Danish Royal Family attend funeral service for Peter Parkov

Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark attended the funeral service for Rev. Peter Parkov (friend of the royal family) at the Garrison Church on December 17, 2015 in Copenhagen.
Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark attended the funeral service for Rev. Peter Parkov
Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark attended the funeral service for Rev. Peter Parkov
Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark attended the funeral service for Rev. Peter Parkov
Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark attended the funeral service for Rev. Peter Parkov
Princess Marie of Denmark Style Alexander Mcqueen Flared Coat

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  1. You do not smile after attending funeral service.

    1. @Anonymous 04:47 - Really? No smiles? I've been at funerals where we smiled and even laughed at times at the reception afterwards, especially with people we hadn't seen in a while. Even widows/widowers smile and, yes, laugh. And this is only ONE photo of Queen Margrethe, one moment in time; perhaps someone smiled at her or said something, what is she supposed to do.

  2. This is not a cheerful smile or laughing in an inapprobiate humor, it is just a little graceful smile, as you do, when you greet people. She is the queen and is supposed to greet.

    1. Exactly! We do have some ignorant commentators on here...

    2. Why ignorant, I am far from it
      I just made comment what I think. No need to be rude!

  3. What I don't get is why Prince Joachim is always wearing such ill fitting clothes.Especially as his father has such an exquisite style. And his wife, who herself likes to dress up, she doesn't see it or give him advice or she doesn't care?

    1. I do not know either.
      But it looks like he has lost weight?!
      Or the coat is very old.

    2. I think the coat fits him well. But I don't like his style. He looks much more old than his brother

    3. Yeah he does. That could be down to his smoking I guess. From what I've gathered in the media in the past Frederik and Mary are the only members of the Danish Royal Family who don't smoke. Frederik gave up when he and Mary got together.

  4. Nothing wrong with Joachim's coat but he looks very old of just being 46 years old…… I think it is because he has been a heavy smoker since he was very young.


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