Princess Sofia and Prince Daniel at Kalmar Arena

Princess Sofia of Sweden, Prince Daniel of Sweden and Sofia's sister Sara Hellqvist were seen on Saturday afternoon/evening at Kalmar Fredriksskans Arena at "A Walk in the Park" -concert, there were performing Lars Winnerbäck, Melissa Horn, Miriam Bryant and Amanda Bergman. There was over 8000 people at the concert.
Princess Sofia Hellqvist, Prince Daniel, Sara Hellqvist attended the concert of   "A Walk in the Park" at Kalmar Arena.
Princess Sofia Hellqvist, Prince Daniel, Sara Hellqvist attended the concert of   "A Walk in the Park" at Kalmar Arena.
Princess Sofia Hellqvist, Prince Daniel, Sara Hellqvist attended the concert of   "A Walk in the Park" at Kalmar Arena.
Princess Sofia Hellqvist, Prince Daniel, Sara Hellqvist attended the concert of   "A Walk in the Park" at Kalmar Arena.

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  1. She is not a beauty at all,but she seems to think so.

    1. I think she is pretty. I suspect that her Prince thinks so too and that is all that matters. Rude comment Karen. Leave her alone. Her past his her past. If she is the wicked one let's talk about her father in law. A true royal with a very tainted and ugly lifestyle. But nooooo everyone wants to bash Sofia for being a young girl and making some not so wise moves (as we all have) and yet the King is 'off limits' because he is indeed royal and she is not..... it's 2016. Get over it folks. This topic of her being less than worthy is old and she got her man so ppl need to stop with the jealousy.

    2. very true! I absolutely agree with you- well written!!!

    3. "she thinks she's pretty" I say good for her. We should all be happy with ourselves, and think of ourselves as pretty and worthy.

    4. She is lovely and her husband clearly loves her and her appearance. I can't find anything about her that would be considered unattractive.

    5. Both sisters are attractive ! Did I miss comments in this thread, relating to Sofia's past ? Sofia herself,has been quoted as saying, her past is what has made her the woman she is today ! Good on her ! If she can embrace her past, then I think we need to extend her the courtesy of doing the same thing ! No point poking the bear, even if the intention was well meaning !

    6. Karen. A rude and mean spirited comment. She is very self assured and confident and Prince Carl loves her. She really does not care what you think. Please post elsewhere

    7. Diane Brown
      "it's 2016. Get over it folks." My Queen has forgiven her husband.
      Is it ok for you to get over his past?

      "We should support each other."
      Is it ok for you to support my Queen?

    8. Eva Andersson I was making a point about the relentless negative comments about poor Sofia. Sometimes they are bold. Sometimes they are hidden.

      I use your King as an example of what is wrong in the world where a man is allowed and all is forgiven. And lets be frank he was not a young man doing this. He was much older and should know better he had a family. But thats ok I guess.
      Sofia was very young and not married and somehow that is just unforgivable by many. Why? I could give you a book of reasons.
      It needs to stop. It is easy to forgive the mistakes of youth because we all have made them and it as Annabel said ' it makes us who we are". The King was married with children... much older. Your Queen is a elegant and lovely person for what I know. I support her for having dignity and grace. She can forgive him. But I dont have to like him. It doesn'tatter if I forgive him or not. He is not my King and I so not live with him. Thank the Heavens for my lowly status in life LOL

      Was just comparing Eva...

    9. Annabel I brought up her past as a point. Because we all know that she is looked down upon because of the past ...or so it seems with all I have read and my 2 friends who live on Sweden confirm this too.

    10. The majority of people, soon forget a person's past and accept the person for who they are today. Only time and Sofia's continuous good work, will put all those negative comments 'to bed' once and for all ! A prime example of that would be Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, the majority of people 10 years on, accept her, and have put the past in the past! Nothing good ever comes of dredging up the past ! If we do see negative comments on here, I for one, will be joining you, in scrolling past them, and praising her for woman she's becoming, wife Princess, Mother ! :).

  2. Good for you Diane. We've all made mistakes and it seems men can continue to do what they want, and women are always vilified by people and the media. Please stop. She's beautiful and loved by her husband and family.

    1. What makes me mad is that she said vilified by other women!! We should support each other. No one is without those 'skeletons' in their closets. So many people seem to live in glass houses and think that they are above the fray. It takes but one small but mighty pebble to bring those houses down. Aggravating.

  3. I think she is very pretty, and that it is good if she think so for that shall all think about themselves.

  4. de två översta korten har ni snott från min instagram... hmm jaja. det var iaf coolt att de var där.. Sofia och Daniel alltså :). @millsson72


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