Prince Guillame and Princess Stephanie visited Diekirch Museum

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillame and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited National Museum of Military History (Musee national s'Historie Militaire) in the city of Diekirch, Luxembourg.
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillame and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited National Museum of Military History (Musee national s'Historie Militaire) in the city of Diekirch
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillame and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited National Museum of Military History (Musee national s'Historie Militaire) in the city of Diekirch
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillame and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited National Museum of Military History (Musee national s'Historie Militaire) in the city of Diekirch
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillame and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited National Museum of Military History (Musee national s'Historie Militaire) in the city of Diekirch

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  1. Anonymous21/1/16 19:28

    Ein schönes, klassisches Outfit!

    1. Anonymous22/1/16 06:07

      Ja, für eine Siebzigjährige. Obwohl z.B. Königin Silvia sich nie so ältlich kleidet.
      Außerdem stimmen die Proportionen überhaupt nicht. Ich weiß wirklich nicht, warum Stephanie immer Kleidung trägt, die sie noch kürzer und molliger erscheinen lassen, als sie wirklich ist.

    2. Anonymous22/1/16 12:22

      Stimmt schon, ja. Stephanie kleidet sich im Allgemeinen nicht besonders... tja, wie soll ich sagen...modisch, spritzig-wie auch immer. Aber irgendwie gefällt mir dieses rosa Ensemble :-) Muss an der Farbe liegen.

    3. Anonymous22/1/16 13:30

      Agreed Anonymous 08:07

  2. How old is this Grand duchess Stephanie?? From day one she looked years older than she is. She looks 50. Someone needs to make her over. Bring her to her true years. Sooo old fashioned Imho.

    1. Anonymous22/1/16 07:31

      Do not agree, she does not look old, no way. Acually she is the most beautiful Princess in Europe. Compare her to the swedish, to Mary of Danmark, to Kate, to Charlene, to Beatrice, to Charlotte, to Pauline,
      to Eugenie, to Mette-Marit,...

    2. Anonymous22/1/16 09:40

      She simply doesn't have a sense of style, some people just Don't. Simple as that. She doesn't dress worse than Kate. Both of them wear outfits their grannies age.

    3. Anonymous22/1/16 14:14

      9:31 Sorry you may like her, but she's not the most beautiful Princess/Cp/Q or royal. There are many nice thing we can call Stephanie, but beautiful is not one of them. And this I say in the most nice and positive way.

    4. Anonymous22/1/16 18:41

      Anonymous January 22, 2016 at 4:14 I disagree with entirely. Princess Stephanie has the most perfect bone structure and pedigree of all European Princesses. Her style has been criticized, but she is an aristocrat. Queen Mathilde for her taste and pedigree, and Princess Mette-Marit for her beauty - along with Princess Stephanie - are the premiere Princesses. Others have made compromises, through marriage or taste in style. In terms of image, I stand by my assessment.

    5. Anonymous23/1/16 05:24

      Judging someone by his/her pedigree is also a kind of racism.

    6. Anonymous23/1/16 12:35

      Anonymous January 23, 2016 at 7:24 AM, no it isn't, for several reasons. First it has nothing to do with race: the pedigree of the Japanese court is Japanese, of Morocco, Moroccan, and the children of Prince Maximilian and Princess Angela of Liechtenstein have an aristocratic pedigree. Second, an aristocratic upbringing results in certain tastes and demeanor that is very hard to assimilate, it is a background of grace and tact. Third, I'm not racist and you have a lot of nerve to slander me for my comment when you are WRONG.

  3. is stephanie pregnant?

    1. Anonymous22/1/16 06:09

      I don't think so. Just a bit on the chubby side for quite a while now.

    2. Anonymous22/1/16 06:27

      Ja, sieht ein bißchen so aus...

    3. Anonymous22/1/16 09:23

      if not, she should change stylist....

  4. From these photos it looks like a baby is on the way...fingers crossed. It would be lovely for grand duke jean to meet a new heir to the heir!

  5. Fingers crossed, by the looks of these photos there might be another Royal baby on the way! It would be lovely for grand duke Jean to meet the heirs heir! On saying that I do respect the fact that they are enjoying married life together before kids! My best wishes to both!

  6. Anonymous26/1/16 11:53

    I don't think the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie looks old for her age. I think she is a young woman who takes the role she has found herself in very seriously and her clothes reflect how she feels about her duties - serious, suitable and sensible, like a working wardrobe. Very much like crown Princess Victoria.

    I don't think Stephanie will ever be a fashionista, however Stephanie can look absolutely stunning, I thought she looked absolutely gorgeous (and was one of the best dressed) when she wore the topaz/citrine parure with her beautiful Elie Saab gown to Princess Madeleine's Wedding.


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