Queen Maxima attends opening Rotterdam International Film Festival

Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR) on January 27, 2016 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch-crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival. Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival. Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival. Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival. Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR)
Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attends the official opening of the 45th edition of Rotterdam International Film Festival
Queen Maxima wore a ETRO Printed stretch-crepe jumpsuit.
Queen Maxima wears a ETRO Printed stretch crepe jumpsuitQueen Maxima style ISABRLLE FA Necklace -jeweler, jevelery, gold earrings gold necklace, diamond rings
                          ETRO Printed jumpsuit                                    ISABELLE FA Necklace

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  1. Anonymous27/1/16 21:19

    Tja, ich weiĂź nicht recht, was ich hier zu sagen soll...
    Haare: kein Kommentar.
    Halskette und Ohrringe: gefallen mir persönlich nicht.
    Hosenanzug: schöne Farben, aber so richtig begeistert mich das Ensemble nicht.

    1. Anonymous28/1/16 21:20

      Ich mag ihre wilden Haare, immer. Wenn sie die auch noch perfekt machen würde, wäre sie wie Königin Mathilde. Die immer super aussieht, ehrlich. Aber Königin Maxima mag ihre Haare eben lieber so, unperfekt und nicht wie frisch gestylt vom Frisör.
      Ausnahmsweise gefällt mir ihre Kleidung aber dieses Mal nicht so....

  2. Love the dress, hate the hair

    1. Anonymous28/1/16 15:59

      Love the hair, hate the dress

    2. Me too....like hair and make up, hate the dress.

    3. Anonymous28/1/16 20:41

      Neither are good, the jumpsuit too showy.

  3. Anonymous27/1/16 21:37

    Ein typischer Auftritt von HRH Maxima...der IMMER polarisiert.

  4. Anonymous27/1/16 21:45

    Wow, a good outfit for the occasion..... She's radiant.

  5. I love the pattern and the drape of this pantsuit and I think the queen carries it very well. This garment would look even better without the belt, which does not flatter her nice figure; however, the shoes and jewellery are lovely, and overall I think it's a great modern look for an arts event.

    1. Une ceinture moins haute serait mieux

  6. I thought Maxima styled this outfit very nicely. I want one just in slightly different colors for my coloring! She looks really good!

  7. Anonymous27/1/16 22:38

    Love the outfit and the hair. Hair is a major improvement on past occasions. This jumpsuit is perfect for her style and personality.

  8. How come Max's hair never seems to be combed? She didn't wear her hair like this in the past, but for some reason recently her hair has been a mess! That is some wild outfit!!

  9. Anonymous28/1/16 06:55

    I love Maxima, but no no no...

    1. Anonymous28/1/16 14:39

      I also see the same . Nice color but it looks big on her , not fitting her well

    2. Anonymous28/1/16 19:04

      Lovely shoes!

  10. Anonymous28/1/16 08:45

    Suits Queen Maxima well!

  11. Anonymous28/1/16 12:34

    Love love the jumpsuit. I would have chosen different accessories

  12. Anonymous28/1/16 14:03

    Love it all! She is fabulous! She is always bold and goes all the way! She has become one of my favorites. I do feel her hair needs some control at times.

  13. The woman has panache!

    1. Anonymous28/1/16 21:09

      Absolutely agree!
      Caroline .

  14. Wow! she's gorgeous again. I'm glad the summer is over so we can see her out and about. I noticed, for you hair fickle readers, that her hair is styled in back. So her hair is down and gorgeous, it's part of her style, Deal with it!!! I wanna hang out with her and have a beer, she's so fun.

  15. Panache? Yes! when the whole world is looking at you, she follows her own style, and dazzles!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous28/1/16 21:09

    Love, love, love her from head to toe ! Beautiful Maxima .
    Faboulous pantsuit and beautiful shoes, chic lady .

  17. Anonymous29/1/16 05:42

    Love this Maxima. You rock girl!!!


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