Turkish President Erdoğan, Moroccan King Meet in Istanbul With Families

HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Princess Lalla Khadija and Princess Lalla Salma, was invited to take a cup of tea with the family of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Turkish president was accompanied, on this occasion, by his spouse Emine Erdogan and daughter Sumeyye Erdogan.

This family meeting was held on the sidelines of HM the King’s private visit to Turkey
The Turkish president was accompanied, on this occasion, by his spouse Emine Erdogan and daughter Sumeyye Erdogan
  1. Sweet family photo. Cute children!

    1. Anonymous10/7/24 07:02

      I am Praful Raval from Ahmedabad City Gujarat state India, The Great Family Of President is My Favourite Persons. I want The Photo Of President' Daughter Who was my Instagram friends before 7 years please send me photos and highly Obliged

  2. the moroccan King and wife are more Western than the Turkisch. Look to the daughter of Erdogan,


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