Queen Mathilde at National Immunization Programme

Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp, Belgium on September 2, 2015. The Queen get informed about the scientific results about vaccinations as well about the European vaccination programs and their impact in the European region.
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp
Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends the meeting of the National Immunization Programme Managers of the World Health Organization at the University of Antwerp

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  1. Anonymous3/9/15 15:57

    She is an angel, Queen Mathilde!

  2. Anonymous3/9/15 19:46

    In my view her face has changed a lot over a year's time, unfortunately not in the right direction....

    1. Exactly in what direction would you expect her face to go? ageing is a natural process, why would a royal age differently from other women? each one of us will get wrinkles at some point, without exception. The queen is not some kind of divine superhuman being who is above the laws of nature. That view of royals as superior, semi-divine belongs to another century. She is a real person like the rest of us. I suppose you think the queen should have cosmetic surgery. Don't you think it odd that no-one ever comments on male royals having wrinkles and needing to do something about it? Standards of appearance for men and women are very different, and it is always women who cop the criticism. What a double standard - and so sexist! I am glad when older royals are not swayed by the cult of made-over celebrities, they can be a wonderful example of self-acceptance, and how to age with grace and nobility. I am delighted that Mathilde shows solidarity with her subjects by showing that she is ageing just like them.

  3. Anonymous4/9/15 00:31

    She looks much older compared to her age. Well, matched well with her husband.

  4. Anonymous4/9/15 14:02

    ....cold fish.....

  5. Mathilde look always beautiful, and not older than her age. This is not a good picture. But somethimes we are more tired than other days and Mathilde also, she had a big job to do. And she follow her childrer on homework from school.

  6. Anonymous4/9/15 17:44

    she does look different and older in these pics. could be the hairstyle, color, make-up, tiredness...lots of factors!

  7. Anonymous4/9/15 18:09

    She looks her age, she is a beautiful and a very dignified lady. What did you expect? That she should have done a nose job, lifting, fillers or whatever jobs like Queen Letizia or Queen Silvia or Princess Charlene? We'd rather enjoy that ladies like Princess Caroline of Monaco, Queen Maxima, Queen Mathilde, Princess Mary and so many other gracefully embrace their age.

  8. Anonymous6/9/15 16:44

    I enjoyed reading these comments. When I saw the one that said she is changing and not in the right direction I thought "what would we expect"?? I have seen too many of the Royals lately who very obviously have gone the direction of cosmetic surgery/botox/fillers and they are looking worse for the wear. At some point, our faces and bodies change. I must say I feel sorry for the celebrities/royals who are constantly being criticized when they begin to age and then they feel that they must resort to cosmetic changes. I think the Queen looks quite lovely and I hope she can age gracefully without criticizm.

  9. Anonymous7/9/15 13:15

    Mathilde is aging naturally! Good on her! We need to see this. I am sick and tired of seeing woman who perpetually look "30ish" they are neither young or old, just well preserved.


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