Princess Sofia attended a meeting on bullying at the Royal Palace

On February 25, 2016, Princess Sofia of Sweden held a meeting with Marten Schultz, law professor of Stockholm University and Angla Eklund, Law Institute CEO at the Royal Palace. The subject of the meeting was "näthat" and dealing with it legally. (The meaning of the word "näthat" is online threats and abuse. It is a legal term but not a general term and it can involve different crimes. It generally refers to abuse or bullying over internet. For example, if someone generally writes ill-intentioned or hateful comments on the social media and makes a habit out of writing such comments, this is called "näthat".)
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden held a meeting with Marten Schultz, law professor of Stockholm University and Angla Eklund, Law Institute CEO at the Royal Palace. Sofia Hellqvist
Princess Sofia of Sweden held a meeting with Marten Schultz, law professor of Stockholm University and Angla Eklund, Law Institute CEO at the Royal Palace.

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  1. "Näthat" is what is happening on Royaldish; Royaldish authors are brutal, cruel & use foul language & dirty nicknames especially when referring to “married” Royals they hate, in some cases going as far as insinuating there’s unnatural relationship w/in- law.
    But for the Royals they love, it’s rosy no matter what.
    It’s pure jealousy; - it’s like she married royal & I’m not, so I hate her & I’m going to follow & attack her anonymously with the only tool I can.

    1. I would say it happens on this site too with the nasty comments made over and over about some royals. Typically Kate and Sofia get the nathat!

      I think it is jealousy by many!

    2. Et ne pas oublier la reine Letizia. Elle souffre des commentaires horribles et insultantes qui ont rien à voir avec des vêtements, mais à un niveau personnel qui fait peur.

    3. Have been on that page before and you are right. Have never seen so many ugly and nasty lies that some gets. And others are prised to the sky and do never anything wrong. Like we see in here actually, but not so ugly comments as on dish. Angie, L îs not among the worst treated lady's. Yes she gets some about her face understandable, but Charlene are treated worse. The worst treated royals here are Sofia, Kate and Mette. As on dish. In here Mary is liked on dish she's one of the hated, but since the admin there is Danish we understand why she made the page. And there Letizia is loved. Royaldish is real näthat in all it's glory. Why somebody needs to make a page like that or have the need to lie and hate that much I will never understand. A lot of sad sad people out there with lonely jealous life.

    4. Louise, je ne connais pas ce site dont vous parlez. Je veux dire ce qui se passe ici à newmyroyals. Il est vrai que ces derniers temps il y a des attaques sur Sofia et Kate, mais le harcèlement sur Letizia a toujours été beaucoup plus grave. Ils sont arrivés à insulter ses filles, son mari, sa mère ... quelle horreur!
      J'espère que si quelqu'un ne peut pas se cacher sous l'anonyme, le nombre de commentaires désagréables sera réduit.

    5. Angie have not seen those comment about Letizia. Only bad about her face. And we're still anon using nick's. So you will still see nasty comments. People will just change nicks from time to time.

    6. Angie: We have had here very little bad comments of Letizia. Some of her face but not very bad ones. And there is of course also reason, Letizia has had plastic surgeries and is wearing lots of botox/fillers.

    7. Si vous dites qu'il ya peu de mauvaises critiques à propos de Letizia est parce que vous êtes arrivée ici récemment.
      A titre d'exemple, on a dit que sa fille Leonor c'est autiste. Je ne sais pas comment on peut être si diabolique.
      La chirurgie à Letizia a été faite en 2007 et les gens continuent d'insister là-dessus. Cela ne se produit pas avec Charlene, Rania, Silvia et Victoria de Suède ...
      Toutes ou presque toutes les Royals prendrent soins esthéticiens, soit l'acide hyaluronique, botox, etc. mais ne sont pas repetés en continu. Ceci est tellement ennuyeux.

    8. Angie: I have been reading this blog and writing here so far it has exist. I was reading also two former versions of this blog (what I think had different blogger). I just took a nick name some moths ago.

      I am rather sure that Letizia has had more than one operation. You are correct that so do at least Rania, Charlene and Silvia. About Victoria, I do not think so. I think myself that people look better mostly without those surgery operations, and in my eyes aging is not so terrible thing to happen as we all get old. But I think it is everybody´s own business eventually how much fillers and surgery they need. I just tried to write that I understand that people write about those plastic surgeons because they did exist. Sometimes I just feel sorry that so basically beautiful women, like those mentioned, have so little self-confidence that they have felt they needed it.

