Princess Charlene of Monaco left the Palace

Princess Charlene seems to be sad and lonely. Princess Charlene of Monaco left the Palace and lives with the children the Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella in the south of France. Prince Albert of Monaco continues to live in Monte Carlo. Princess Charlene seems to be sad and lonely.
Princess Charlene of Monaco left the Palace and lives with the children the Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella in the south of France
Dutch gossip magazine "Prive" also had front page story and Portugal's "Caras" "Charlene has left the palace with the babies!"

(Renovation of the Palace as well as Roc Agel led the royal couple to settle temporarily in a villa with garden, not far from the principality to spare their children, noise and dust. Monaco Matin said that the works have began in January and will stop end of april. These works will begin again in september and will stop middle november . It will be a big restauration.)

Here is the video of the palace which is restaurated, a lot of work and Paris match and it is why the family moved in an other house
Princess Charlene of Monaco left the Palace and lives with the children the Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella in the south of France

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  1. Anonymous13/3/15 19:56

    Here is the article of Paris Match , all the family moved, there are works at the palace and Roc Agel.

  2. Anonymous14/3/15 00:12

    Thank you anonymous for the clarification. I knew this was sensational rubbish as soon as I saw the headline - some people will believe anything!

  3. No no no...Renovation of the Palace as well as Roc Agel résidence led the royal couple to settle temporarily in a villa with garden, not far from the Principauté of Monaco to spare their children, noise and dust . Enough for the gossips start to rave about a distance of Princess Charlene ... Very far from the order of the day ! Do not believe the gossip of bad celebrity magazines!

  4. I am so pleased to read the clarification!!! I felt so sad. I want the best for the couple and feel so excited and happy for them.

  5. Anonymous14/3/15 07:48

    Now that the clarification explains the situation correctly, the person who runs this site would be well-advised to remove this absurd headline altogether; this should be what it was previously: a site devoted to fine photographs of royalty and not a source of tawdry and deliberate misinformation. We get enough of that in lying "mainstream" media!

  6. @ anonymous : Thank you for your precision.

  7. Anonymous14/3/15 14:25

    It is not because a not informed dutch gossip told that Princess Charlene left the palace with the babies that it is true, Paris Match , Pure people and now french Gaa all are publishing that the ENTIRE family Albert, Charlene, babies moved in a house because there are big works in the palace , i like myroyals for their photos and not for delibarate misinformation, now there is a clarification in the title but it is sad to read all these false rumors

  8. Anonymous16/3/15 17:12

    These gossip magazines are only interested in selling more copies. That is why they just print this type of rubbish and untruths. They do not care whether the news that they are publishing are completely false. Their only aim is in selling more and more copies.

  9. wat leuk dat ze een mooi buiten huis hebben ,dat heeft prins Albert vroeger ook als kind, gehad ,,dat was d
    boerderij !!!! leuk voor de kleintjes ,voor de kinderen is het leuker dan zo groot paleis,zo dacht ze moeder er
    ook over ..


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