Interview with the Couple of Principality of Monaco

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella and 10th anniversary of the reign of Prince Albert of Monaco. The couple gave sincere answers to the questions of Australian journalist Richard Barnes during the interview. The interview was recorded by director Jerome Revon for Audio Archives of Broadcast Office of Monaco. ( VIDEO )
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella and 10th anniversary of the reign of Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella and 10th anniversary of the reign of Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella and 10th anniversary of the reign of Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella and 10th anniversary of the reign of Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco gave a documentary-like interview on the occasion of first birthday of their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

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  1. The girl has meanwhile developed into a cutie...the boy still looks "different", maybe this will change too (hope so)...Charlene impeccable as always..the prince...well.....

    1. How can you say that the boy is different, he is very cute, he has an intelligent look, he is very alert and he walked before one year.

    2. The little prince looks just like his mother.

    3. Anon 20:33, yes you are right about little Prince Jacques, it is something "different" in his looks but I think people who comment here are" polite" and don't want to talk about it.
      Like you said lets hope it will change .

    4. Sorry you disagree, Anonymous 01:12, but the boy does look "different" (not ugly or anything, just different). He looks more like Charlene; the girl looks more like Albert. I actually came here to write almost what Anonymous 20:33 said about the twins. Gabrielle is so cute; Jacques just doesn't look the same, nobody is saying he's "slow" or anything. Always interesting watching little ones and how they change.

      Nice to see the twins, I'm impressed with all the photos that Albert and Charlene are providing us, they are such proud parents.

    5. Anonymous3/1/16 09:39

      Lovely pictures. Its great to see Prince Albert is more of a hands on dad then his father.
      Jacques is a handsome and adorable little lad....God bless him. His movements are reminding me on Albert.
      Jacques eyes looks after Princess Charlene´s eyes but he is far more cute than Charlene was in that age, he has a very expressive face.

      Some people are criticizing the monarchy...Ok, say what you want about the monarchy and the rest of the royal family, criticize them all you want, i would probably agree with you but leave the children alone, they cant help being born into the royal family.

  2. On voit tellement leur bonheur à tous les quatre...! Albert semble félicité fait plaisir à voir !

  3. It's a pity Charlene still doesn't speak french.

    1. on s'en fiche ! elle parle anglais et c'est très bien ! toujours trouver quelque chose à redire à la merveilleuse princesse qui est une très bonne maman

    2. How do you know that? She has held Speech in French, this is a two language family. Albert grow up in a family where his father spoke French and his mother English to him and still we all have only good thing to say about Grace, but Charlene are crucified every time she blinks. Give her a break!

    3. Anonymous2/1/16 11:12

      She does not speak French only a few words, she should learn.

    4. Anonymous2/1/16 13:49

      (she should learn!!) who are you her father???

  4. Compere to queen Maxima of the Netherlands who speaks fluent Dutch with a Spanish accent & Crown Princess Mary who speaks fluent Danish with a English accent so quick after their marriages.

    1. Mais on s'en fiche de votre Maxima et de votre Mary , elles n'ont pas répondu à des interviews pendant des années alors que la princesse Charlène a répondu tout de suite, répondre dans sa langue maternelle est difficile. La princesse a fait un discours cet été en français, et puis qu'est ce que ça peut vous faire qu'elle réponde en anglais ? et si vous ne comprenez ce que j'écrispas, vous n'avez qu'à apprendre le français comme Charlène.

    2. I can learn almost anything easily except a foreign language, I'm embarrassed to admit... I don't know why it's been so difficult for me, maybe languages are difficult for Charlene also. Princess Grace was an American and English is a comfortable language for the family. It's nice that Prince Albert speaks French well and prioritizes this in his public role. The couple has certainly embraced the culture of Monaco, which is fitting. Hopefully their children will be fluently bilingual!

    3. Sorry but Queen Maxima does not speak fluently Dutch, she needs more exercise as she makes a lot of mistakes!

    4. Maxima elle a répondu à des interviews en Hollande et sa langue néerlandaise était assez pauvre, elle a besoin de prendre des leçons, parce qu'elle fait beaucoup d'erreurs.

    5. Anonymous1/1/16 00:49

      @Anonymous 16:30 - Why would Prince Albert not speak French well? He was born in Monaco into the princely family, it's his culture, French is his native language. His mother (who is from my area in Pennsylvania) spoke English to them, so Albert and his sisters became fluent in English. Grace Kelly couldn't be bothered to assimilate into Monegasque culture.

      "The couple has certainly embraced the culture of Monaco"??? It's Albert's culture, Charlene chose to move there, why wouldn't they embrace it.

