Prince Haakon and Princess Mette Marit visits the Summer Library

On June 20, 2016, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visited the Summer Library at the Palace Park (Dronningparken) in Oslo, Norway.
Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Princess Mette Marit and Prince Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Princess Mette Marit and Prince Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Princess Mette Marit and Prince Haakon and visits the Summer Library at the Palace Park. Princess Mette Marit wore Valentino dress
Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore by TiMo Lilly Dress
byTiMo Lilly Dress

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  1. Since you haven't written it dress from By TiMo and coat from Marni 😉

  2. Anonymous20/6/16 22:18

    Mette-Marit's jacket is kind of ugly and definitely too tight on her; it looks bad. And instead of wrapping her legs in a blanket, she could've worn a pair of nice jeans like Haakon (va-voom!) did. Cool, outside, JEANS - makes sense. Wonder what's in the picnic basket. And a pair of good walking shoes or runners might be better for her feet and back than those ballet flats.

    She looked beautiful the other day in her blue ensemble. Now she's back to frumpyville. Wonder what's in the picnic basket.

    Come to me, Mette-Marit, I will help you.

    1. Yes, you are correct about the coat, but to me it looks as if she just doesn't feel well at all. Looking at where they are sitting, the blanket may also have been for modesty in front of the children, as well as for warmth. It looks as if Prince Haakon is helping her to stand and walk. I wish them well.

    2. It's just porception. When you look at pic nr 2 and this one the coat does not look to tight on her. I kind a like this coat.

    3. Nr 3 puuhh 😶

  3. Why is this outfit tagged with Valentino? As I have said earlier she has on a Lilly dress from By TiMo
    Marni Coat and Chloè ballerinas
    I like this dress even if the neckline is way to high for my taste ;) And girls in the bascket coffee and/or tea.


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