King Felipe and Queen Letizia attend Audiences at Zarzuela Palace

King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attend Audiences at Zarzuela Palace on January 9, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse
UTERQUE Jacket - CAROLİNA HERRERA Shoes -  HUGO BOSS Fuchsia-Silk Blouse

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous9/1/15 20:34

    she is a ugly person

    1. I wouldn't put my name on a comment like that either Troll!

    2. Anonymous10/1/15 05:56

      Speaking for yourself Ugly inside and out. I feel sorry for you, your just jealous and insecure person.

    3. Anonymous10/1/15 11:32

      You are just sick. I would recommend you to check your mental health with a professional. I don't really like Letizia myself, but I don't go around insulting her, specially because I don't really know if she is a good or a bad person. You definitely are sick in your head.

    4. Anonymous10/1/15 11:34

      And you are an animal!

  2. Anonymous 10:35,you must respect !
    Letizia,she is not a simple celebrity but the Queen of Spain.She represents a nation and works every day with associations,patronages etc,meets a lot of people,helps her husband King Felipe. Letizia was a hard working woman before her wedding and she continuous to be very active.
    "A ugly person" is only a lazy and an immature person.

    1. Anonymous10/1/15 16:54

      You are just sick. I don't really like Letizia , she is a ugly person , she don´t work just do cirusgic plastic. You definitely are sick in your head.

    2. Anonymous11/1/15 12:32

      Marie, good for you! I appreciate someone who has the strength and grace to stick up for someone over this type of posting. I have received a couple of snarky comments over the years and wish someone had come to my defense.
      This is usually is a lovely site, where someone puts in a great deal of work writing and finding fantastic photographs. I love this site! A policy of zero name calling, respect and treating others as friends should be the way of the future.

  3. Anonymous10/1/15 04:58

    Agree with Marie

  4. She is ugly in pants, too skinny!

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 09:30

      I think she looks fantastic, love the pants, and love the jacket too!

  5. Anonymous10/1/15 13:09

    I dont know, but sweet is not

  6. I don't know if she is an actual ugly person, she doesn't seem warm but I wouldn't take it as far as UGLY.
    I do know Spaniards aren't in love with her. I wonder if their perception of her has changed since she became queen... Any Spaniards that can share????

    1. Anonymous11/1/15 09:26

      Hello Beatrix, I'm not Spanish, I'm French, but lived in Madrid from 2008 to 2013. I believe the perception of the majority of the Spaniards is that Felipe and Letizia are a modern professional and trustworthy couple.
      As with any public personality queen Letizia gets her share of negative comments, but in general people like her. The Spaniards like the fact that she was a hard working successful journalist before marrying Felipe, and they can see that she is doing a good job as a princess for 10 years and now as a queen since June last year.
      With regards to her "ugliness" I would say that on the contrary, Spaniards find her very attractive, even before she had plastic surgery to correct her nose.
      Personally I loved the way she looked before, and here in France she is one of the "beauty icons" followed by many women.

    2. Anonymous11/1/15 11:54

      Hi, I am from Spain and I am very proud of our queen. She is a woman with personality and very close to the spanish people. I do not know why you say we are not in love with her, most of us are. Nuria from Sevilla

    3. Thank you for your comments.

      I had the idea that she was not liked by Spaniards bc she gets pretty bad press in Mexican magazines (I lived there for 5 yrs and still read some magazines electronically). They always mentioned she was not liked. Perhaps it is mostly Mexican gossip? (I read very comments about her on the DM).

  7. Anonymous10/1/15 20:21

    Queen Letizia looks superb in this outfit, the colourful jacket and blouse match perfectly with the black trousers, and the shoes are divine! She is always so stylish, I love her!

  8. Anonymous10/1/15 20:39

    It's quite sad to see how bitter and unhappy are some people who just express their anger with their sad lives attacking successful people like queen letizia, when in fact they don't even know her. I'm actually quite shocked.
    And by the way the grammar of that person is appalling, "cirusgic plastic"?

    1. Anonymous10/1/15 20:44

      Ha ha ha ha! And she also writes "a ugly person" it should be "an ugly person". What an ignorant! She should spend her time learning how to write instead of spending it insulting people who are far superior than her! Corinne

  9. Letizia is a pretty woman and always very elegant. But I find her too skinny, and think she has very little expression in her face. This may be due to her using all too much makeup, she is in some way hiding behind it. Therefore she look as a cold person, but this may not really be true. I more believe she is a very private person.

  10. Anonymous11/1/15 14:30

    Some of you seem to believe Letizia is too skinny, but to me she has a great figure. She is very slim, there is no doubt about that, but she is in a fantastic shape, and she definitely is a healthy person, someone who wasn't healthy would not be able to carry out an agenda as busy as hers. Please check The Mail Online, great comments about her style!


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