Princess Beatrix attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony

Princess Beatrix attends the Spaansche Hof in The Hague, the ceremony at the Max van der Stoel Award. The award goes to Spravedlivost a human rights NGO in Kyrgyzstan. 02 October 2014

HRH Princess Beatrix attends the Spaansche Hof in The Hague, the ceremony at the Max van der Stoel Award. The award goes to Spravedlivost, a human rights NGO in Kyrgyzstan on 02.10.2014
Princess Beatrix attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony at the Spaansche Hof in The Hague
) Mr. Frans Timmermans, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Netherlands; Valentina Gritsenko, Director of human rights NGO Spravedlivost; HRH Princess Beatrix; Utkir Dhzabbarov, Senior Lawyer of Spravedlivost and Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony in The Hague on 02.10.2014
 Mr. Frans Timmermans, Valentina Gritsenko, HRH Princess Beatrix; Utkir Dhzabbarov and Astrid Thors,  attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony in The Hague on 02.10.2014
HRH Princess Beatrix attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony on 02.10.2014
Princess Beatrix attends the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony on 02.10.2014.  The award goes to Spravedlivost, a human rights NGO in Kyrgyzstan.
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