Danish Crown Couple attends opening a ceremony in Munich

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller on May 21, 2015 in Munich, Germany. (Loewenbraukeller is traditional Bavarian venue in the heart of Munich. Löwenbräukeller offers a wide variety of possibilities and spaces for events for groups from 12 to 2,000 people)
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Loewenbraukeller is traditional Bavarian venue in the heart of Munich.
Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Loewenbraukeller is traditional Bavarian venue in the heart of Munich.
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark at a furniture shop during their visit to Germany on May 21, 2015 in Munich, Germany.
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark at a furniture shop during their visit to Germany
Crown Princess Mary Of Denmark attends a show cooking session with chef Thorsten Schmidt during her visit to Germany on May 21, 2015 in Munich, Germany.
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attends the opening ceremony of the business delegation’s programme with 450 Danish and German guests including company leaders and decision-makers at the Loewenbraukeller
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Crown Princess Mary Style - JOSEPH Lynne Belted Dress
JOSEPH Lynne Belted Dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous21/5/15 10:12

    the photo shows Munich Residence Antiquarum, the most famous Renaissance hall, used for official state dinners in Bavaria

  2. Anonymous21/5/15 11:55

    Nope, this is the entry of the Löwenbräukeller at Stiglmayrplatz

  3. Anonymous21/5/15 12:32

    Mary, look at the child not the camera!!! LOL indeed!!!

    1. Anonymous21/5/15 16:46

      Frederik is not looking either!

    2. Anonymous21/5/15 18:47

      Of course they looked at the little girl. Both of you are judging by three still photos, a split second in time. I'm sure the video will PROVE that they looked at the girl, they're not stupid like some... never mind.

    3. Anonymous21/5/15 19:52

      You misunderstood my comment.
      All the time this Anonymous-Mary-Hater is bashing her and praising Frederic.
      I know that Mary HAS LOOKED at the girl and give him her always wonderful attention.
      You are right, it is not worth to comment such a comment as the first (3.32h) that was my mistake.

  4. Anonymous21/5/15 14:00

    Wow dear Admin. you allowed me to post my comment? I wonder how long it will take for you to remove it? Please know I am coping and pasting all the comments re: Mary that either do not allow me to post or immediately delete and share them with other more popular Royalty sites.. Why do you want to loose your following. Everyone is a fair game with the only exception of Mary. Waiting to see how long before you delete my post.

    1. Anonymous21/5/15 18:39

      Are you the crazy Danish equivalent of Rachel Mellors of Heavy are the crowns?

    2. Anonymous22/5/15 00:07

      The poster is not Danish, it is hard to understand why one hates so much someone they do not know, I think it is very sad case indeed.

    3. Anonymous22/5/15 01:50

      Wow....if you do not like CP Mary don't look at the blog! No need to make threats.

  5. Anonymous21/5/15 22:33

    Anonymous May 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM
    You copy your deleted posts and share with hate blogs, my goodness this says far more about you ( and none of it is good) than your posts could ever say about HRH.
    Let's hope the owner does not let this turn into a hate blog, we enjoy a place where a criticism can made but have it not turn into something that only haters enjoy. There are many other blogs that have stopped this sort of posting and they have flourished since doing that.

  6. Anonymous22/5/15 02:52

    Love the dress so elegant and Mary looks so pretty

  7. Anonymous22/5/15 07:03

    Cette campagne de dénigrement à l'égard de Mary est le fait de quelques illuminées qui ne voient briller qu'un seul astre. Rien au monde ne compte plus pour elle. Alors il faut juste en sourire et les laisser à leur délire qui les rend tellement ridicules.

  8. Love Mary! Hope the couple is always well and happy.

  9. Anonymous23/5/15 11:43

    Crown Princess Mary looks stunning and they are still a lovely couple and it is lovely to see them so happy!


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