Sweden Royals attend the formal gathering of the Swedish Academy

On December 20, 2015, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill attended the Swedish Academy's formal gathering at the Stock Exchange in Stockholm, Sweden. ( VIDEO )
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden, Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr Christopher O'Neill
Princess Madeline wore Ida Sjöstedt Dress SS15Princess Madeline wore BY MALINA Elsa Coat
           Madeleine:   IDA SJOSTEDT Gown - SS15                          BY MALINA Elsa Coat
Princess Madeleine style bottega veneta-clutch
Princess Sofia wore Viktoria Chan GownPrincess Sofia wore MORRIS ophelia faux fur jacket
             Sofia:   VIKTORIA CHAN Gown                    MORRIS STOCKHOLM Ophelia Jacket
Princess Sofia style CAROLINE SVEDBOM Dione EarringsPrincess Sofia style H&M Clutch
        Sofia: CAROLINE SVEDBOM Dione Earrings                          H&M Clutch

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Sofia Hellqvist has cut her hair like Kate Middleton.

    1. NEWS FLASH . . . Sofia is a WOMAN like Kate Middleton- Who knew????? Geez!!!!!

    2. I cut my hair before Kate!!! Maybe she did copy me?!

    3. Anonymous15:07
      I'm pretty sure she did!

    4. Why don't you say duchess of Cambnridge copied princess Mary hair??? It's pretty most the same for me!
      Like if they needed to copy anyone

  2. Victoria wears a gorgeous dress! In velvet, love it! Madeleine's dress is also stunning but i think she show a little to much breast, not very chique.

  3. Both blood pricesses look great, Sophia mediocre as usual.

    1. Petty snark. I'd say the 'non-blood' has more class than you!!

    2. Anonymous22:29
      You think? I do NOT have such a past as has Sophia, is THAT class for your liking?

    3. 23:00 - Yes and congratulations. People should be given the opportunity to overcome their pasts without the rest of us (pure as we no doubt are) baring our judgmental claws. Don't you believe in redemption?

    4. @Anonymous 21:59: Jealousy is the spawn of the devil.

    5. Anonymous 06:56
      Ok, then I'm obsessed....I can live with that, I'm irreligious :-)

  4. Shame, shame, shame on Silvia to wear furs, even if they're old.

    1. absoluteley agree with you, discusting that they cannot think one step further, even when you wear fur that is old it means you approve wearing fur in general. Madeleine is also wearing fur.

    2. As is SH. What is wrong with wearing an old fur, keeps you warm. Through it away and buy a new wool coat like Mrs. Nixon? In 1992 I bought a full length ranch mink coat by a designer, it was not cheap. However it still keeps me warm. Several years ago I had it re-styled, It is now reversible. I always wear it with the fur on the inside. Toasty and nice. And, I am not ashamed of it! I store it, clean it and repair it, when necessary. I spent #k on having it re-styled and it will last me for another 10 years, should I live that long. Great when I take the dog out in the early morning during the cold winter months.

    3. You can still buy fur coats in the stores. But you shouldn't and I do not wear mine.

    4. Wearing furs doesn't bother me a bit. Why keep the furs locked up in a vault somewhere when the poor animal died to provide that pelt. It would be a waste of that animal's life not to wear the fur. Plus, I am tired of people telling others what they can or can not do. It really isn't anyone's business now is it. How about we look through your closet and decide what is PC to wear and not wear and then bully you until you get rid of what offends others.

    5. I am echoing what Animal Rights advocates object. Controversy exists regarding the wearing of fur coats due to animal cruelty.
      Calm down !

    6. I've always thought it a bit disengenuous to get all lathered up about furs when most of us eat meat and wear leather shoes and handbags.

    7. Unless you don't wear leather (shoes, belts, jackets, gloves, etc) you can't complain about people wearing fur. It's two sides of the same coin.

    8. ATL, what if the dog you take out in the early morning gets taken in captivity in a horrible way and killed by getting skinned alive and after that becomes your fur coat? Would you like that?

    9. Lizzie 22:15
      The world is lost anyway....if Silvia wears furs or not, what difference does it make?

    10. Neidisch, oder was???

    11. @Iris, animals farmed for fur are not skinned alive. I have friend who had mink farm so I know it was absolutely nothing like you said.

    12. Iris 11:49 - Dog pelts are not made into furs these days. Why should I shuck a coat that is more than 20 years old, still in excellent condition, just beacause some politially correct people say I should not? Do you wear leather shoes, leather belts, leather gloves, etc.? So you eat meat, fish, chicken? You should see some of the chicken farms in the state of Delaware. I have not been inside, but they sure stink to high heaven. In my view, it is not polite to co9mment on other peoples' choices when you in all probability use meat, leather in one way or another.

    13. Seriously, who cares if Silvia wears an old fur coat?

      I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years. I wonder how many people who complain about fur garments eat meat every day of their lives when a lot of "food" animals live miserable lives. People who complain about furs just might want to give up eating flesh foods - and then other people might listen to all the complaints.

    14. Anyway the fact is that it was the warmest December day for decades...so no need for a fur that evening.

    15. Very diplomatic comment not upsetting anyone.

    16. ATL We know you like to talk dirt about Princess Sofia, but please this is fake fur. Do not compare it to real fur.

    17. ATL, I do not want to start an endless discussion but dog fur is definitaly used in some 'fake' furs from China, if you do a little research you can easily read about that. It is also not polite of you to assume that i do use leather and eat meat, because i don't! This is not meant as an unfriendly comment because i like to talk with people even when our opinions differ, we can learn from each other. Happy Holidays.

