Crown Princess Mary visits the kindergarten Troldehøj

Crown Princess Mary visited the kindergarten Troldehøj in connection with the Mary Foundation's project "LæseLeg".
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project
Crown Princess Mary at the Mary Foundation's project

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