Crown Princess Mary attends the KVINFO conference

On March 8, 2016, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gives a speech at the KVINFO Conference, as patron of Women Deliver 2016 in Copenhagen. KVINFO (The Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender) is a center whose primary aim is to provide the general public with information about the results of women's studies and gender research undertaken in Denmark and internationally.
Crown Princess was Tuesday, March 8 present at KVINFO marking International Women's Day at the venue Vega in Copenhagen. Pictured greet Crown Princess on his arrival at KVINFO chairwoman, Nina Groes.
During the evening there were also speeches by Minister for Children, young people and teaching Ellen Trane Nørby, the American-Lebanese psychologist Anthony Keedi, commentator and activist Khaterah Parwani and LO President, Lizette Risgaard. There was delivered musical performances by rock trio Nelson Can and music group LIGA
Crown Princess gave a speech during the event in his capacity as patron of the conference Women Deliver. The conference will be held in Copenhagen in May and focuses on global efforts for equality and challenges of girls and women's lack of rights and opportunities worldwide.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gives a speech at the KVINFO Conference, as patron of Women Deliver 2016 in Copenhagen.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gives a speech at the KVINFO Conference, as patron of Women Deliver 2016 in Copenhagen.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gives a speech at the KVINFO Conference, as patron of Women Deliver 2016 in Copenhagen.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gives a speech at the KVINFO Conference, as patron of Women Deliver 2016 in Copenhagen.

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  1. I like her rocking the outfit

  2. This shiny outfit makes her look like a bug. You know those bugs with shiny wings.. Sorry that's how I see it.
    What happened to her and Max? I liked their elegant dresses, simple heels, jewelery and coulours.
    Seems like our new queens of style are Letizia and Madeleine.

  3. Le pantalon ne lui va pas bien au niveau des hanches.

    1. That struck me too. With the top hitting where it does, it's not flattering

    2. That struck me too. With the top hitting where it does, it's not flattering

  4. I almost always like Mary´s outfits, I think she is best at dressing what situation needs of whole royal bunch we look after here, but this outfit I do not like at all. Shiny trousers just are not my thing.

  5. the woman on her left looks like Nicole Kidman

  6. Not a fan of the shiny either. And the place where the top meets the pants... pocket on pants is flared out. Makes her look wide. Still beautiful however

  7. Agree with you ladys, to shiny.

  8. I like the jacket. The pants are from another planet or from the 60ies. Her hair is to dark now after 40.


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