    6. Anonymous1/1/16 11:01

      hello @02:49, I'm from the same area of Pennsylvania as well, so we are "neighbors" :) I didn't say that I'm surprised or impressed that Prince Albert speaks French well, just that it's nice that he does and that he makes a point of speaking French in his public role. Regarding embracing the culture, some other royal houses have not promoted their culture as regularly as they might have, preferring to seem "modern?" perhaps, and it's been very nice to see that Princess Charlene and her family make a point of representing Monaco in their choices. (I agree that Princess Grace did not prioritize this, from the biographies I have read and seen about her, it is conjectured that she was unhappy for much of her life there for various reasons, maybe this is why). Happy new year!

  5. Follow the same route as Princess Grace. Prince Albert spoke English to his mom and French to his father.

  6. Prince Albert is a sweet, gentle person.

    1. That was my impression also, especially after seeing the video, he praises his wife spontaneously and warmly and seems to truly appreciate his children. They seem to be a loving family, it's very nice for them to share this with the public. Excellent role models!

    2. Anonymous3/1/16 09:42

      Agree, a credit to everyone.

  7. devant de si belles photos emplies de tendresse et de douceur, on reproche maintenant et toujours que Charlène ne parle pas français, mais on s'en fout, le prince est heureux et là c'est le principal

  8. Lovely children and happy parents. En effet, il est regrettable que la princesse Charlène ne s'exprime que très rarement en français dans un pays de langue française.

    1. Le francais est une langue tres difficile a apprendre. Ce n'est pas ma langue maternelle mais je le parle parce que c'est une des langues officielles de mon pays natal. Je parlais et ecrivais aussi couramment l'anglais et l'allemand avant l'age de 16 ans. Quand on veut, on peut! Charlene devrait faire un effort, le peuple de son mari s'exprime en francais.

  9. Bonjour, à cet age mon fils avait le même regard. Et maintenant, il est ingénieur, ces commentaires sont déplacés

  10. The best Christmas wishes from Royals!

  11. How nice to see the children and parents interacting so naturally. I suspect Charlene understands French pretty well the way they went back and forth with the talking. It seemed very natural and they were not repeating what each other had said. I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Very nice!

  12. It has always struck me that Gabriella has Albert's face shape, whereas Jacques has Charlene's face shape. They were slightly premature I think, and have the eyes of premmie babies. They are certainly alert, cute and walking early.

    1. Anonymous5/1/16 11:56

      Naughty comment, the eyes of Jacques are beautiful he has huge blue eyes, on all the photos, we see a very alert boy, he already walked alone before the age of one, his look is very intellignet and serious, he will be a very handsome prince with a lot of intelligence

  13. Anonymous2/1/16 05:19

    Prince Albert looks so happy now, and younger too. They are a lovely family.

    As for the "language issue" Prince Albert might prefer Princess Charlene to speak English to the children if that is what his Mother did. If you can teach your children to be bi-lingual from birth - brilliant! The dual language will also help the Princess with her language comprehension skills too.

    The Princess is probably having French language lessons, however she may however not have have a natural inclination for language, not everyone does. Some people do, they don't even need instruction, they can pick up a language simply by listening to those around them speak. As for me, I would need intensive instruction!

  14. you know what you britons have no right to judge anyone, its unbelievable, you have a british born duchess who cant speak in public or gives speeches and yet you are soo quick to condemn others!!

  15. There is nothing wrong with the little boy. These royal houses, no doubt, do all kinds of tests on the fetuses that might become heir to the throne. I am sure a secret abortion would have occured if they found any genetic anomalies. However, the body language between Charlene and Albert is very distant.

    1. Anonymous5/1/16 12:07

      on s'en fiche de votre language des corps, le couple princier répondait au reporte r et Charlène surveillait ses bébés , il n'avait pas le temps de se regarder dans les yeux, mais il y a des regards qui ne trompent pas, c'est un couple très épris.

  16. Anonymous3/1/16 16:50

    il va falloir changer de disque en 2016 concernant Charlène avec la langue française.
    une chose est bien sûre, les enfants seront bilingues

  17. wat heb ik genoten van de video zo prachtig ,de prins en prinses zijn zo gelukkig,
    met hun kindjes,het zijn zulke lieve mensen,ze betrekken de mensen overal bij.
    en nog voor sommige mensen nog niet goed .

  18. Just an addition on the conversation about speaking languages.... I heard Princess Mary/or read that she said that learning Danish was one of the most difficult things she has done; trust for her or Maxima, it did/does not just come easily and quickly. I know that they both had tutors ( and still may..)


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