King Felipe and Queen Letizia attends the Design Awards 2015

King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015 on November 5, 2015 in Malaga, Spain.
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the National Innovation and Design Awards 2015
Queen Letizia Style ZARA Cape Jacket Queen Letizia Style MAGRIT Pumps
                                   ZARA Cape Jacket                                              MAGRIT Pumps

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  1. J'aime,beaucoup cette coiffure. On dirait que les cheveux du dessus de la tête sont tressés très lâches. Cela fait moins plat et très joli !!!!

  2. Anonymous5/11/15 21:25

    She looks amazing! Perfect look for this occasion. Zara fashion so now and then is very nice I guess!

  3. Anonymous5/11/15 21:33

    Wonderful outfit.
    But today her hair is too curly for me. Do not like it.

  4. Anonymous5/11/15 22:24

    Her Looks reminds me on her wedding-day.

  5. Anonymous5/11/15 23:55

    The cape and the corrugated cardboard hair are incredibly aging. Do NOT like this look.

  6. Anonymous6/11/15 02:36

    The hair is a work of art. Lovely outfit today. Fashion aside, by the look of the crowd, they are successfully promoting cultural and educational activities and 'brand Spain'.

  7. Anonymous6/11/15 03:33

    She looks like a bat in this ugly cape.

  8. Anonymous6/11/15 10:24

    Pic no.2 : finally a spontaneous smile !
    Pic no.5 : she looks sooooo old here :(
    Caroline .

  9. Anonymous6/11/15 12:07

    superbe reine Letizia

  10. La belle Letizia habillée low cost Zara.
    Toujours unique et original, avec une autre coiffure fabuleuse.
    Son mari, superbe, comme d'habitude. Quel couple!!

  11. Anonymous6/11/15 18:32

    Esta reina es artificial !hasta cuando sonríe!

  12. Anonymous7/11/15 10:35

    Ugly cape.

  13. Anonymous8/11/15 07:04

    Fainally she dressed in a proper way

  14. Anonymous8/11/15 09:46

    She needs to carry a broom,and her look will be perfect!


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