Crown Princess Victoria presents the Export Hermes Award

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award at Grand Hotel in Stockholm on August 27, 2015. Princess Victoria delivered the Export Hermes Prize to Sectra AB and Välinge Innovation Ab.
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel attends in the afternoon at the World Trade Day and presentation of the Export Hermes Award

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  1. Fraiche et élégante princesse Victoria dans cette très jolie robe et toujours aussi gracieuse.

  2. Anonymous28/8/15 09:52

    jolie petite robe, Mette ferait de bien s'en inspirer mais comme elle a une silhouette lourde rien ne lui va

    1. Anonymous29/8/15 13:06

      Mette est la plus belle princière héritière d'Europe.


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