Queen Letizia and King Felipe host a dinner for President of Peru

King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon at the Royal Palace on July 7, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain host a dinner for Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso and wife Nadine Heredia Alarcon

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  1. Anonymous8/7/15 01:41

    The dress may be a bit too princessy, but the overall this rates a 10 out of 10. Perfect! Extra points for perfect tiara hair, flawless skin and radiant smile.

  2. Anonymous8/7/15 05:24

    Letizia looks like a fairy. Beautiful!

  3. Anonymous8/7/15 08:00

    Queen Laeticia seems to be of extreme humility and kindness, really touching


  4. Those of you that don't think she looks like a queen, well here she is with a tiara :) I think she looks great.

  5. Anonymous8/7/15 08:45

    Just a compliment to Queen Letizia !
    What a wonderful dress You are wearing that evening !
    You look beautiful !

  6. Anonymous8/7/15 09:17

    What a wonderful wonderful dress!!!!
    This IS a dress for a queen!

  7. Anonymous8/7/15 11:11

    Beautiful gown.

  8. Anonymous8/7/15 11:33

    I have the utmost respect for Queen L, but she is getting too skinny. The dress is beautiful but I can not take my eyes of her skinny arms. It's getting worse by every occasion. Her arms look just like CP Victoria when they announched that she had an eating disorder.

    1. Anonymous8/7/15 18:17

      Good grief! A person's physical appearance or disability is usually what bullies zero in on when there is nothing else left to criticize. The entire look was wonderful. Shame on you!

    2. Anonymous8/7/15 18:21

      Bullies usually zero in a person's disability or physical appearance. I'm sure if she reads this you will make her day. Boor!

    3. Anonymous9/7/15 17:23

      Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Bullies are people who abuse people for expressing their opinion when it differs from their own. People are entitle to express their own opinions, whether or not others disagree with their opinions or not. It is called freedom of speech. It is the basis of democracies.

      Queen Letizia's blue gown is beautiful, magnificent really, and I think she looks beautiful in the photos except for her arms.

      Letizia's shrinking physique is raising concern for many, and those who believe this have the right to express this.

      In my opinion, Letizia was once a very beautiful woman who was very slim and looked healthy, she had a beautiful figure and face, however she is now very, very skinny and gaunt, and her face is drawn. She no longer looks healthy, and I believe as Queen, as a role model for girls and young women she should be setting a health example.

      I believe she has body image issues, she has had plastic surgery on her nose, she looks as though she has had breast implants and thankfully she has recovered from that stage she was going through when she was wearing those ridiculous platform shoes, but now it seems to be extreme weight loss. Hopefully she will get over this too,

    4. Anonymous10/7/15 00:43

      Don´t worry about her skinny arms, I have a pair exactly the same, and I do not have an eating disorder, its just a matter of genes.

    5. Anonymous10/7/15 05:20

      Opinions should be based in fact not creative narratives/gossip woven by shady sources. If she has been shrinking for the past eleven years she should have turned into dust by now. How do you explain the skinny woman changing into the hazmat suit in Galicia before she began dating Felipe? (Google Images) Will you at least acknowledge that she had a difficult time behind the scenes with the in-laws, in addition to the passing of her sister, and two grandparents and the betrayal of the cousin? Having the kids also involved (yes! you guessed it, surgeries). These things and an extra 11 years do age a person. Mentioning the surgeries and whatever other sins she has committed on a regular basis does not raise the level of discourse. The procedures are irreversible, what would you have her do? You seem bent on reminding us, just in case we've forgotten or haven't heard or read, just who she is, or what in your opinion she has had done..and that is bullying or public embarrassment if you want a 'softer' term.

      Gaining weight is not a simple task. What if it all packs on her thighs or mid section and not the arms? Saying that she has body issues implies that her problem is mental - not nice either.
      Frankly I wish I had this woman's backbone, because in spite of 'encouragement' such as this she shows up to support her husband. The CP of Japan developed adjustment disorder and wasn't seen for years under similar circumstances.
      I doubt that girls want to be in her shoes with the level of scrutiny she has to endure. Role models should be our mentors or successful people in the community.
      P.S. I dislike the platform peeptoes. So we agree on something.

    6. Anonymous10/7/15 17:10

      RE. Anonymous July 10, 2015 at 7:20 AM

      I am sorry to inform you I do not read gossip magazines, I have no patience for them, and so I am unable to comment on much of what you have mentioned. Information which I gather you have gleaned from the creative narratives and gossip that you quote mean nothing to me, so I have absolutely no knowledge of Letizia’s “difficult times”.

      Opinions can be based upon many things, facts being one, observations another. I am basing my opinions on observation. I have observed physical changes in the Queen, a new nose and no one could miss the new breasts.

