Princess Marie has given a interview to Jyllands Posten

Princess Marie of Denmark has given an interview to Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten recently. New picture of Princess Marie taken for an article by Jyllandsposten. (Princess Marie's 40th birthday is in the next month on February 6. Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten made an interview with the Princess regarding her birthday. Princess speaks about her childhood and divorce of her parents in this interview. The interview will be published on February 6. Princess Marie was photographed by Lars Krabbe.)
Princess Marie of Denmark has given an interview to Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten recently
Princess Marie of Denmark has given an interview to Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten recently.

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  1. Anonymous31/1/16 18:20

    toujours son joli sourire

  2. Anonymous31/1/16 18:38

    Congratulations to Princess Marie on her 40 years old birthday the 6th of February.

  3. françoiseA31/1/16 19:02

    on dirait une pub pour un dentifrice ; un peu forcé le sourire !!!

  4. Tout-à-fait mon opinion. Quel était le sujet de l'entrevue?

    1. Anonymous31/1/16 21:18

      Her birthday,about the servants they had when she was a child???

    2. Anonymous1/2/16 10:06

      Really did she mention the servants whatever for -snobbery.

  5. Françoise A ,êtes vous française pour ne jamais être satisfaite ? Je plaisante et pense comme vous .
    Mais elle est élégante !

  6. Mon compliment sur l'élégance de Marie est parti trop vite

  7. Anonymous31/1/16 20:44

    Il faut toujours que vous la flinguiez, c'est obsessionel chez vous !!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous31/1/16 20:45

    Oh, I just love that woman! Her smile and gentlenss, everything. She is a natural!

    1. Anonymous31/1/16 21:23

      I find more showy and fake, anyway happy day to her on her birthday..

  9. Anonymous31/1/16 21:30

    I really don't like her smile.

    1. Anonymous1/2/16 05:59

      Marie is a natural and spontaneous person… not very good at acting and to arranged photos. Mary loves it - Marie does not.

    2. Anonymous1/2/16 12:11

      Ha Ha this is a joke, Marie is the best at acting. She loves the photos the interviews an being out front.

    3. Anonymous1/2/16 12:20

      Anon at 7:59 AM
      Once again you show disrespect for Marie you feel that to make her look better you need to put another down- very telling about Marie.
      But I agree to make her look good some else probably does need to made be seen in a negative way.

  10. Anonymous31/1/16 23:27

    j'aime bien sa coiffure , elle laisse repousser ses cheveux, cela lui va bien, le sourire ne me parait pas naturel parfois

    1. Anonymous1/2/16 09:05

      Elle a toujours ce sourire forcé

  11. elle est très jolie, et elle a une belle sourire sur ce photo.

  12. Anonymous1/2/16 09:29

    A very Happy Birthday to Princess Marie ! She is one of my favourite royal ladies ! She's not let the spotlight go to her head ! She comes across as so sincere and friendly !Let's hope she starts getting a little more press coverage. It's always a pleasure to read what she and her handsome prince are doing !

  13. Anonymous1/2/16 12:31

    Ever since she met the prince Marie has always had an eye for the main chance.

  14. Anonymous1/2/16 15:12

    Beautiful picture of a beautiful princess.
    Princess Marie is my favourite of the Danish royal Family.

  15. Anonymous1/2/16 19:06

    Marie est une jolie princesse mais je trouve qu'elle se force à sourire et regarde de plus en plus les objectifs comme sa belle sœur si décriée

  16. Anonymous2/2/16 03:20

    Not too keen on the photo or on Marie really ! Out of all the royal ladies, she's my least favourite ! Always prefer to see Crown Princess Mary she's a natural at her role and an addition to the Danish Royal Family that the Danes are really proud of.!

    See how this can work such silliness.

    1. Anonymous3/2/16 12:58

      Please explain your comment 'silliness' !

      For those of us that have aired are fondness of HR Princess Marie, I'm perplexed at your comment !


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