Belgium Royals attend a new year reception held for NATO/SHAPE

Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO at the Royal Palace on January 14, 2016 in Brussels.
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO
Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO at the Royal Palace
Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO at the Royal Palace
Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium attended the new year reception held for representatives of SHAPE and NATO at the Royal Palace

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  1. Anonymous14/1/16 17:18

    Queen Mathilde is like the moon....the camera always focuses on a single side of her

  2. Anonymous14/1/16 18:44

    This is too classic for a woman in her fourties!

  3. Yes, it is our loss that the photographs show distant, limited views. I would love to see some front-on shots and closeups.

  4. I actually like this dress on Mathilde.

  5. Anonymous17/1/16 15:48

    I like Mathilde the dress does nothing for her.


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