Monaco Celebrates Birth of Royal Twins

Residents of the tiny principality of Monaco on Thursday flocked to the royal palace to congratulate Prince Albert II and his wife Charlene on the birth of crown prince Jacques and his twin sister Gabriella.
Charlene on the birth of crown prince Jacques and his twin sister Gabriella.

Message of H.S.H. Prince Albert II over arrival of princely twins via Palais Princier de Monaco
Prince Albert of Monaco Message

  1. Wow, what a thoughtful way to share the good news. I'm glad I didn't turn it off halfway and actually made it to the English part xD

  2. Un papa heureux, Monaco a ses heritiers!

  3. This is such happy news for Prince Albert and Princess Charlene (and for the people of Monaco). I wish the four of them much health and happiness.

  4. well spoken and he look very well - I am sure is now very happy. Family is everything. Best wishes to them - nice civilised couple.


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