  5. à chacune leur propre style; mais les 3 princesses sont ravissantes

  6. Three princesses maybe....

  7. I like the look of Princess Sofia with more make up, red lipstick and shorter hair .

  8. They all look fabulous (one quibble only, Sofia's jacket is not the best shape for the dress), But what I love best is Victoria's hair. I am over the moon to see her with a softer hairstyle.

    1. I agree

    2. Is her hair accent a pin from their jewel vault?

  9. hmm I love the three princess such class and standing as glam outfit and I love Sophia h short hair was knockout

  10. een hele mooie familie!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. As usual a lot of negativity. Sofia looks lovely in that green color , the other two naaa. Velvet no no and to much happening in the skirt and way to much cleaving on M. Trying to get some attention?

    1. So lets write only positive things about Sofia but lets be negative about Victoria and Madeleine?
      Princess Madeleine was decently covered! Where do you see too much cleavage?

    2. Anonymous 17:43
      I was exactly thinking the same.....sometimes it's funny here, if you do no post opinions acc to mainstream here, you get slaughtered....nice freedom of speech.

    3. I agree - where???

    4. Nothing wrong with princess Madeleine dress.
      She looked beautiful as she always does.

    5. françoiseA22/12/15 10:10

      tres belle Madeleine ! Sofia aurait du se faire une coiffure plus sophistiquée pour cette soirée !!!

    6. 19:53 Freedom of speech does not mean leave your humanity and normal polite behavior at home, does it? We can all do better can't we? And why are only a few royal ladys slaughtered no matter what. Answer that.

    7. For some reason my answer did not make it true the censorship..and why I wonder? No trashing of anyone there! 17:43 The last time she used this dress the comments went on the cleavage. So take away the sash, and voila. And Yes We can all do better, a lot of us. This forum has turn in to a dishing blog it seams so for trashing please go to the royal dish next time. For information no I didn't like V or M dress, and only the color on S dress as I said, the green was lovely on her. If it's allowed to glorify V or M why is it not allowed to say when we like something on S or when we don't like something the Bernadotte sister are wearing? Is it only allowed to say when we don't like it when S is wearing it, and then throw in a few pointers on her background? And I meant the Sofia negativity(my mistake for not to write it) like we see Kate and Mette-Marit also get a lot of.

    8. Anonymous 16'47
      I would say that there is more negativity on princess Madeleine than on Sofia Hellqvist lately.
      Madeleine can do no good no matter what she or Chris are doing.
      Every dress she wears is wrong,that she moved to London is wrong.
      I wonder how long it will take before it,s the crown princess turn.
      The Swedish media especially Lindwall, is only pro Sofia Hellqvist

    9. You mean as you do calling her Sofia Hellqvist? If you are gonna call M princess Madeleine shouldn't you have the respect to call S Princess Sofia?? And no M gets no way near as much criticism as S. If we don't like M dress but S should we lie just so we don't hurt fans of M feeling? What we how are neutral and like both lady's see is that S can't do nothing right and fans of M price her no matter what she do or what she wears and talk dirt about her sister in law even if she looks great or do good work.

  12. I read for a for a couple of weeks ago, in the Swedish royal magazine that Victoria is expecting twins, I think that the rumour it is true!

  13. All the Royal Ladies look lovely. Victoria is stunning, her gown, her hair - everything. I love the colour Sofia is wearing and the side part on her hair is very flattering. It doesn't remind me of Kate Middleton at all.

    As for fur, I believe many think of fur in the same manner as they do ivory. If it is already in existence, fine. No new ivory, no new fur.

    If you live in a very cold climate (not Australia) wearing your existing fur coats or fur lined coats seems reasonable, however buying a new fur coat seems to me to be in very bad taste.

    I could be wrong, however I believe many object to fur because of the horrendous way the animals are killed for their pelts. The way the animals are killed helps retain a better shine on the pelts, but is incredibly cruel and disgusting.

    Sheep and cattle (in Australia) are supposedly slaughtered in a more humane manner, so as to cause as little distress to the poor creatures as possible. As far as I am aware this does not change be it for human consumption (food) or for leather.

    1. Us Aussies are brilliant in the way we think and I agree with every single thing you said, especially about the sheeps being sheered in a humane way. Also, the royal ladies looked regal and it's kind of nice to see when all we're faced with these days are tracky-dacks and burq . . . .

    2. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-10/peta-sheep-campaign/5587216

    3. So Iris, you dont eat meat or wear leather?

    4. Yes, that's right @anonymous 17:41.

    5. Good for you, Iris! I'll admit that I'm not nearly that evolved!

  14. Lovely, regal SRF!

    The Princesses are all beautiful.

  15. Crown Princess Victoria is glowing as is Princess Sofia and her new hair (this is how royalty is done kate middleton, five going on 15 years!).

  16. It is the so-called "privilege" of royalty to wear furs, ermine, mink, chinchilla, sable, etc. They're wearing furs not for warmth but for show, and because it is their "right". There are other ways to keep warm. Enough said.

  17. Lovely ladies but Madeleine per usual stands out.

  18. I want to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the people who write their comments even if they are bad comments... about my comments.
    Hope we will all meet in 2016 again!

    1. Thank you i wish you to a merry Christmas and a happy new and very royalish 2016! xx

    2. Merry Christmas!
      Next year we 'll have a lot of Royal Events!

  19. I like Victoria's hair but not the way her dress fits her. I love Sofia's dress color and hair, Madeleine dress is nice, not so crazy about her hair. Cutest couple: Carl Philip and Sofia. They all look great!

  20. Sofia's eyebrows are too thin and Madeleine's makeup is too pink. Everything else is ok. Victoria looks stunning. We criticise her daily outfits and hairstyle a lot, but when it comes to special events, Victoria is the queen of style. She has very mature style and posture, and it is obvious she is more experiences than Sofia and Madeleine.
    I wish you all Merry Christmas!

  21. Everybody looks very happy and that is the most important.


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