Crown Princess Mathilde and Crown Prince Philippe visited Technopolis

Crown Princess Mathilde and Crown Prince Philippe attended the official opening of a new extension of Technopolis, Xplora and Inspirience, in Mechelen. Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Xplora is an interactive exhibition for young people who are, thanks to the exhibitions, can find out more about careers in science and technology. Visitors can test their skills on the individual exhibits. A registration system keeps track of their results. The exhibits groups per profession, with an average of between three and four exhibits for each profession. In total there are between 15 and 20 groups of exhibits. Each group has its own design and and landscape.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
Technopolis is the only science centre in Flanders, Belgium.
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