New photo released by Princess Madeleine of Prince Nicolas

Princess Madeleine of Sweden posted this picture on her facebook page: Nicolas is wishing everyone Happy Holidays!
Princess Madeleine of Sweden posted this picture on her facebook page: Nicolas is wishing everyone Happy Holidays!

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  1. I love the photo,prince Nicholas is a cute baby!

  2. Mhhhh......meh.

  3. Was für ein süßes Schätzchen!

  4. un joli poupon

  5. So sweet.

  6. People think that all babies are cute, especially royal ones.. This picture proves it's not true..

    1. I don't like your comment Lassie

    2. You don't have to. I am sure this boy will be very handsome when he gows up, but now he isn't.

    3. Lassie, you must have been/is an "ugly" adult "baby" and is still suffering. This little baby prince is so sweet and cute. quite unlike your comments. Do you like to be told that you are ugly?

    4. . . . Proving that not everything that flits through your head should come out of your mouth. Reminds me of my favorite Abraham Lincoln quote (paraphrased): "Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool (nasty, clueless, non-diplomatic, whatever), than to speak and remove all doubt." Merry Christmas, royalists, both kind and not!

    5. I didn't mean to insult anyone. Children must be told they are beautiful, but many not so cute babies grow up to very beautiful people. And the opposite is possible. That's reality. This lovely prince will grow up to a nice man.
      Why do you notice just the bad sentences?

    6. Lassie, I think Prince Nicolas is very cute. In fact, he is absolutely darling! You are one of those people who makes nasty comments on sites because you are ignored in real life so to get noticed by others, you type nasty things to get a reaction? Congrats, you succeeded in your lonely life to get noticed for a brief moment in time.

    7. Lassie is right, he isn't cute at all! Why does everyone have to be politically correct FFS?

    8. Karen, if you judge people by a few words they write, congrats, you are a bad psychologist or journalist.
      I have my opinion. The end.
      How many times do I have to repeat? He will be very very beautiful when he grows up! Children change quickly. I have a cousin who was not a cute baby but now she is the most beautiful in the family.
      And please keep noticing just the bad things, I am sure it will make you happy.

    9. I agree with you Lassie when you says that not all babies are cute... But Nicolas is cute! Instead, I think Charlotte of Cambridge isn't pretty (But some people told me not offending "royals"!!! Like in Middle Ages: so-called royals are sacred)

    10. Thank you 12:09 for your honesty. In my opinion, Estelle, George, Vincent and Josephine are the cutest.

    11. Lassie, do you really believe that if you think that only Estelle, George, Vincent and Josephine are the cutest, then everyone else has to think the same way?!
      Little Nicolas is only 6 months old. To say that this baby is ugly or unpleasant...its harsh, uncaring and ugly!
      Merry Christmas, nevertheless.

    12. Did I say you have to agree? No. You misunderstood my point and started a fight for no reason.
      Merry Christmas to you too.

    13. Its such a wonderful photo of little boy who looks at the world with curious eyes (he has met Santa Claus for the 1st time, its going to be the baby's 1st Christmas, although he's still too young to understand and enjoy).
      I think that all babies look cute, perhaps some more cuter, some less but still they are cute. Its very unfeeling to say otherwise!

    14. Lassie 19:03
      Thank you Lassie. I'm so agree with you. I think it is something with female hormones...if 90% of women see a baby, a function to ensure objectivity collapses obviously..... ;-) oh...did I mention that I'm a womon too?

    15. To: Lassie 19:03
      You say that little Nicolas doesn't look cute. But what is he then? Ugly? Repulsive? Unpleasant? Disfigured???
      How Estelle, George, Vincent and Josephine can be cuter than e.g Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Infanta Sofia of Spain or some other young child?
      I think that its not possible to compare one child to another because they are cute and sweet. Everyone in their own sweet way. And I think that most of the parents hope that one day their children will be independent, hard-working, confident, loving and considerate adults.
      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
      Take care, Miranda

    16. Dear Miranda! Since every child and human looks unique it is possible to compare.
      I respect your words and I also think that the most important things come from the inside. But I still have my opinion about cutness.
      I wish you Merry Christmas.

    17. 12.09 Charlotte is a very beautiful baby!!

  7. What a cute boy. Looks so much like his Dad.

  8. françoiseA22/12/15 19:16

    Gamine 19h03 :que vous êtes méchante !!!!

    1. Elle est sincère... Être nobles ne signifie pas nécessairement être beaux. Aussi il est noble pour un cadeau de son grand-pére: généralement le titre est transmis par le père, pas le mère

  9. He is a love bug, sweet photo. What wonders, sitting in the lap of Santa Claus, big man for a tiny little boy. Love the photo.

  10. so adorable, really looks like his dad to me.

  11. Bien sûr que les bébés ne sont pas toujours beaux mais vous n'oseriez jamais le dire aux parents ,pourquoi le dire sur ce blog ? Cela vous rassure d'être méchant ?

  12. I wonder why BEAUTY is soooo important for some people.I prefer the beauty of the soul,it's for ever!

  13. en cette période de sérénité, les personnes sont toujours aussi méchantes, et elles s'attaquent au physique des bébés ou enfants des princesses qu'elles n'apprécient pas. Honte

  14. Prince Nicholas is an angel,all angels are beautiful because they are pure!

  15. Such a lovely and cute photo. And little prince IS cute.
    I was a little dissapointed than no siblings picture but somehow this picture seem even more appropriate - Santa Claus aka Saint Nicholas and Prince Nicolas.
    Merry Christmas!

  16. He resembles his father and I think he's a good looking man.

  17. Beauty and youth fade, real beauty lies in someones heart and soul. Beauty is also in the eye of the beholder.

    I am not going to name names, but there have been royal babies which I haven't thought the cutest and most gorgeous babies, and they have grown into beautiful children. I imagine these children will grown into stunning young adults too.

    Then there have been beautiful infants and young children who, as they have grown in my opinion have become rather plain. I can think of one child in particular who I thought would be a beauty, this child may not grow up to be beautiful, but this doesn't mean that this child won't grown up to be attractive.

    I also don't find Charlotte Casiraghi a beauty. Sulkiness and petulance are not attractive qualities to me. She may not be a spoiled brat, however to me she appears to be one.

    In end, if we are lucky we will all end up middle aged and hopefully elderly. We will wrinkle and line with age, our bodies will sag, and we will grey, however in our hearts we will always be the person we were when we had the most beautiful thing in the world - youth!

  18. their children aren't very pretty looking. Maybe they are handsome as they grow, But it's true many say they look weird to be Madeleine's children, as if they have some gene mistake?


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