Princess Astrid and Charlotte Casiraghi at the gala dinner

On January 30, 2016, Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland. (FXB International, also known as Association François-Xavier Bagnoud, is an international development organization aimed at providing support for communities affected by AIDS and poverty. The organization was founded in 1989 by Albina du Boisrouvray.)
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland
Princess Astrid of Belgium and Charlotte Casiraghi attended a dinner organized by the FXB International Association in Geneva, Switzerland

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  1. On ne voit pas Astrid souvent, elle est discrète. Dommage qu'elle porte de la fourrure

    1. Anonymous31/1/16 21:01

      La princesse Astrid avait 119 engagements en 2015.

  2. Anonymous31/1/16 19:38

    In the fourth picture she could pass as Princess Caroline.

    1. Charlotte is her mother's clone. Looking at Charlotte is like looking at her mother 30 years ago.

    2. Anonymous1/2/16 07:15

      Oh yes, she's looking more and more like her mother.
      I like her hair styled like this but not fan of her outfit.

    3. Anonymous1/2/16 09:12

      Princess Astrid of Belgium is looking elegant and beautiful.
      She seems not amused ablout Charlottes Casiraghis comments.

      Charlotte is a beauty, but she dresses not well.

  3. Anonymous1/2/16 01:16

    Princess Astrid is very beautiful.

  4. Anonymous1/2/16 11:46

    Nein - Caroline war viel schöner als sie.

  5. Anonymous1/2/16 12:35

    Charlotte needs to pluck her big eyebrows, it doesn't look feminine...

  6. Anonymous1/2/16 16:42

    Amazing! Both ladies looks very elegant. Love the fur stole of princess Astrid!

  7. Anonymous1/2/16 17:28

    Sie schaut überhaupt sehr derb aus. Caroline war viel feiner.

  8. Anonymous1/2/16 19:05

    Charlotte ist eine Mischung von beiden Elternteilen, hat aber viel mehr Ähnlichkeit mit ihrem Vater.

    1. Anonymous1/2/16 21:51

      She looks after Prince Albert.

  9. Anonymous2/2/16 08:17

    And nobody complaines about Charlottes tick dark hose...LOL


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