Tunisian President on State Visit to Sweden - Day 1

King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden a welcome ceremony at the Royal Palace in Stockholm on November 4, 2015. The Tunisian President couple started a three day long state visit to Sweden.
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel State Visit To Tunisia - Beji CaÔd Essebsi and his wife Saida CaÔd
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel State Visit To Tunisia - Beji CaÔd Essebsi and his wife Saida CaÔd
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel State Visit To Tunisia - Beji CaÔd Essebsi and his wife Saida CaÔd
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel
Princess Victoria Style SERAPHÄ°NE Silk & Lace Dress VICTORIA SENKPIEL Shoes
Princess Victoria Style SERAPHÄ°NE Silk & Lace Dress VICTORIA SENKPIEL Shoes
Princess Victoria Style SERAPHÄ°NE Silk & Lace Dress VICTORIA SENKPIEL Shoes
Princess Victoria wore Seraphine Silk and Lace Special Occasion DressCrown Princess Victoria Style Victoria Senkpiel Shoes
                   SERAPHÄ°NE Silk & Lace Dress                       VICTORIA SENKPIEL Shoes

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  1. Anonymous4/11/15 13:40

    Arlanda airport is in Stockholm, Sweden!

  2. Anonymous4/11/15 14:06

    Princess Victoria's outfit is a lovely color on her, but the view of the back of the coat seems awkward, as if it should be longer on her. Even she, in the last photo, looks a bit anxious about it. She looks more "queenly" every day. I wonder if her father is planning to retire soon.

    1. Anonymous4/11/15 16:04

      I agree! Princess Vic is also very busy even pregnant (lazy cambridge should take note of another pregnant royal and Princesses with children continue to carry out duties and service to the Monarchs and the people).

    2. Anonymous4/11/15 17:04

      Kate is NOT next in line. Victoria is NEXT in line. Big difference. When Charles becomes King you will see William and Kate step up much more.

      If she was out all the time people would be bashing her for neglecting her family. She cannot win.

      Why does Kate need a bashing on a post that has absolutley nothing to do with her?

      Bloody hell

    3. Anonymous4/11/15 19:38

      21:14 the comment before mine said 'lazy cambridgw should take note etc'

    4. Anonymous4/11/15 20:32

      @ Anonymous20:04

      Who knows when the time will come for her to be the next Queen consort?The Queen is almost 90 and Charles no so young anymore.

      Kate must work more because she will learn the royal job only if she is doing it-
      Personally I want to see her working in serious engagements like the other ladies but where is she? Where is William?
      They are royals not celebrities,they represent the people of the United Kingdom.They are paying for that-but
      I am afraid they don't love the royal job.

      Please this is not hate but a big disappointment !!!

    5. Anonymous4/11/15 22:07

      I agree annon 23:32

    6. Anonymous4/11/15 22:07

      Anonymous 20:04
      Sophie, Countess of Wessex isn't next in line. She's working, working, working..........

    7. Anonymous5/11/15 07:51

      Princess Madeleine is not working,Princess Charlene is not working and Princess Mette Marit is not working... But it's always Kate who gets bashed

    8. Anonymous5/11/15 10:25

      Not sure why Kate should be bashed when especially Charlene and Mette Marit are the ones in the position that should be doing more and yet nothing.

    9. Anonymous5/11/15 12:08

      Mette-Marit has just as many jobs as her friend in Denmark, last year MM had even more jobs then Mary, but guess who works hard and whos lazy???

    10. Anonymous5/11/15 15:21

      Anon 1:07

      Sophie stayed home for the most part when her children where small. She then began to take on more duties after the fiasco with bother her and Edwards private endeavors in the work force. No doubt she is a hardworking royal. She was also the most high ranking female in the family for a long time. So she would take on many duties. Just because Kate is now in the fold doesn't mean Sophie would unload her patronages.

      If the QUEEN or Charles wanted Kate and William out more they would be. Do you all really think Kate tells the Queen 'no I don't feel like it'? Seriously? Come on now. She is being allowed to raise her family and establish a stable family. Lord knows this was not allowed in past and look at that ended!

      Also this is the Charles and Camilla pony show right now. They do not need to be upstaged by the Cambridges. And they would be. They need to establish the framework for his ascension. The Commonwealth has to be in support of the future King. Not the future futire King.

      Lastly, no offense to the other Royal Houses it you just can't comare any of them to the enormity of the BRF. They are not on the forefront in the world and the demands are less. They have to be out there because they live in countries where they are supported by the government much more than the BRF. They are cash poor ...or many of them are. They need to stay relevant everyday as there are moves to end the monarchies MORE THAN the Republican movement in Britain.

      Tourists don't go to Sweden or Norway to see the Royal familiespecially and the long history. They go to England.. for a reason.

      I stand by my original comment in saying that it is unfair to bash Kate and why oh why was it necessary to do so on a post about Victoria and Sweden and had absolutley nothing to do with Kate.

      Have a grand day all

    11. Anonymous 18:21 I agree with everything u said, and I hope to read more of your objective comments in the future specially now that the Kate haters on this site have grown in numbers. Shame on them!!

    12. Anonymous6/11/15 08:56

      Shame on me because I don't like the Duchess of Cambridge?
      Who is she and all royal watchers must adore her?I don't hate her!!! But I am free to say my opinion.

  3. Anonymous4/11/15 14:56

    This state visit was from Tunis to Sweden. Crownprincess Victoria and Prince Daniel were welcoming the president of Tunis in Arlanda Airport, Stockholm, Sweden.

  4. Anonymous4/11/15 16:32

    Victoria looks great. A perfect outfit for this occasion I guess! Love her hair!

  5. Anonymous4/11/15 19:42

    If she gets a boy .....

  6. Anonymous4/11/15 21:57

    The head piece doesn't suit and her hair pulled back that way makes her look a little harsh.

  7. Anonymous5/11/15 12:10

    The back view is not good. The coat is to short from the back

  8. Anonymous5/11/15 15:41

    Victoria is really dressing beautifully during this pregnancy.

  9. I wonder why Sofia did not attend any part of the state visit from Tunisian President. Does anyone Know?

    1. Anonymous7/11/15 20:03

      She is visiting her charity, Project Playground which helps underprivileged children(in South Africa)


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