Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit hosted Day of the Wise Men

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway in a row held the Wise Men day at their home, Skaugum. on January 9, 2015
took part at the 4th edition of the Seminar
took part at the 4th edition of the Seminar
took part at the 4th edition of the Seminar
took part at the 4th edition of the Seminar
took part at the 4th edition of the Seminar
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway

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  1. Anonymous10/1/15 20:18

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    1. Anonymous11/1/15 06:59

      hahahaha you jealous troll. you are pathetic. i suppose you are fat, lonely and with your personality also not able to find anyone worth talking to. hahahaha!!!! laughable

    2. Anonymous12/1/15 21:44

      Vicolence in speech....

  2. Anonymous10/1/15 21:01

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    1. Anonymous11/1/15 07:07

      I assume you are writing from a mental institution

    2. Anonymous11/1/15 08:39

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  3. Anonymous10/1/15 21:36

    Please don't fat-shame her like that. There could be young, impressionable girls reading this blog. Those comments are really hurtful. Besides, I think her body looks great, especially considering she's in her 40's and has given birth to three children.

    There may be many things that one could criticize CP Mette-Marit for, but her body should not be one of them.

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 09:11

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    2. Anonymous11/1/15 09:57

      I agree with you, Princess Charlene looks stunning, and she just gave birth two weeks ago. But to be honest, you can't compare Mette-Marit to Charlene, it's like comparing gold to coal (not going into details as I don't want to offend anybody here, but I think it's pretty obvious looking at them)

    3. Anonymous11/1/15 17:02

      Dear person who compared Charlene to Mette Marit, I don't know who you are or where you are, but certainly your mother and father taught you that it's extremely bad manners to insult others, especially behind their backs and especially anonymously and online. Maybe you are one of the lucky people who can keep slim easily, but for other body types it's not that easy, no matter how phyically active they are (and MM is, as far as I recall, rather the athlete). But no matter what anybody looks like, it's not your job to judge them. It's your job to be kind and respectful and say nothing at all if you can't find it in you to say something nice.

  4. Anonymous10/1/15 22:05

    She is not fat! How bloody rude! Post a picture of yourself and let's compare... no, didn't think so

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 08:54

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  5. Anonymous10/1/15 22:58

    I agree with the previous posts. Surely you wouldn't walk up to a person and say "I think your body's disgusting", so don't do it online. There is enough trouble women have to deal with, and worrying that other women find their bodies disgusting shouldn't be one of them.

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 09:05

      Thank you, Same as Mette-Maritt I am quite a large lady, and I find very hurtful when people insult us, we are human beings after all, and we have feelings.
      We don't choose our body shape, some are slim, others stocky, etc. I believe she, like me, is the stocky type. We are strong built, and when we put on a bit of weight it looks more than it is. Please don't treat us as disgusting or repulsive, these are strong words which hurt a lot.

  6. I can't understand why a princess must be thin,or skinny,( if she is, no problem,OK) ,but all women are not the same.
    For a princess or a queen the work ethic is the most important,also she must be a good wife and mother,a role model of dignity.
    Great queens or princesses were not dolls of beauty but they have a great place in our memories and in History for their personality and their charity work..(Queen Mother, Queen Fabiola, Queen Victoria,etc).

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 09:08

      Marie, that's the most intelligent comment I have read on this post. Totally agree with you

  7. Anonymous11/1/15 03:31

    Her honesty and straightforwardness is very becoming.. I also think she looks so much better in dark and bright colors rather than pastels.

  8. Anonymous11/1/15 06:56

    she is really approachable, charitable beautiful and elegant. I loved her from the moment i saw her. she is unique and exotic with her coloring and exquisite face.

  9. Anonymous11/1/15 08:09

    Regarding comments I have read today, and in the past, over Mette-Marit's presumed obesity, I can only conclude that some people are unaware of the pre-menopausal or menopausal state. Women approaching, or going through the menopause, do tend to gain weight due to their bodies' hormonal changes. Girls and women who are unaware of this medical fact are going to have quite a shock when it happens to themselves!

  10. Anonymous11/1/15 08:33

    That is true, MM is at an age in which body expands, I believe that is why her face looks bloated and her body has increased a lot of weight. We shouldn't be criticising her physical appearance, she is not pretty and her body is not perfect, so what? She is not a model after all

  11. Anonymous11/1/15 09:22

    To all of you posting nasty comments about CP MM - your comments tell a lot more about yourselves than about MM - !

    CP MM is not skinny but looks healthy and happy.
    She doesn't seem to care much about fashion and style - but I find, that she has a lot of personality, seems like a great wife and mother - and a wonderful representative for Norway.
    And I do find her pretty - I love her beautiful blonde hair.

  12. MM is not fat,it is a beautiful woman. a normal woman. not skinny but normal. she has beautiful lags and is tall. For me she is ok, obese it something very else.
    sometimes i don t like her outfits.

