. Nobody is saying she is not nice person.

    2. It's basically a fashion blog so of course we talk about her clothes. We talk about all of them and what they wear. We are not here discussing what they read in the paper or where they went to school.

      If you really follow this blog you will see that none of us have ever said anything about her has a person. We all think she is pretty with great legs. Pretty smile. It's the clothes we discuss here and how clothes can change your look. It can change the look of those who have body image problems. There is no shaming here. If you don't care for fashion then you have stumbled onto the wrong blog. We are not a women's advocacy group here... we support women of course but fashion.. it's fashion.

    3. Vielen Dank, ich kann Ihnen nur zustimmen. Ich sehe mir schon seit Jahren sehr gerne die hier veröffentlichten Fotos an. Stephanie ist eine der sympathischsten und hübschesten europäischen Royals. Ich empfinde es als peinlich und anmaßend, dass selbst ernannte Richterinnen hier immer hemmungsloser über sie herfallen.

      Einige sollten mal vom Gas gehen, sich an ihre guten Manieren erinnern und vielleicht auch daran, dass diese junge Frau eine komplexere Aufgabe hat, als die, Kleider vorzuführen. Ein bisschen Freundlichkeit bitte, dass erwarten wir doch auch alle für uns.

    4. Wish we had a translate function hehe

    5. Here is a Google translation:
      Thank you , I can only agree . I watch for years love the photos published here . Stephanie is one of the most likeable and prettiest European Royals . I find it embarrassing and arrogant , that self-proclaimed judges pounce here ever wilder over them .

      Some times should get off the throttle , remember their good manners and perhaps also that this young woman has a more complex task than the show , clothes . A little kindness , please , that we expect but also for all of us .

    6. We will never agree when it comes to comments on this blog.

    7. Thanks for the translation K Hass.

      I should have or could have put into a translation search. Lazy I guess. 😶

      We all have our own opinions. Keeps the world from being boring. But I maintain @Gast that this is a blog about clothes not manners. I am sure they are very well mannered. Nor am I a self proclaimed judge and I have never been on a "throttle'. 😐 I have pushed the boat to full throttle on the water ...does that count? 😎

    8. Gast; Ich habe keine unfreundlichen kommentare der natur von Stephanie gesehen. Kein Kommentar war nicht für guten Manieren oder gegen Persönlichkeiten. Wir haben nur Kleidung geschreiben.

    9. I have no doubt that she's intelligent. But so far, she has not shown any substantial charity work. Compared to her "colleagues", she's a low performer, most of the time trotting along with hubby.
      And sorry, of course she is not ugly, but not pretty either, just lower average. Each time when I walk through the shopping zone of my town I see many women of her age who are much, much prettier. Without lots of make-up and just dressed in jeans and t-shirt. She doesn't have beautiful, expressive eyes and for me, the eyes decide if I find someone pretty or not.

    10. I think most of us would agree, unless Stephanie seeks out another's opinion on her wardrobe, it's fair to say, we'll be commenting on what a lovely person she is, and at the same time sighing and shaking our heads, thinking she could do so much better. We all know that feeling,when you wear the right clothes colour and shoes,gives you, and that's all we want for Stephanie !

  10. I think she looks cute. I can't imagine always being in the spotlight, especially as it seems Stephanie is more of a shy retiring type.

  11. She is not skinny as a certain queen and a certain duchess. She even looks happier than they do too.

  12. Instead of always trashing her, maybe we should be glad that some royals are more into substance then fashion? How boring would it be if all the ladys we're copys of each other! This dress is a good choice for Stephanie. It's as younger and more fashionable look and to short? We have seen Victoria, Madeleine, Letizia and even Sophie in a lot and lot shorter dresses then this. Strangely enough they almost never get flak for it though. Wonder why ;)

    1. Louise; longer dress would make Stephanie´s nice legs look just stunning and also make her body parts look togeather better. That is what we are trying to say. That she is beautiful and would look much better that way. Now she wastes her best features. The lenght itself is not The Thing, for different people different hem legth is becoming.

      Although I have to admit that very short dresses are not becoming either to Madeline or Victoria, but they do not wear the same leghth all the time. To Letizia short dresses look better. About Sophie, with quick seacrh I find no very short dresses.

    2. It's not difficult to find..
      Letizia looks better like this?

    3. In my opinion Letizia in first pic is not bad, the second is, but she does not have every time the same dress lenght like Stephanie does. About Sophie, those dresses were not becoming but she also has sense enough normally wear longer dresses.

  13. Perhaps if the dress was tailored the shortness would not matter. She needs a tailor Louise. Even you must admit to this ... nothing fits well and that is the problem. It's the fit.

    1. No matter what Steph has on we always find something wrong with it unlike some of the others who gets away with everything. That's the difference. So she's not the most fashionable young lady out there. Maybe we should just let her be her and be a bit nicer and stop comparing her to the perfect one. Not everyone has our taste in clothes. Here she has a dress shape, form and color we have seen on the other lady's and still she is trashed...

    2. Well I don't ever 'trash' any of them. I also don't think any of them are perfect. I think there are many here who like to 'trash' a certain royal who is by far the most popular royal these to name recognition and all over the paper. Its clear this blog is pro the Scandavian and lesser houses. I follow them all. I have no 'perfect' royal. They all dress babdly at times. This is a fashion blog pretty much... so Stephanie is fair game. I don't know how many times we have to say this but for the 'nth time "her clothes are bad not her".

    3. Louise; go and look comments of Stephanie just (?) one week ago when they had national day. I liked almost all her outfits there.

      I do not like ALL clothes of any these ladies. For example Maxima can hit bull eye one day and next day she can be worst ever.

      We have here also ladies who get every time they exist in this blog just rude personal comments of their work, family, personality etc. nothing to do with fashion. With Stephanie there are no such comments.

    4. Exactly! I have never seen anyone say anything about Stephanie beyond her style.

      Royal Central and another site did a recent expose on her and I was so impressed with her education, career and general involvement in many things. She speaks 5 languages and that is amazing! There is no doubt that she is a lovely person. All she needs is a tailor. She makes good choices many times. Its the cut etc. A little snip snip...hem longer here.. darts there and WOW!


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