Princely Family of Monaco - 2015 Christmas Card

A beautiful family photo of the Monaco's Princely Family, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella for Christmas.
Monaco's Princely Family, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella
Monaco's Princely Family, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

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  1. Oh!!!Finally a Christmas decor in a royal Christmas card!!!!
    Gabriella is not very ready for photos,lol-cute baby girl:)
    Jacques a little prince with stunning big eyes!
    Albert and Charlene have two angels!

  2. Finally a Christmas tree!!!!This is a Christmas card indeed! Beautiful picture.

  3. Belle photo que celle de la famille princière de Monaco, les jumeaux grandissent.

  4. Très belle photo!!

  5. I've never commented on these entries before, but I must say -- Charlene, would it be so difficult for you to smile once in a while? I read that the circumstances of your marriage were complicated, but you are blessed with some of the most adorable children I've ever seen. Suggest you count your blessings and smile. You're such a beautiful woman, you'd look even better with a smile!

  6. wat een mooie foto ,geweldig ,het geluk straalt er van af ,wat een mooie mensen,
    ik hoop dat ze een heel fijn 2016 krijgen,ik hou van ze !!!
    het zin mij grote fans

  7. She is smiling a little bit isn't she?

  8. Lovely little family.

  9. That is a Christmas card!

  10. princessMariefan20/12/15 18:06

    Beautiful little family,and yes this is a real Christmas card.

  11. Wunderschöne Familie. Good luck!

  12. Finally a Christmas card that has to do with Christmas! Lately it seems offensive for royalties and presidents to show anything related to their christianity. What a shame....

    1. Agree with you! It's a sign of weakness.

    2. What does a Christmas tree have to do with Christianity, pray?

    3. I don't recall reading about Christmas trees in any religious texts.

    4. The use of an evergreen tree is to represent Christ, because its green leaves were constant and never-changing, like Christ’s love. So today we honor Jesus through evergreen trees at Christmas!

    5. Because it is evergreen, it is the symbol of that immortality which Jesus said he possessed and would bring to us: "I am the life; those who believe in me even if they die will live". The tree lit by little lights is the symbol of the light that Jesus brought to the world with his birth: "He was the light that shines in the darkness... and enlightens every man..." (cf. Jn 1:4-14). And finally, the fir tree, with its tip pointing to heaven, indicates God's presence to us and the place where we are all awaited.

    6. No. It is a pagan practice, plain and simple! The purveyors of Christianity just adopted the long in place practice and gave it new meaning. It has nothing to do with Chrisrianity.

      How is it a sign of weakness to not have a Christmas tree? LOL! Religious fanatics are so funny!

    7. I thought Iris was saying showing your Christianity is considered to be a sign of weakness.

  13. Fabulous photo, with a lovely relaxed air, and the different personalities of each one apparent. Little Gabriella biting on the apple(?) is too cute for words!

  14. lovely family I love with Christmas tree too

  15. Such a lovely family. Charlene looks stunning. I love her hair!

    Great signature too!

  16. Can one not take it what it is. A Christmas Card no more no less. Never mind if there is a Christmas tree or not.

  17. Love this royal family.great picture

  18. Lovely Christmas card from Monaco Royals.


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