Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Haakon Visit New York City

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum on October 8, 2015 in New York City. The Norwegian textile was the original wallpaper from the United Nations Security Chamber and was originally donated to the United Nations in 1952.
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attends a ceremony to celebrate a gift of Norwegian textile at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Yesterday, on October 7, the first day of his two-day visit to New York in the evening, the Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended the gala dinner of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) at Metropolitan Club in New York City.
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended the gala dinner of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) at Metropolitan Club
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended the gala dinner of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) at Metropolitan Club
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended the gala dinner of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) at Metropolitan Club

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  1. Jolie princesse qui aux cours des ans s'est laissée aller dans son habillement. Autrefois elle avait tellement de gueule dans ses robes de soirées maintenant elle fait mémé dans sa robe de nuit.

    J'espère que le prince a vérifier ses bas. Mdr

  2. Anonymous8/10/15 20:44

    Why do some complain about Catherine doing little, when this crown princess seldom seen. It is easy to forget that Norway even has a royal pair, it not even a nice outing, the jacket to big and the pants long and her hair is not good..
    The evening wear is so dreary and dowdy, while he lady next to her looks beautiful.

    1. Anonymous9/10/15 07:20

      Maybe because these royal pages seldom or never writes about them??

    2. Anonymous9/10/15 10:15

      duchess catherine (duchess do little) never does anything except shopping and getting hair extensions and new veneers, shes always shopping, her nanny is always pictured with the kids out and about, how can the Queen who is 89 years work over 300 engagements a year, and lazy katie hardly hits 50 engagements which are mostly sports and meeting celebs and her giving birth to charlotte was counted in the work circular, her history speaks volume, what do you except from a woman who was only a pampered booty call for over 10 years before marriage!!

    3. Anonymous9/10/15 11:05

      How many engagements does MM do? Catherine is not the next queen consort.

    4. Anonymous9/10/15 12:29

      Well this page didn't write about the charity consert for refugees, visit to Aksept(a center for people with HIV), norwegian author Agnar Mykle and his 100 years exhibition opening, Eco- lighthouse or red cross. Thats been recently.

  3. Anonymous8/10/15 22:06

    elle va peut être prendre le temps de faire du shopping, et ce n'est pas du luxe

  4. Anonymous8/10/15 22:19

    Cette princesse des neiges est une fée dans le monde royal. Elle est très belle, cette robe a été mise maintes fois; on ne peut pas reprocher à cette princesse d'être dépensière comme son homologue danoise. De plus son mari Haakon est le plus beau prince héritier du moment ; et il est clair qu'Ingrid, princesse héritière après ses parents est une très jolie petite fille. Quand on a des parents pareils, cela n'a rien d'étonnant.
    Je ne comprends pas la dernière phrase du premier commentaire qui n'a aucun sens où alors, cela devient récurent chez certaines internautes, de rabaisser systématiquement ce couple héritier. Pourquoi ? je me le demande.
    Juste une petite remarque dans le premier commentaire : en français, "a vérifié" s'écrit avec un é et non un r.
    La prochaine fois, écrivez en anglais, j'ai déjà lu des posts de votre part, qui est une langue certainement plus accessible pour vous.

  5. Anonymous8/10/15 23:27

    In the first pictures she is looking classy and beautiful and Slim, which suits her. The green dress and as well her hair-style are too much like "...-salsa", not her best look.

  6. Anonymous9/10/15 13:48

    ..oh my god...

  7. Anonymous9/10/15 16:06

    JESUS how horrible when you have money BUT NO TASTE!!!!


    1. Anonymous9/10/15 21:17

      Stop using caps lock.

  8. Anonymous9/10/15 19:22

    On the afternoon pics she looks like going to a laboratory where she will do some research.
    And the evening dress. Bad taste!

  9. Unfortunatly married a crown Prince doesnt automatically gives you good taste; its true she needs a stylist! The gown is horrible, for my taste, but also her hair....she looked as if she came right from the mid 70's, she remimded me of the group ABBA !! Somehow i feel bad for her cause she must be under pressure for her look......please get a stylist!

  10. Why compare MM with Kate? The are in different 'stages of life'!
    Kate is on maternity leave (if is called that)! Charlotte is five months old and Kate have had two children in less than three years. What did MM then ... and what does she do now? A very little!

  11. The evening gown reminds me "Little house on the prairie" style. Haakon is handsome !!!

    1. Tiens, tiens ! j'ai déjà lu le même commentaire sur un autre site, mais en français

    2. Sorry,, I don't speak french !!!


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