The Crown Prince Couple's Awards 2014 - House of Music

The Crown Prince Couple’s Awards takes place on the 27th of September 2014 in Musikken Hus (the House of Music) in Aalborg. TRH Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Prince Mary award four prizes of a total worth of 1.1 million Danish kroner to cultural and social purposes. 27 September 2014

The Crown Prince Couple’s Awards, which in 2013 took place in the opera house of Sidney, will in 2014 take place in Musikkens Hus in Aalborg.
he royal family and the fond, Bikubenfonden, are behind the awards, which have been awarded since 2005.
This year, The Crown Prince Couple’s Awards takes place for the 10th time, and Musikken Hus has been chosen due to its patent focus on talent.
The Crown Prince Couple's Awards 2014 -  House of Music
The Crown Prince Couple’s Awards include The Crown Prince Couple’s Culture Award of 500,000 dkr.
The Crown Prince Couple’s Social Award also of 500,000 dkr, and two Stardust awards of 50,000dkr each.
All awards are honorary awards and cannot be applied for. The Crown Prince Couple point out the winners themselves after nominations from to consultative committees that has expertise within cultural and social work respectively.
The award show takes place on September 27 in the concert hall of Musikkens Hus, which can hold 1,298 people.
The tickets will be put up for sale in August 2014 and can be purchased via the ticket office of Musikkens Hus or via the website of the house
The precise date for the beginning of the sale will be announced on the website of Musikkens Hus.
Nikolaj Koppel vil styre slagets gang som vært for showet og har i anledning af tiårs jubilæet indkaldt assistance fra Lars Hjortshøj. Han vil, aftenen igennem, guide seere og publikum gennem højdepunkter fra de tidligere prisuddelinger – og så har han mødt tidligere vindere for at høre, hvad priserne har betydet for dem.
Kronprinsparrets Priser har fokus på talentudviklingen i det danske kulturliv og for at markere det, vil de optrædende musikere, for en stor del, bestå af nye, talentfulde solister og bands.Shaka Loveless og Broken Twin er nogle af de navne, som vi kan røbe på nuværende tidspunkt, men der er også overraskelser i vente. Deriblandt nogle af de helt store publikumsfavoritter…

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  1. her figure is perfect. also her legs are beautiful.


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