Dinner - 25th anniversary celebrations of Royal Family of Norway

In the evening of 17th January, On occasion of 25th anniversary of enthronement of King Harald, Oslo Royal Palace hosted a gala dinner. The gala dinner was attended by royal family of Norway and also Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia, parliament and government members and other guests. Royal palace of Norway published a series of photos taken with other royal families who attended the gala dinner.
The gala dinner was attended by royal family of Norway and also Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia, parliament and government members and other guests.
The gala dinner was attended by royal family of Norway and also Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia, parliament and government members and other guests.
The gala dinner was attended by royal family of Norway and also Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia, parliament and government members and other guests.
The gala dinner was attended by royal family of Norway and also Queen Margrethe of Denmark, King Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia, parliament and government members and other guests.

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  1. Anonymous18/1/16 13:04

    Queen Margrethe is the best and will be always the best

  2. Anonymous18/1/16 13:52

    Après avoir vu le prince consort Henrik avoir l'énergie d'aller à la chasse et à d'autres activités personnelles, je le trouve bien ingrat de ne pas avoir accompagné son épouse à cet événement. Ça m'attriste de voir la reine Margrethe seule, elle qui se dévoue tant pour son pays. Ce n'est pas seulement triste pour elle, c'est même humiliant. S'il était alité, je ne dis pas, mais quand tu peux gambader d'une ville à l'autre en faisant le paon, il me semble que le devoir moral d'un époux est de soutenir son épouse pour le meilleur et pour le pire. De toute évidence, Henrik de Danemark n'a pas cet valeur dans son code d'honneur. Ce devait être optionnel à la naissance et il n'en a malheureusement pas été pourvu!

    1. Anonymous18/1/16 14:04

      Évidemment, vous devriez lire '' cette valeur ''.

    2. C'est bien triste pour elle, surtout que c'était presqueune fête de famille !!!

    3. Henrik brille par son absence

    4. We can’t judge Henrik without knowing the full story. I don’t wish to indulge in morbid speculation, but it is possible that Henrik’s health is very poor. Many conditions, such as certain cancers, are not apparent to outsiders. We all know cases of people who have kept the seriousness of their condition a secret even from their close colleagues. If Henrik is participating in leisure activities , it may be because he does not know how much longer he will be able to do so. And if he is on strong painkillers, especially narcotics, that could easily affect his capacity to function at official events.
      Naturally I hope none of this is the case, and time will tell. In the meantime I believe that, in fairness, we should wait and withhold judgment until we know more about the situation

  3. Great pictures....love the one with the three queens and with the three regents. Very harmonious with the colors, too ;-)

  4. J'ai l'impression que ces trois belles reines ont de nouvelles robes ,enfin que moi je n'ai jamais vues .

    1. Anonymous18/1/16 15:36

      Il me semble avoir déjà vu celle de la reine Silvia. À son âge, pouvoir porter cette robe quand même moulante, je l'envie. Les trois reines sont très élégantes. Au-delà de l'événement protocolaire, on a l'impression d'assister à la rencontre de trois amies.

  5. Anonymous18/1/16 15:24

    Schöne Aufnahmen.
    Mir persönlich gefällt Margrethes Ballkleid am besten.

  6. Anonymous18/1/16 15:34

    Queen Silvia has worn this dress in December 2015 for dinner for Nobel prize winners.

  7. Le trovo tutte molto e poi il collier della regina Margarethe é davvero regale!

  8. C'est avant tout une réunion de famille ,ils sont tous cousins et parrains et marraines de leurs enfants.
    D'accord pour la robe de la reine Sylvia au dîner Nobel,mais elle était assise ,je n'avais pas vu les volants.
    Très red carpet d'Hollywood !

  9. Anonymous18/1/16 22:57

    Queen Silvia looks hot with this dress!

    1. Hot,do you mean sexy ? Why not .A 72 ans tout est permis

  10. its lovely to see Queen Margrethe among King Carl Gustav and King Harald there

  11. love the queens dresses that evening

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  13. Anonymous19/1/16 16:43

    Wonderful pictures. I just notice that despite all the works done on her face, Silvia doesn't stand out. Sonia and Margrethe have those natural looks of old, serene and dignified ladies yet they look as good as Silvia is.


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