Princess Marie attends UNESCO conference in Paris

On October 28, 2015, Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie of Denmark as the patron of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO, attended the 70th Anniversary History Conference
Princess Marie Style Alexander McQueen Leaf flared-hem crepe jacketPrincess Marie Style LANVIN Trilogy Tote Bag
                 ALEXANDER MCQUEEN Jacket                         LANVIN Trilogy Tote Bag

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  1. Good grief, she needs a good haircut.

  2. une jolie princesse, vivement que ses cheveux repoussent , je n'aime pas son carré effilé qui n'a pas de forme, je vais patienter

  3. sur certains clichés son sourire ne parait pas naturel, mais forcé, c'est pour les photographes qui sont présents

  4. elle doit aller au coiffeur!

    1. C'est exactement ce que j'ai dit

    2. On dit "chez" le coiffeur.

  5. She looks happy to be in her home country again!

  6. What a beautiful, elegant, classy lady! HRH Princess Marie brings pride and joy not only to her family but her country!!! Mary on the other hand is out shopping somewhere!

  7. Marie seems to be happy to be in her home country again and very proud to be a Danish princess.

  8. She has spent to much time under the lamp, she looks so orange and her skin needs care.

  9. Marie needs to get out the solarium or stay away from the spay tan, she is always a dreadful colour. No one is naturally orange. She looked bad enough at her wedding, but she was a novice then, surely after all these years anyone would think she would have learned that orange isn't a good or natural look, but she hasn't.

    She also needs to find a decent hairdresser. Her hair looks dreadful. Not everyone has great hair, so pull what is left into a ponytail until that dreadful cut grows out, anything would look better than the way it looks now.

    It is obvious that she tries, but she just can't pull it together. Marie really needs to employ a stylist or take a leaf out of Mary's book. Mary rarely gets it wrong, she is always elegant and classy, and always perfectly groomed.

  10. Bravo Marie on your multilingualism.

  11. autant la coupe au carré de Letizia est parfaite autant celle de Marie est ratée,
    c'est elle même qui a coupé ses cheveux?

  12. elle a voulu assortir son bronzage à le couleur de sa jolie veste

  13. I love Marie and Mary,two different styles but lovely both

    1. Both Mary and Marie are attractive women. Mary blossomed into a beauty, Marie hasn't but there is nothing to stop Marie from looking her best, someone close to Marie really should say something, be it her Mother or a close friend.

      Marie has the time and the money to look great. Not everyone looks fantastic all the time, but poor Marie is going from bad to worse, and the orange skin and bad hair is not helping her age well.

  14. Mary always dresses well, however, she does have a haughty look which does not sit well with me. Marie on the other hand, is charming, warm and approachable. She also does not have as much money as Mary to spend on clothes and hair. Mary most likely has a hairdresser at her beck and call which I do not believe Marie has. We all know Mary spends more than a fortune, not always necessary. Marie does represent her adopted land very well, and, that is all that counts.

    1. Marie does have a hairdresser at her beck and call however I see Marie as the more pompous and no really concerned so much about the work but more with what she can get out of her position and Mary more caring and down to earth. We have different opinions and I don't always feel the need to comment on my feelings about Marie as I feel we really cannot know what the ladies are like but in this instance thought I would .. No one knows how much either Mary or Marie spends on anything so all is a guess although some will say they do know. Mary does a wonderful job also of representing her adopted country and always shows respect by being well presented which should a given in their position, Letizia, Catherine and Victoria do exactly the same.

  15. je viens de commenter sur le beau profil de la Reine Letizia, par contre Marie n'est pas à son avantage de profil, elle a le menton qui est en galoche, mais toujours ce joli sourire qui en fait une princesse charmante


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