Dinner - Queen Rania and King Abdullah state visit to Belgium

Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde wore diamondTiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
King Philippe of Belgium and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Abdullah II of Jordan and Queen Rania of Jordan attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace on May 18, 2016 in Brussels. The Jordanian royals are on official two-day visit to Belgium.
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania wore diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara, diamond earrings
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace
Queen Mathilde and Queen Rania attends a gala dinner at the Laeken royal Palace in Brussels. Queen Rania wore Valentino Gown, Queen Mathilde wore red gown. Queen Mathilde Tiara, Queen Rania diamond tiara
Jordan’s king and queen both received the Leopold order while the king of Belgium wore the order of al-Hussein bin Ali. Queen Mathilde received the Supreme Order of the Renaissance. Queen Rania was dressed in a black and white dress, wearing a diamond bracelet as a bandeau in her hair. Queen Mathilde was sporting the base of the tiara of the nine provinces, a diamond and ruby bracelet and a new red gown. In his speech king Philippe paid tribute to ‘a great people and a befriended dynasty’ and referred to the mutual struggle of Belgium and Jordan against extremism.
Queen Rania wears Balmain Dress - (Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear Fashion) and DEREK LAM Cape Blouse
BALMAIN Dress - Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear Fashion and DEREK LAM Cape Blouse

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  1. Queen Mathilde dress is beautiful.
    Oueen Rania has terrible taste in clothes.

    1. In the past i did like the clothes of Rania but nowadays i don't. She mostly wear clothes now that are hard to understand and make her more of a catwalk model than a queen.

    2. Anonymous19/5/16 12:24

      QUEEN RANIA IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ROYAL WOMAN, AND MAKES EVEN A SUCK LOOK AWESOME, and she does not have terrible taste in clothes, thats a bit harsh!!!

    3. Anonymous19/5/16 12:26

      QUEEN RANIA IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN,she can make even a suck look great, I personally find nothing wrong with her clothes!!!

    4. What do you mean by 'can make even a suck look great'?

      What is a suck?

    5. What's that old saying.... 'You can please some people some of the time, but you can't please all people all of the time'.

    6. Linda, Rania isn't the most beautiful royal. Princess Amira Al Tawil of Saudi Arabia is lovely. Rania is just a load of make up.

    7. totally agree and there are more: Martha louise Norway,Stephanie
      Luxembourg and many others

    8. I agree and there are others Martha Loiuse ,Stephanie of Luxembourg and othrs

  2. Rania looks more like Miss Jordania than like a queen consort. This hairdo with a tiara is just tacky.

    Mathilde ok, nice shade of red. But somehow her hairdo and that tiara don't match very well, but her hairstyle is at least elegant.

  3. Its so rare that we get so see Queen Rania with the tiara, so its a nice treat. I wish she had her hair up. Her tiara looks so small and big hair are not helping. Love her blouse.
    Queen Mathilde looks very beautiful in that red dress.

  4. I like the fluidity and softness of the layers on QM dress. I think she suits the that type of design. Not quite decided on whether the red is a little too harsh a colour on her ! The pastel and lighter shades seem to compliment her a lot more.

  5. I don't like either gown/ensemble. Neither Queen in my opinion is looking their best, and I have to admit I am not a fan of either Queens style.

    Wearing a tiara often does look better with hair styled in an in a different manner, yet Queen Rania's hair is beautifully styled (she has beautiful hair) and I think if she had been wearing a nicer gown no one would have thought her hair inappropriate.

    Queen Mathilde however needs to either grow her hair and wear it up or get it cut short. She is prematurely aging herself. It is hard to believe she is only 43 as she looks a decade or more older. I am not a fan of tiered gowns, however they can be worn elegantly as we have seen recently with Crown Princess Mary.

    1. I agree with your about the hair of Mathilde, she is ageing herself. Belgian women where their hair like that when they become a certain age (above 55 i think).

  6. Anonymous19/5/16 12:33

    If anyone said the things mentioned here about duchess kate they get attacked, but here they all gang together about beautiful rania!!!

    1. No one said she wasn't beautiful Linda. What they are saying is that her hair is great but hides a tiny crown. It's overwhelming.
      Her dress is not very dinner like for a royal set down. It's more couture. Suited for something else.

      People also said they don't like Mathilde dress either. Or her style at this event. I would say it's a miss for both of them.

      No one is ganging up on Rania.

      People defend Kate when she is bashed personally. Attacks of a person nature are not liked her by anyone for any of the royals. But saying someone's dress is off or the hair is bad or the color is not good is NOT PERSONAL. It's about style....

      Your Queen is not being personally attacked dear.

      Relax 😊

  7. I think Queen Rania is usually considering the place she holds in a Muslim society and prefers to be mostly covered-up. Western styles expose too much of a woman's body. It is a difference of cultures. To look at her you wouldn't believe she is the mother of four children from 22 to 11 years old.

    1. This is nonsens what you say about the clothes. Rania exposes not more or less with clothing than any other royal. She wears also deep decollete and strapless dresses, thight en short skirt. She is sometimes even critised for wearing to western clothes.

  8. QR is educated, obviously intelligent and works very hard as an ambassador for her country and for Muslims in general. She speaks often about her own thoughts on Islam, explaining to non-Muslims that Islam is not about the relatively small percentage of Muslim extremists and trying to convince other Muslim countries to do more to police their own. My impression is that she intentionally dresses as she does, putting herself forward as a modern monarch in touch with her people. I like a good tiara appearance as much as the rest of you, but to me, by comparison, QM looks anachronistic.

    1. I agree, she is very modern and courageous and is trying hard to bridge two worlds.

    2. I agree as to her advocacy regarding the Muslim world et al.

      She is very courageous.

      But I don't have to like her outfit for the occassion. I typically love her style. This just seems too couture for a state dinner. Jmho


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