King Felipe and Queen Letizia postponed their England visit

ing Felipe VI and Queen Letizia's official England visit was postponed. Royal Couple of Spain had to cancel that visit because of the political uncertainty in Spain
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia's official England visit was postponed. Royal Couple of Spain had to cancel that visit because of the political uncertainty in Spain. That visit was to be their first visit to England after their enthronement on June 2014. The visit was planned to begin on March 8 and end on March 11. Meanwhile, Buckingham spokesman stated that they understand the reasons for the postponement. King Felipe and Queen Letizia were to be hosted at Windsor Castle during their England visit. We would have the chance to see altogether Queen Letizia, Queen Elizabeth, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and other British royal family members but it won't be possible.

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  1. Anonymous5/2/16 18:31

    What is going on in Spain? Did I miss out on something?
    Well, will be nice then. Surely Letizia will completely outshine Kate.

    1. This is high school thinking. It is not in either Letizia or Kate's minds to try to outshine the other.

    2. Anonymous5/2/16 22:20

      Well at least you have your priorities in place.

    3. Anonymous7/2/16 15:41

      Hahaha as if... Kate can't even hold a candle to Letizia style wise. Joking aside, a Queen has so much to do other than competing with the wife of the second in line to the throne. Please.

  2. Anonymous5/2/16 19:27

    Postponement was made due to the new government election.

  3. Anonymous6/2/16 05:19

    Sounds as if perhaps they might possibly be a teeny bit afraid to leave the country for even a few days.

    1. Till a new government is constituted after obtaining support from Parliament, the King as chief of state is a key piece whose counselling and mediation among the different possible coalitions is imperative by constitutional mandate. That has nothing to do with being "a teeny bit afraid of leaving the country", as you put it, but with fulfilling his obligations.

    2. Anonymous8/2/16 00:52

      @SakurahimeFebruary 6, 2016 at 1:36 PM - True; but I stand by what I wrote.

    3. Anonymous8/2/16 02:55

      2:52 according to some Spanish news sources the government cancelled the trip. (Vozpopuli) These trips have to be approved by the govt. - resources, protection etc. - so....

  4. Anonymous6/2/16 07:40

    Aber so richtig verstehen kann ich es nicht. Was hat das mit der neuen Regierung zu tun? Kann mir das jemand erklären?

    1. Precisely the problem is that there is not yet government. The negotiations between political parties are still very difficult.

    2. Anonymous6/2/16 23:32

      @ Angie:
      Danke für die Rückantwort bzw. Erklärung.

    3. War ein Vergnügen.

  5. How very unfortunate. I was looking forward to this trip.


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