Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, Duke of Angermanland

The new prince's name is: HRH Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, Duke of Angermanland. King Carl Gustaf has revealed the name of his newborn grandson, son of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O’Neill, during a cabinet meeting held at the Royal Palace of Stockholm a short time ago. Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf has also been given the title Duke of Ă…ngermanland by his grandfather.
The new prince's name is: HRH Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, Duke of Angermanland.

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  1. Beautiful names! Leonore and Nicolas, sounds nice together.

  2. Anonymous17/6/15 18:27

    lovely names.lovely couple <3

  3. Anonymous17/6/15 19:24

    MadeLeiNe, O'NeiLL, LeoNore, NicoLas.

  4. Aha, in Belgium, the royal kids are: ELisabeth, GabriEL, EmmmnuEL, and ELeanore.

  5. Aha, in Belgium, the royal kids are: ELisabeth, GabriEL, EmmmnuEL, and ELeanore.

  6. In the Netherlands we have our 'triple A-team': Amalia, Alexia and Ariane. ;-)


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