      If there were such messages of Leonore, they were really disgusting. Children should be left complete out of nasty comments.

  2. How incisive topic just for this blog where part of writers want to hide bushes and insult sometimes ways what would be in my country even punishable. And also very important topic to notice. Internet world is cruel.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Since you mention MM. If you read all the lies about Mette on dish you will understand the jealousy comment more. It's heartbreaking and horrendous that people have the conscience to come with so much lies and ugliness. You have to wonder what kind of people are they and what life do they live when they can say that about someone they don't know and have no chance in hell to know the truth about. What do they then say about people they do know. So yes, sad sad people.

  4. Sofia, Kate and Mette Marit, etc. are dragged on many comment blogs. It's not due to jealousy; it's due to their individual reputations that are a bridge too far for a lot of people. Plus, with the whitewash that has been done by some of the royal houses to make them respectable and acceptable, some feel their intelligence is being insulted. Be honest, these women came with sketchy images before they said "I do" and earned their HRHs. If they have dirty pictures those snaps live forever on the internet (nothing goes away.) And if some of the stuff in the press is not true defamation suits should have been flying.

    In the case of Mette Marit, I believe it was handled best. The day before the wedding Mette-Marit gave a speech about how sorry she was for her past as a plea to Norway to give her a chance. She knew as the future queen the monarchy would rise or fall based on how the people felt about the sovereign to be and his consort. At the wedding reception King Harald gave in his speech how he had trouble accepting Mette Marit but he grew to know her and see she could be a good consort for Haakon and a good queen for Norway. I think that went a long way for her being accepted. She still gets dragged for her clothes and alleged marriage problems, but that's part of the price for being a public figure. She did her duty by producing an heir and a spare. In short Mette Marit worked for the people's respect.

    When someone with a past marries into a royal house, a very public family with public duties, straight up honesty is the best policy. No whitewash PR, no digital erasing of blogs with questionable posts, no taking down pictures (unless they are false), no softball interviews with friendly journalists that dance around it. By showing a willingness to own what was done (and owning it going forward), mixed in with humility and genuine regret, it goes a long way to show a past imperfect can be an asset instead of a liability.

  5. I am so happy about these comments. I like read about the Royal Houses and enjoy how Queens, Princesses, Duchess etc are dressed, but the nasty comments had gone too far. If you don't like someone don't comment. That is not freedom of speech it is actually hate speech. As soon as people insulting, bad mouth people they fall back on freedom of speech. Al they royals have stylist and some have their own style. Respect that. I really hope the Royal ladies do not read this block to see all the ridiculous and slander and cruel comments. Thank you Blodiini,Louise, Angie, Coco and all the others.

  6. Thank you for the positive comments all you have made, Blondiini, Louise, Diane and Coco. Too many people on this blog have hide behind freedom of speech for slander, nasty and cruel comments. I like to photos of Royals. Their lives are not prefect, but there so many sad things happen in our world that it gives you opportunity to escape and just enjoy something extraordinary after hard day at work.

  7. ik ben het helemaal maal met uw,eens.waar om zo hatelijk,als je zo jaloers bent,kijk
    dan niet want het is uw probleem!!!ik geniet iedere dag ,het is een verijking voor mij.!!!!!.
    maar mij voor keur is charlene en albert

  8. I my personal "dictionary" freedom of speech is not being nasty and cruel anonymously against somebody from bushes. Freedom of speech shall not insult other people. To my, if I really want to do something under big words freedom of speech, I am doing it with my real name and spine straight, not hiding. I have had a few such situation in my life. Hiding does of course lover value of manifestation.

    Second thing is that these blogs all stand for some reason. This blog mainly fashion. So rude comments of persons privacy, history, family etc. are really nothing to do with the fashion. Blogger can and should delete messages what does not fit here (or any blog).

    Also those individuals who constantly repeat the same hate messages in every topic should know, it only increases that target´s support. Other people are not stupid and can see through those messages.

  9. Bottom line for me is that I don't have like all the royals. I don't know them and therefore I refuse to make ugly comments about any of them. I will say I don't like a dress or a pair of shoes etc. But a personal attack regarding their character? I will not. To do so only muddies my character. We only know what we read or see. The press is notorious for telling half truths at best.