      I have to admit I was not aware Letizia before her marriage to Prince Felipe, and when I refer to Letizia’s appearance as being “healthy or looking pretty” I am I am referring to her appearance shortly her after marriage to Prince Felipe.

      Unlike you, I do believe that mentioning surgeries does raise the level of discourse, it is very, very important to discuss how media is affecting how young women and girls see themselves today. If young women believe the only way to feel good about themselves is to either starve themselves or have plastic surgery to obtain a body which is not naturally attainable, I believe it is worthy of discussion, even more so, when the woman that I refer to has two beautiful daughters who could be effected by her actions.

      I am not bent on reminding anyone, particularly not you, on who Queen Letizia is or what she has had done. I am simply expressing my own opinion, which is exactly what I am entitled to do and exactly what you did in response to me expressing my opinion.

      Gaining and losing weight are not simple tasks, but unlike most people Letizia can employ a dietitian and a chef, as well as a personal trainer. I am pretty sure her palace is probably equipped with a pool and gymnasium, if not I am sure the palace could probably be renovated to accommodate such luxuries.

      Am I suggesting that Letizia has body image issues – YES! Are body image issues mental health problems, not being a mental health professional I can only speculate, however I have never, ever said that I thought Letizia had mental health issues. YOU SAID THAT, NOT ME!

      I have absolutely no idea if Letizia has strong backbone or not, and no one except those in her inner circle would know either. What we do know is that Letizia has a support system that most of us could only dream about, she has an army of servants, someone to take care of absolutely every aspect of her life. She probably has less stress than most of us.

      Everyone has to deal with stress, and each of has or will have to or has had to deal with death at some time in our lives. Letizia is no different. The only difference between us and Letizia is that when and if Letizia falters there will always be someone there to pick up the pieces, a servant, a publicist, someone in her Court, yet in our lives we often have to struggle on. I have complete sympathy for the Crown Princess of Japan, but how many people in the real world could have locked themselves away for so many years without losing everything.

      We all age, and if Letizia was simply aging gracefully I would be the first to applaud her. Letizia is a beautiful woman, a beautiful plastic, artificial, unrealistic image of a woman and that is why I comment on her, not because I dislike or disrespect her. I neither dislike nor disrespect her. I am disappointed and saddened that an intelligent and beautiful young woman with two beautiful children and a husband who obviously adores her felt that she needed to surgically alter herself to be acceptable, to be happy. That is what I find discomforting.

      Personally I admire women who age gracefully; women who defy media pressure and don’t succumb to surgery, and the need to be “plastic and perfect”.

      PS. I thought Letizia looked beautiful in the blue gown.

  9. She seems pleasant and charming, but she needs a little flesh on the bones

  10. Anonymous8/7/15 15:46

    Queen Letizia looks stunning !

  11. Anonymous8/7/15 20:20


  12. Anonymous10/7/15 01:32

    Why on earth is somebody being called a bully just because they have a different opinion. Lots of us think that Queen Letizia is too skinny. I realize that thin is her family norm, but not everyone wants to see her toothpick arms, although she loves to flaunt them.

    Good grief, having a different opinion is NOT being a bully. People these days are wa-a-a-ay too touchy.

    I'll be surprised if this gets posted, but that's my opinion. Thanks.

    1. Si no te gusta, no mires. Eso no es un comentario de moda, sino una percepción insana de una persona. Ella es genéticamente delgada, lo cual es mucho mejor y saludable que ser una persona GORDA

  13. Queen Letizia has no image problem or health. She is a beautiful, confident, hardworking and happy woman.
    Everyone should deal with their problems and leave others alone.

  14. Anonymous10/7/15 15:07

    The Queen is lovely but most of us agree that she is painfully thin, her arms are hard to look at sometimes, they are so thin. I love her new haircut and the fact that she can still have it pulled back to wear with a tiara. Many of the younger Royals are getting the shorter haircuts that are easy to maintain.

  15. Anonymous14/7/15 01:25

    Queen Letizia has poise.

  16. Anonymous17/7/15 18:24

    @July 10 7:10pm Her surgery happened about two thousand four hundred and fifty days ago, but she still has to be dragged back to the day because she failed in the 'role model' dept. Meanwhile many a person with a higher profile has had a nose job.*clutching pearls* As for your discomfiture at her baring her arms?...pass the smelling salts!! I will leave the floor to you because there seems to be more at work here than just looking at one dimensional images of a woman going about her daily duties. One last note..be sure to look up the definition of cyber bully on dictionary.com

  17. Anonymous23/7/15 00:04

    It's constructive criticism NOT bullying.

    1. Una crítica sobre los brazos de una persona nunca es una crítica constructiva, es una crítica...muy indignante

  18. Anonymous23/7/15 12:18

    Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the WORK of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve the outcome.(Google)


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