Crown Princess Mary at the “Children In Town” conference in Odense

Princess Mary attended the conference "children in town" which was held at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense 29 September 2014

Twenty five years after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was established, this important conference with the participation of more than 200 academics and practitioners, from 35 countries, will meet here in Odense
Through more than 100 presentations over three days, the key themes of the conference will be: how to include all children; the conditions of children in times of crisis; in play, mobility and children's culture.
With its proud tradition as a city of play, Odense is an ideal location for Child in the City. During the conference delegates will be invited to visit some of the city’s ‘play oases’ to see practical examples of the child-friendly city in action.
HRH Crown Princess Mary will open the conference together with Mayor of Culture and Urban Development Jane Jegind, Principal of University of Southern Denmark Henrik Dam, and Dr. Jan van Gils, President of the European Network for Child Friendly Cities, on:rown Princess opens international Child in the City conference in Odense
The City of Odense will host the 7th biennial Child in the City conference, focusing on the conditions of children in cities worldwide
Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Mary will open the prestigious international conference at the University of Southern Denmark on 29 September.
Twenty five years after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was established, this important conference
Princesse Mary portait un tailleur pantalon avec un top ROSEMUNDE

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  1. Anonymous29/9/14 20:57

    Mary doesn't look good with black colour on the top unless it matches with bright patterned skirt/pants. Blue suits her best.


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