Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip attends Christmas concert

Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church on December 21, 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. The concert was called ‘Christmas in Vasastan” and featured a mix of traditional and modern Christmas songs performed by singers Fredrik Benedict Nybladh and Molly Sandén under the directions of Per-Henrik Holgersson. ( VIDEO )
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended the concert of “Christmas in Vasastan” at the Gustaf Vasa Church
Princess Sofia wore Tiffany Rose Chloe Maternity Lace DressPrincess Sofia wore By Timo hairy combo jacket
           TIFFANY ROSE Chloe Maternity Lace Dress          BY TI MO Hairy Combo Jacket
Princess Sofia style Caroline Svedbom Pelagia EarringsPrincess Sofia style Caroline Svedbom Mini Drop Bracelet
CAROLINE SVEDBOM Pelagia Earrings & Mini Drop Bracelet

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  1. One of my best friends in the choir.

    1. Your friend is very lucky. I hope he/she got a good view of the royal couple!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sofia est une princesse ravissante

  3. Couple heureux

  4. Looking at this video.
    Yes Lindwall we all know how much you love this couple.
    And love to criticize Chris and Madeleine.
    Just make me wonder if Victoria and Dan are next on the list of his critic.

    1. Lindwall is in the tank for CP & Sofia because a rise from scandal sells newspapers. (See the Kardashians). Lindwall has suggested that Victoria and her children should step aside and let CP take the throne and making Sofia queen. That act would increase calls for ending the monarchy.

  5. Sont ventre est bien bas, elle va nous faire un petit prématuré?

  6. Why would you wear a low cut dress to the church?!
    I know lots of people don't have much respect for decorum but it seems so natural to cover yourself up for church and not dress like you go to some coctail party.
    Sorry to say it but Sofia looks in these pictures like some 40-year-old trophy wife, she's not looking like regal princess at all...

    1. That was Christmas concert not The Mass in the church, so I suppose she could wear that kind of lace dress.

    2. Anonymous 09:45
      I'm with you, but take care, with that opiníon you'll get muzzled here.
      As for me, it was a mistake to make Sofia Hellqvist a member of the SRF. She is still too much "Slitz"-Glamourgirl and obviously mistakes the royal platform for red carped-events. She's such an offence.

    3. Two of other ladies in pictures have much more open cuts in their dresses and third one is having very short dress. But it is of course most clothes having Sofia who makes "mistake" here.

      Actually in our Scandinavian churches dressing is much more permissive than in many other churches. Sofia has completely proper dress.

      I would love to have that dress myself, I like the colour and lace.

    4. As an Scandinavian there is nothing wrong with what Sofia is wearing. She looks lovely and it's a great color too. We have seen much worse from royal born ladys before, without any remarks. So please stop using everything against her. Give her a chance at least!

    5. If this dress was on princess Madeleine she would be criticize for it.
      But I guess on Sofia is ok!!!!

    6. When Sofia wears this kind of revealing dress to church, then this is so appropriate. When Madeleine wear lower cut dress for some evening event, then that is offensive. Weird. Lets push Madeleine under the bus, so that Sofia can look "perfect"? I've been fan of Swedish royal family for more than 15 years but its time to stop following them...

  7. françoiseA22/12/15 10:07

    c'est bien que Sofia ai coupé ses cheveux ; ça lui va bien! très beau couple que j'aime bien mais ma préférée dans cette famille est la belle Madeleine!!!

  8. Sofia is the perfect princess!

    1. I love her but I think it's so early to say this,wait and see...

    2. Anonymous 12;52 yes of course she is perfect, and princess Madeleine isn't right?
      That's the it's going Sofia on the pedestal ,and throw Madeleine under the bus.

    3. Ridiculous Anonymous 12:52
      My former comment has not been posted, cause I stated -against the mainstream - that, for my likig, to make a commoner with such a "Slitz-past" a princess is stupefaction of the people. How easy that obviously is. Anybody can be a pricess! With her the Swedish monarchy lost its charme.

    4. I beg to differ. She has a lot to learn before she can hold a candle to the Crown Princess and Princess Madeleine.

    5. I beg to differ. She has a lot to learn before she can hold a candle to the Crown Princess and Princess Madeleine.

    6. ATL you dont't think thats a pritty stupid comment considering that they have 30 years experience on her??

  9. This is the first time that I have posted a comment on this site. Although, I enjoy reading the news about the royals, I can't believe all the catty and uncalled for comments about people that we don't know. Is it necessary to be so mean and nasty? Perhaps people should look at their own lives before commenting on the person lives of others.

    1. Some writers seem to have a contest who can write the most mean comments. It is amazing how those persons do not see that they are telling us just nothing of the targets but just about themselves.

      In my eyes Sofia is nice girl, doing mostly well with royal duties. Of what she does not yet have much experience, so she can not know all trifles. Carl Philip is also now working more bread and butter work, he looks out much more relaxed than before. Sofia seems to support her husband well and make public appearance easier to him. I honestly do not know what more we could expect.

    2. So true!

    3. Agree!

    4. Agree, Anon 15:37 and Blondiini.

  10. Sofia has transformed into a beautiful primcess. I have become an admirer of princess sofia. Carl Philip mad a good choice in chosing his consort.

    1. rajashree 17:09
      Exactly that is what disturbs me: She TRANSFORMED. A former SLITZ-girl is now a HRH. It's completely ridiculous, that "trasforation" makes a mockery of the HRH-title, don't you think so?

  11. Sofia est toujours très élégante, mais certaines personnes ont trouvé en elle une nouvelle princesse à critiquer, Mary, Charlène, Madeleine, Kate

  12. Why not give Sofia a break ? CP fell in love with her , she is trying to fit into the Royal Family , she is having a Royal grandchild , she is very pretty , all this is good . In addition CP seems to be doing more Royal duties than before .
    Madeleine has her own place , there is no need for resentment on her behalf .

  13. hmm the princess sofia doing her best tying to fit the for the Swedish royal family she did great


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