Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla at the reception of the British Asian Trust

On the evening of February 2, Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust. The gala dinner took place at Natural History Museum in London.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.
Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall attended a gala dinner held by the British Asian Trust.

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  1. Anonymous3/2/16 19:08

    Lovely couple,Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla are wonderful!Thank you for posting their news !!!!

  2. Anonymous3/2/16 19:51

    The drees of Camiila is aweful

    1. I think is a dress right for her and her age

    2. Anonymous4/2/16 13:57

      Stefania, you're right. The Duchess of Cornwall is not too far from her 70th birthday and this dress is appropriate. And blue is definitely her colour.

  3. Et Charles toujours une main dans la poche.Sa maman a pourtant dĂ» lui dire qu'il ne fallait pas .

  4. Anonymous3/2/16 20:18

    1ère image: Carnival est arrivé? Gloups

  5. I can't believe this money sucking lazy selfish adulterous couple finally got up off their arses and did something. It's not too tough to dress up then go have a meal with celebrities. Why don't you do some real charity work and let Kate and William raise their babies? No respect to this couple who ruined Diana's life and left her sons without a mother.

    1. I cannot believe what I just red. Prince Charles was seven years the hardest working person in BRF, last year she missed that tittle to her siste Anne by 9, he had last year 527 engagements. He for example visited 14 countries. Camilla had 235. They "really do some charity work".

      Diana had herself nothing to do with breaking that marriage, she was just innocent angelic victim? Let me laugh.

  6. Camilla looks lovely6, Simon looks tacky, and the one in blue! no comments.

  7. I love when people like Camilla can look so good and radiant with wrinkles and not destroying themselves with plastic surgery and botox. Her dress is nice and jewels wonderful.

  8. Anonymous4/2/16 09:34

    ...Camila looks like everyone's....grandmother...awful..

    1. Well, she IS a grandmother. Looking like "everyone's grandmother", not a movie star, is one of the advantages of being a senior royal. Ordinary people can identify with and relate to her.

  9. Anonymous4/2/16 16:51

    Camila should wear something less than all these big gowns and marvelous jewelry. Time to be more real and supportive


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