    We all have a past. We have all made blunders. Bad choices. These are the lessons of life. We admit them. Face them and get on with life.

    Sofia and MM have made bad choices. They have owned up to those and made changes. I will not stand in judgement of them or anyone. As for Kate I am not sure what her tainted background is per the comment above by Aquarius64.

    Without judging I will say that people who live in glass houses should beware of stones... or pebbles.

    Glad to see there are some like minded people here as I have been very put off by so much hate on this page.

    1. The drag on Kate is that she, with the help of her mother Carol, practically plotted to get the ring and the HRH from William since she stepped foot on the university campus. The Middletons are perceived as social climbers and they will offer up their daughters to wealthy/titled bachelors to increase the family's social standing. Also, she's getting knocked as the "Duchess of Do-little" - not doing enough royal engagements that would be expected of a future queen. The British press has not been too shy with the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge with this critique.

      Sofia gets slammed because people think she doesn't "know her place"; that she thinks she's above a crown princess and a queen, or screws up the protocol after all this time being exposed to the ways of the SRF. To be honest, I've seen some photos and films that made me wonder if it's valid. The biggest one is "camera hungry eyes". In the pre-wedding interview Carl Philip said he didn't know love until Sofia. That sent people on a tear - a slap in the face to his ex-girlfriend of 10 years (and longtime friend of his sister Madeleine) Emma Pernauld. (Some still believe there was overlap). The comment blogs were long on this one, and not all good. In the same interview Sofia said she had no regrets for her past - may not do the same things now, but no regrets. Many didn't see a true act of contrition (same level as Mette Marit), hence the anti-Sofia camp is strong. In short I thought the interview was bad PR-wise and it just kept the fuel going on the fire of contempt. It also gave the press permission to take a few bites out of Sofia - and it has.

      The PR still needs work. Although Carl Philip will not become king he still may be regent when Victoria ascends to the throne and the new Crown Princess Estelle is still a minor. How all members of the SRF are seen depend it there will be a monarchy in Sweden.

    2. Äquarius: So it is a big sin for Middletons to want their children better starting points than the parents had themselves? I think almost every parents make the same. I do or did also. I really cannot understand that marriage critique, we can all see William and Catherine are quite happily married and William had all choice weather to marry Catherine or not. In my eyes Catherine has done very little to deserve status as pariah what she seems to have.

      Catherine and William are not crown prince couple, there is no certain protocol what they should do. William is also working as helicopter pilot.

      People here complain that William wants to keep his family private. I think William knows after his mother Diana and all Wales war things exactly what publicity takes and brings. There were many pictures of William when he was young when he looked just miserable when carried to newspapers. I truly understand why he does not want the same happen to his wife and kids.

      About Sofia; just read the late comments here, they are partly ridiculous. I think if Sofia dresses all the time gray writers still would complain she is wearing too bright colors and does not know her place. Carl Philip looks very happy with his wife and I think that is what matters.

      The funnies thing about all these ladies what are here attacked because of their background is that all those royal families themselves have no problems with those issues, but people who do not know any of these royals at all have big issues.

  10. About commenting generally in any blog or page in internet, if I like to write something mean, I ask myself is it something I would be ready to say face to face, if not shall I also not write it.

  11. I also wonder how some ladies who have elephants in closet; Maxima and her father thing, Letizia and her first marriage for example, are never criticized at all. I myself think Maxima´s father is the biggest scandal in whole punch.

    1. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi Maxima devrait charger sur le dos les péchés de son père. C'est injuste.
      Quant à Letizia, elle a épousé son professeur, c'était un mariage de la jeunesse, ils ont rapidement réalisé que c'était une erreur, le mariage n'a duré qu'un an et aucun enfant endommagé.
      Je ne vois pas d'éléphant dans le closet. Tout est du domaine public. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez rechercher, critiquer ou punir???

    2. Angie: You understood me completely wrong. I really do not want to punish anybody, quite the opposite. I think we all have past and things what we should not have done, in all our families are things we do not like etc. That is called The Life. But it seems here that that is life only for some royals, other should get hanged because their past, relatives etc. I am completely happy when royal families have welcomed these non royal new members, I think we who do not really know these people should accept and respect it. In my opinion this non royal fresh blood was the only way to let royal houses survive.

  12. We all have skeltons.

    We all live in houses that could crazy or shatter with one thrown rock.

    Imaging living under that scrutiny daily?


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