40th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival - 1st Day

Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival on January 14, 2016 in Monaco, Monaco.
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival
Princess Stephanie of Monaco and daughter Pauline Ducruet attend the 40th International Circus Festival

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  1. Pauline is beautiful

    1. Anonymous15/1/16 20:28

      I agree, but I do not like her. IT is not the Nacken pics, she is really mature, but she is a Person Who can bring Change, I like Tradition - she is to Strong for Mainstream and there for she can Not fit in Royals.

    2. Anonymous16/1/16 13:37

      Agree with 01:41
      In the second picture Pauline looks like Grace.

  2. Anonymous14/1/16 23:58

    Pauline looks nice and tanned after her trip thru Australia and Asia. Very pretty girl.

  3. Anonymous15/1/16 00:27

    Monaco royals are the most partying royals in the world! Not impressed and not my favourable royal family.

    1. This appearance by Stephanie is not an example of "partying". Princess Stephanie is patron of this annual event, and she is attending in her official capacity. The tourist industry is essential to Monaco's economy; so, supporting events and industries that draw tourists is part the princely family's remit.

    2. I agree with Anonymous 02:27. They are just vulgar.

  4. Anonymous15/1/16 03:51

    Hard fast living shows....how sad ... Pauline is a pretty girl. Her Mother is not aging well.

  5. Anonymous15/1/16 05:31

    Pauline is a beautiful young woman. However... those Monaco clowns always creep me out big time.

  6. I never kept Princess Stephanie as a beauty when she was young, but it seems the older she gets the more beautiful she come. She is aging well and remains every day more Princess Grace.

    1. Anonymous15/1/16 12:11

      Sorry, but she is not aging well. The last photo of her we have seen that she has started to use fillers and botox too. Don't see the reminiscent of Grace on her either.

    2. Anonymous15/1/16 12:26


    3. Anonymous15/1/16 12:37

      Oh Blondini surely you blew that pic up? Stephenie is not aging well and she is no Grace. Not trying to be mean here. Truth.

    4. Anonymous15/1/16 13:38

      Sorry but I can't agree,Stephanie does not look like Grace to me...

    5. Aging well? I sometimes think the aura of royalty blinds some people. She looks horrible...and the dark lipstick is not doing her any favors.

    6. Here are pictures of Stephanie and Grace side by side. In my eyes Stephanie´s face features are very much alike Grace`s. Same face shape, same nose, same cheeks, same eye browns. http://i696.photobucket.com/albums/vv321/blondiini/Stephanie%20Grace_zpsvgt3qssk.jpg

    7. Now when all the others think otherwise I looked other pictures and she does not look there as good as in this particular picture here.

      But. I have very difficult to understand why aging ladies should look out wrinkless baby dolls. Why cannot they just get old without botox and surgery.

    8. Anonymous15/1/16 22:47

      Stephanie has always looked like Rainier. Now that she is 50 her darkened hair and dark lipstick make her look quite harsh, it's having the opposite effect of what she probably intended. I'd like to see her soften her look. As we get older our hair fades, if it's too dark we don't look "right". And I'm an old fogey who doesn't color her hair.

    9. Anonymous16/1/16 13:25


  7. Anonymous15/1/16 11:30

    I like Princesse Stephanie, she is a very sympathetic woman and she has a beautiful daughter

    1. Anonymous16/1/16 13:27

      Camille is as well her daughter. I think she is not a mainstream beauty, although she is beautiful.

  8. Anonymous15/1/16 14:17

    I doubt anyone would give Pauline a second glance if she wasn't the daughter of a Princess. She may be a lovely girl and have the sweetest nature, but she is no beauty, she is very ordinary.

  9. La princesse Stéphanie se soucie peu de son look .Mais c'est elle qui ressemble le plus à sa mère .
    Mais est ce important ?,elle a assez de personnalité pour être autre chose qu'un clone de sa mère

  10. Anonymous15/1/16 15:41

    Why are young royals automatically called 'beautiful'? No doubt, Pauline looks nice, but that's it, nothing special about her(simply telling from the photos, of course I don't know her). You can easily find thousands girls at her age who are much more beautiful or at least have a special appearance.

  11. So weird and anatractive. Steph looks like a guy, and her daugther is really vulgar.

  12. "Horrible"? "weird and unattractive?" such cruel comments from Black Alien Musings and Vicka Spencer!
    Stephanie, now almost 51, has a face which, first and foremost, I would describe as that of someone who has spent a lot of time outdoors (with minimal sun protection). The expression of the wrinkles on her face also suggests to me that she may have had a lot of stress in her life (though naturally I would not know whether that is so, or not).
    In my country, it’s a truism that women who live closer to the equator look, on average, 10 years older than their sisters who live closer to the pole – all because of the different levels of sun exposure.
    Stephanie’s value as a member of the Monegasque princely family is no less because she is older, or looks older, than her contemporaries -- who may have lived a different lifestyle. No woman is under obligation to appear to age to a certain timetable. She does not now “need" to use cosmetic procedures in order to keep participating in public life (though of course if she wishes to use such methods, that is entirely her right). Her apparent age should not be a problem; so why talk about as if it is? It’s not important…. or relevant to her ability to fulfill her role. What is relevant is her health, and happiness.
    Here's a great short video in praise of wrinkles:) https://www.facebook.com/gruenhq/videos/10154750683377588/

    1. Anonymous16/1/16 12:33

      I completely agree with you!

    2. Yes, Stephanie and her sister, Caroline, have both had excessive and frequent sun exposure over the last decades. This combined with another MAJOR factor has contributed to the premature facial aging of both. And the other factor is smoking. Unfortunately, both started to smoke at a young age and to this day are still puffing away. Smokers not only show wrinkles at an earlier age, but the wrinkles are much deeper. They also lose facial muscle tone more rapidly. And, unfortunately, Caroline's beautiful daughter, Charlotte, has followed her mother's example and is also a smoker.

    3. Anonymous17/1/16 07:02

      Il y a qq anneés Charlotte était plus belle!

  13. ik vind haar bescheiden,en dat siert haar ,ze heeft een leuk gezin!!!!!

  14. Anonymous16/1/16 15:52

    @15.27 About Camille I agree with you but she is not on these pictures


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