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 12:06

      Agree. I like that she wears dark hose often, especially with high heels and also bright colors are beautiful on her. But I think that her outfits are strange and badly fitted at times.

  13. Anonymous11/1/15 12:04

    CPMM is not fat. She is plump, or curvaceous. She and Queen Mathilde has a similar mature (normal, to me) female body. A fat person has a very low waist to hip ratio meaning the waist and hips are almost the same width or the waist is even wider than the hips. An obese person will have visible fat all over, and CPMM has no fat rolls or bulges on her face, neck, arms, and legs. She has a defined waist that has no fat rolls.

    People comment on certain ladies who look older than their years - and they are usually the ones who are underweight. A person has to have some fat on them, especially healthy skin naturally has a fat layer.

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 14:46

      Queen Mathilde's body has nothing to do with MM's massive frame. Mathilde is curvaceous, and very, very elegant. MM is FAT, and she looks very trashy

    2. Anonymous11/1/15 14:59

      I don't think Matilde would be happy if she knew you are comparing her to MM, in my opinion they don't have anything in common.

    3. Anonymous11/1/15 18:35

      What a useless comment. How on earth could you know what Queen Mathilde would think. And what on earth does that matter to anyone. And how could you know what they have "in common?" Besides of course being crown royalty, which is an extraordinarily elite group of people regardless of origins.

      In the spirit of useless speculation, I think that Queen Mathilde would be pleased and gracious. Too bad you have such a low opinion of both ladies.

  14. What a silly discussion. MM is a normal Norwegians woman who cares about outdoor-living, exercising, skiing, swimming and other activities. Therefore she has a strong, healthy body. She doesn't care about looking like a model or dress like one, and she doesn't use much makeup, unless on big events and representations

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 14:21

      I agree with you, This is a silly discussion. Norwegian women are normally bigger than the other European women, their body shape is larger, chunkier, and more masculine, that makes MM normal. She is healthy, and definitely strong, I would dare to say stronger than her husband (she definitely looks bigger than him)

    2. Anonymous11/1/15 14:43

      That's true, Norwegian women are strong like men, that's why they are good at sports which require physical strength such as weight lifting, they are good also for farming, etc. They don't really care about looking good, fashion trends, make up, because they think that is superficial, that is why Mette-Marit looks like that, she has better things to do than taking care of her appearance. Good on her!

  15. Anonymous11/1/15 17:12

    I like that she has a normal body like a normal woman.
    I do not like her style - but that is another thing.

  16. Anonymous12/1/15 04:01

    Well well well, whatever people think & say, CP Mette-Marit has obviously had a very good luck in her life this time. A divorced woman with one son with average appearance could make a crown prince felt in love & went against the royal family/court & married her. If it is not a good karma what else. I just hope she has the wisdom to make use of her good karma to the benefits, welfare & happiness of many people.

    1. Anonymous12/1/15 14:54

      Luck and karma are not the same. Karma is earned through self-discipline, luck is random. It's more likely to me that MM has good karma.

      I'm always surprised how people seem to think that landing the role of royal is so wonderful. I think that a lot of people who marry into royalty often give up as much as they get. It's a trade-off. I think that the CP deserves the happiness that shows in his smile that he found a woman to share/bear his royalty for a loving lifetime.

    2. Anonymous12/1/15 17:00

      Some men like large women, and obviously Haakon is one of them.

  17. I can not believe the pathetic immature comments posted above on MM size. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything. People in glass house mustn't throw stones. She looks pretty normal to normal to me. Certainly does not look overweight, and if she was, So What! Get a life, all of you negative individuals! How about giving your names too, instead of hiding behind the name 'ANONYMOUS'

  18. For me MM is very normal, not fat, normal. not skinny, she has not a skinny figure, but she is beautiful. She is not Always well dressed, but also normal.

  19. Can you moderate the comments? Ore otherwise cloe them? Its no fun any longer for the real interested persons

    1. Anonymous12/1/15 16:51

      Agree. I comment here often to rebut many of the horrible comments made by others. Also to tone down the sycophants. No comments allowed would be fine with me.

  20. I was dreading opening this post because I have noticed some *ladies* are horribly mean towards MM but I am very happy to see some comments have been removed by the administrator. Thank you!!!!
    (not to happy about having to log on the google account, prefer the name id, but I understand the nasty people tend to troll under anon and abuse that... I am sometimes too lazy to log on)

    MM looks GREAT in that first picture, with her husband. I like her outfit too. Simple and appropriate for what appears to be a relaxed and casual event (notice his clothing).

  21. Anonymous14/1/15 20:52

    I saw the number of comments and knew the MM basher had struck again. I think MM's fairly average in size and has a beautiful face, but I've said that before. While I certainly don't expect everyone to share those opinions, the childish, churlish comments thrown out anonymously every time there's a post on her really takes the fun right out of the blog for me. You don't generally see that level of nastiness unless there's something personal behind it. We shouldn't all be subjected to a fight on the playground every time poor MM appears. Glad to see the adults have stepped forward! - Beth


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