King Felipe and Queen Letizia visit Mexico

King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City on June 28, 2015. Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia are in Mexico on a three-day visit.
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain arrive in Mexico City
Queen Letizia Style BOSS Fanuela Dress and MbuBag Clutch BagQueen Letizia Style MbuBag Clutch Bag and BOSS Fanuela DressQueen Letizia Style  ADOLFO DOMÄ°NGUEZ Sandals
          BOSS Fanuela Dress                MBUBAG Clutch Bag         ADOLFO DOMÄ°NGUEZ Sandals

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  1. A very nice and comfortable for traveling dress. Queen Letizia is lovely and King Felipe... YUMMM

    1. Anonymous30/6/15 18:26

      I agree, she looks radiant, really chic, and King Felipe is very attractive too. But most importantly, they are doing a great job as royals.

    2. Anonymous1/7/15 12:36

      Wow! Letizia looks so classy, simply perfect for the occassion

  2. Anonymous29/6/15 18:25

    Excellent posture.

  3. Anonymous29/6/15 19:14

    Methinks her right boob is lower than the left one.

    1. Anonymous1/7/15 07:37

      This is not a porn side.

    2. Anonymous1/7/15 12:38

      What a perv! That is so disgusting!

    3. Anonymous1/7/15 15:37

      Her bust is uneven, no doubt about that. This is not her fault but I wish she would stop wearing padded bras.

  4. Anonymous29/6/15 19:27

    It is a traveling dress, but she could have changed it on board. I do not like it, it reminds me of a sportsdress.
    It is too casual for the (military and political) reception on the airport.

    1. Anonymous29/6/15 20:52

      There were no military or political reception at the airport.
      You speak without knowing anything

    2. Anonymous30/6/15 00:17

      They were officially greeted, as seen in the second photo. She could have at put on the shawl in her hand if not worn a linen jacket out of respect, she acts like she is on vacation. B

    3. Anonymous30/6/15 00:18

      I agree.

    4. Anonymous30/6/15 03:33

      The official agenda began today. Notice the difference between the arrival in Paris and yesterday.

    5. Anonymous30/6/15 09:18

      The official reception with President Peña Nieto and wife and the military parade was in the afternoon.
      Allow you to tell lies

    6. Anonymous30/6/15 11:49

      Honey, photos don't lie, I haven't told a lie at all.

    7. Anonymous30/6/15 18:04

      Whatever. She looked lovely in that dress. There is no handbook for Queenly attire.
      Notice she amped it up for the 'official' events.

  5. Nice dress, dislike the shoes. Although I do like how she experiments even in the shoe department (unlike certain people like Kate Middleton and Anna Wintour :P ).

  6. Anonymous29/6/15 21:20

    not a very nice dress for a queen in a state visit . I don't like it at all..

    1. Anonymous30/6/15 15:04

      Yes,I prefer old royalty,so chic!

  7. Anonymous29/6/15 22:05

    I feel like she wants to prove that she has a sexy body, when she chooses her outfits !!!

    1. Anonymous30/6/15 09:15

      She is very beautiful. She does not need to prove anything.

  8. Anonymous30/6/15 03:28

    She's still a young woman at 42. Wanting to look sexy is natural. If you had to stand next to Felipe dressing like his mother is not the way to go.

  9. Anonymous30/6/15 13:01

    I don't think that dress is very flattering at all. Highlights her inflated bust too much, and the shoes look clumsy. She was such a pretty young woman, it is terrible to see her ageing so badly, perhaps it is the busy schedule. Spanish Royalty is having to prove their worth.

    1. Anonymous30/6/15 18:31

      I totally disagree, the dress is very flattering, she looks amazing, I agree with you on the shoes, they look kind of big and clumsy. despite the shoes she looks outstandingly beautiful, and they are proving their worth more than any other royal in Europe, their agenda is fully packed!

    2. Anonymous30/6/15 20:55

      Wow . . . just, wow!

  10. Anonymous30/6/15 20:34

    Yes the dress is a bit casual, but this choice is more than great: She is art with this dress.


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