Princess Sofia attended the Global Child Forum

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia of Sweden in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum. Princess Sofia was there to represent the King and Queen. Yesterday, The Princess attended a reception at the Swedish Embassy in South Africa. Today, The Princess attended the Global Child Forum in Pretoria (South Africa). 08 September 2015.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvistof Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden is in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum.

Princess Sofia of Sweden in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum

Princess Sofia of Sweden in Pretoria, South Africa for the Global Child Forum

Style of Princess Sofia wore Armani Collezioni Long sleeve faux wrap dress
ARMANI Wrap Dress

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  1. Anonymous8/9/15 14:03


    1. Anonymous10/9/15 09:30

      Nope, this one actually works while Kate has dodged every opportunity to showcase any talent or desire to become the peoples princess. Also, don't tell me Kate is on maternity leave and she is raising her two kids. There are many women who work 9-5hours and don't have a nanny on stand-by like her. Sad really coz when William was a toddler and Diana was pregnant with Harry, she performed dozens of royal duties.

    2. Anonymous10/9/15 15:13

      I think you are assuming too much. Royal schedule of appearances are organized through the Queen and her staff down to the staff of the other royal members. Everything has to be approved by her. The Royal House has in the past made it clear they do not want another "Diana situation", meaning they don't want the wife of a royal to overshadow her husband, the next in line, or the Queen. For this reason, it's possible that Kate is being held back from too many appearances. Charles isn't too popular and I think they might be trying to make sure that both his son and Kate don't steal the spotlight any more than they already do. Remember the pecking order is The Queen, Prince Charles & his wife, then Prince William and his wife.

      These things are very political and strategic. Nothing they do is done by accident, right down to what jewels the Queen wears to what event.

    3. Anonymous10/9/15 18:08

      Anonymus 5:13 that sounds reasonable. I am just sad they have to be so careful. I wish they all were much more relaxed and worked more for the charity. They are here to support their country, not to think about popularity.

  2. Anonymous8/9/15 15:27

    She certainly has been out and about since the wedding. I am impressed. I think she is adorable and is trying to do her job and very quickly, I might add. I am also happy to see that she is being referred to as Princes Sofia unlike the Duchess of Cambridge who is still referred to at Kate Middleton.

  3. Anonymous8/9/15 15:37

    Sofia's speech was surprisingly good. If she wrote it herself, then not bad. Sofia is going to be better than prinsessan Madeleine at helping children in need?

  4. Anonymous8/9/15 16:48

    je pense que c'est une personne avenante, elle a un très beau sourire comme celui de la princesse Marie de Danemark

  5. Anonymous8/9/15 18:31

    Très professionnelle rapidement après son mariage. Elle a un voix charmante.

  6. Anonymous8/9/15 19:01

    Good for her making a speech so early in her royal life. She looks great and seems to be confident in a large crowd.

  7. Anonymous8/9/15 23:46

    Sofia did okay on her speech, but it was a huge no-no to mess up Mrs.Graça Machel's name, yikes.

    What spoiled it for me was the constant fiddling with her hair. She should have known that her hair would be falling into her eyes, she should have worn it in a nice pulled-back style. Hopefully she'll learn as time goes on.

    1. Anonymous10/9/15 14:50

      Honestly, we can't expect people to be perfect especially so early on. I'd be terrified to be in her place and have the world criticize me as you just did to her. I understand your point but it's very unfair for us to say such things as we sit on our sofa at home behind closed doors with no cameras in our faces. I'm certain we make a lot of professional mistakes as well, it's just that we don't have the world sitting around pointing it out for us. Lets applaud her for her efforts instead of criticizing.

  8. Excellent first steps of a pretty princess

  9. I love the princess sofia speech im actually impress how she good on her first speech and she nailed it and she being address princess sofia not like duchess Cambridge she being address as kate middleton I love her style

    1. Anonymous10/9/15 15:15

      This is not her first speech. Maybe first as a princess but not her first.

      Princess Sofia has made a lot of speeches and presentations to large crowds regarding children in poverty in Africa. She founded an organization several years ago and has been very active with it. She has had a lot of practice with this.

  10. Anonymous9/9/15 08:43

    very well done. not perfect but I am sure the strong message found its way. good strong voice and soft demeanor. well done Sweden! hope to see and hear more

  11. Anonymous9/9/15 12:11

    Not a bad speech but how much it helps people in need? Sofia wears Armani dress but many children have no place to sleep or nothing to eat... There are so many charity organizations and foundations and their work should start to produce some fruit but instead we see that things are even more difficult than e.g 5 years ago.Why is that?

    1. Anonymous9/9/15 19:36

      I agree-less words, more action. Royals are not royals for themselves, they are here to support and help their people and country. Although this is a fashion blog, I am happy you opened such an important topic.

    2. Anonymous10/9/15 15:02

      It really makes me sad to read this because these organizations really do help those in need by providing everything from clothes, food, clean water, shelter, education, and more. Yes, there are so many out there without these things and there are still terrible situations out there for a lot of people but this is mainly due to conflict (wars, terrorism, etc.). How can we create a better world if we focus on the negative. So many organizations out there are trying to do the best they can to help people in extreme poverty and instead of supporting these efforts you want to say they're not doing enough? How is that helpful? We should be supporting and cheering on all organizations and people who work for the betterment of the world, not nit pick them apart because they can afford Armani.

      In any case she has acted. She was a founder of her own organization that help children in Africa and she's been there and helped and organized fundraising etc.

    3. Anonymous10/9/15 15:31

      You asked how much of it helps people in need. He is what her & her friend's organization Project Playground has done...

  12. Anonymous10/9/15 10:40

    Sofia wants to work and it shows, she gave a speech on her foreign first royal visit where she represented the King and Queen for the first time, and that speech happened to be in a different language. The focus wasnt on what she was wearing, her clothes, etc, the only headlines I saw were the ones strictly discussing why she was there and what she was saying.

    1. She also said that she had no help. I find that to be unbelievable. I am sure the Swedish Royal House would not have sent her out without instructions and given her advice. Her usage of English words was not correct in a couple of instances. I do not find her "fantastic", she is mediocre, but given a chance she may become OK. Any spelling errors are due to my key board.....................not spelling the same way I do.

  13. Anonymous10/9/15 11:47

    Lovely to see the new Princess is working so hard at her new role. It cannot be easy.

  14. Anonymous10/9/15 15:23

    Princess Sofia's experience.....

    Princess Sofia has since her teenage years been engaged in child rights issues and started Project Playground together with Frida Vesterberg in 2010. The idea was to offer a safe platform where children and youth can grow and obtain tools needed in life, through e.g. sports, play and recreation, with focus on the individual and the surrounding environment. Today Sofia is Honorary Chairperson of the board.

    1. Anonymous10/9/15 18:12

      Well done Sofia! Much better than Kate. While someone struggle to become fashion icons some really do a good job.

    2. Anonymous11/9/15 06:14

      How sweet. Do you know Sofia personally that you know that she was engaged in child right issues since her teenage years? I always thought that this interest came later. When she was teenager, then she was posing in bikinis, in provocative poses, sharing her party photos, etc. But she is one clever woman and has produced good image of herself and now she has lots of admirerers ;)


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