Princess Marie attended Autism Conference in Herning

Yesterday, Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation. Princess Marie wore the same dress as in November 2013 and January 2014. Brand of the dress is unknown.
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation
Princess Marie of Denmark attended International World Autism Conference in Herning, Denmark. Princess Marie is Denmark patron and Denmark Representative of World Autism Foundation

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  1. She needs a sandwich...I never find her look anything special.

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 12:15

      Dummer Spruch mit dem Sandwich. Ich bin selber so dünn wie Marie und kann viel essen ohne an Gewicht zuzunehmen.

    2. Exactly, Anon 17/1 at 2:15pm. Black Alien Musings, that is an extremely rude comment to make. How would you like it if someone made a nasty comment about YOUR weight? Surely you realize that you are in no position to judge what she "needs" in connection with her health. Only her doctor can do that!

  2. Anonymous17/1/16 00:58

    If it were Kate wearing this outfit she would be fully criticised.

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 13:40

      Why bring Kate in every single thread? She will never wear this Kind of outfit by the way.

    2. Anonymous17/1/16 15:29

      That is right Kate dresses much classier.

    3. Anonymous17/1/16 15:42

      And if were CP Mary wearing this outfit.
      Everyboby would have loved it.

      I think princess Marie looks lovely as she always does.

    4. I think Princess Marie looks nice too. She always seems to dress nicely I don't think she tries to be anything but herself unlike a certain relative who craves the limelight and camera

    5. Anonymous18/1/16 22:09

      I find Marie very much enjoys the limelight and camera as much as all others, even more so, she is no shrinking violet when the cameras are around, and this should not be a problem if she does.

  3. Anonymous17/1/16 06:18

    Marie dose not wear too much make up in all her appearance even at gala dinners or parties , she is always simple and has a special charm

  4. Agree, Sue. Lovely shots, and a nice outfit.

  5. Anonymous17/1/16 10:38

    Marie is fantastic and very beautiful! Her natural smile and behavior is really charmming.

  6. Anonymous19/1/16 05:06

    Marie focuses is on her work - not to come in focus on how she is dressed !

    1. Anonymous19/1/16 10:07

      She does little work so she does not have to focus much.


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