A new photo of Princess Ingrid-Alexandra was published

Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway published a new photo of her daughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra on her Instagram account- on the topic of the new photo shared, there is the message "Good Summer" (God Sommer).
Crown Princess Mette-Marit and her daughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra on Holiday

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  1. what's this new photo? I could be on it..

  2. I find it cool, nice to see pics taken of the royals themselves and not just artificially arrayed professional photos. This is a sneak peek in to their privat life. So love this! Love Ingrids hair.

  3. "Good summer" ?
    It looks rather cold and windy and hostile.

    1. Naay... You can see the sun glittering on the surface of the water. And the sharp contrast between sunny parts of the photo and the shadows. Also, this looks a fairly calm water, judging from the tiny waves. Might be a bit windy but that's quite usual towards the open sea.
      This is a beautiful photo by the way. I like the subtle way it shows something from the heir to the throne but still gives her the opportunity not to show her face. Clever and elegant.

    2. I think you have to be the only one who feels that way. Must be the black and white pic that make you feel this. Ingrid has on a t-shirt at sea( if it was cold it would get colder with so little clothes) and we see the sun shines. Yes it's windy, but everyone who have been in an open boat knows it gets windy even when it's calm. So from a nordic point of view perfectly normal summer picture of someone in a boat 😎

    3. I wish it was cold and windy here in Barcelona where we're "enjoying" a temperature around 31°C. Luckily wonderful September is round the corner and with it heath will begin to wane and I'll begin my holydays.


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